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Nathan Detroit Morgan

N.K.G productions
57-59 Beak St, Soho London, W1F 9SJ
Television broadcasting department
Phone no: 020 7520 1100

Production Diary- proposals and planning

We got given the assignment to create a minimum of 3 proposals for binge drinking
and present to BBC three and our target audience. My group was formed of me
(Nathan), Kieran and goodness, we were a 3. All the other groups were in groups of
2, so we have more of an advantage. We decided to create and draft 2 proposals
each so by the end there will be 6 proposals from our group.

Today I, Kieran and goodness decided to start the research process into binge
drinking; this is so we could have a wide range of information from different sources.
So we started off the session by going on E-stream. I looked on the program Ready
steady Drink, which looks at the UK's culture of binge drinking; also drinking games
and ask if they should be banned. While I was getting information from the video,
Kieran was looking at a binge drinking leaflet on a PDF file and goodness was going
on websites to get facts and statistics on the topic.

Today we continued the research into binge drinking; I went online to get some
sources from News providers such as the courier and BBC news. This is so I can
have accurate information about how bad drinking is increasing in England. I didnt
just want some random websites, because most of them are not reliable in any
topics. Kieran went on the internet to get information in the form of graphs so its
more visual research instead of just writing everything. Goodness went on E-stream
and looked at a programme called party paramedics. This programme was only
helpful in showing the effects of binge drinking, for statistics it wasnt helpful in that

In this session me and the group wanted to start to wrap up on the research so we
could move onto writing the proposals. So what Kieran suggested is that we stick the
individual research into a Log document. This shows the type and format of the
research such as e.g. is it primary or secondary and is it from a website or video clip
etc. so what we did for 45 minutes is organise all the research that we did so far into
a log book, so by the end of the day we can go to the document. This is to refer back
to the source of the research. We also discussed about creating a questionnaire for
teenagers so we could get more primary research.

Nathan Detroit Morgan

Today by this point we had already started writing up proposal ideas. Mine was an
educational and entertaining chat show for the audience of 16-34. Me and my group
researched BBC threes target audience preferences, and because they are our
clients we had to incorporate that audience into our proposal. Kieran was working on
a documentary format which was in the initial stage, so there wasnt much to
elaborate at this point. Goodness was working on an investigative show similar to
panorama. So in this session we were focusing on the initial ideas.

Todays session I and my production group were discussing locations which we
could potentially use for our ideas. We all focused on locations for the chat show
idea because all three of us really liked the idea. The main idea is to have the Green
room as our studio, so this is where the interviews will take place. Empty classrooms
and the field can be used to take the audience on location where some of the issues
of binge drinking will be shown. The mac room will be used to edit the interview, but
it can also be used as a multipurpose room, where we can show examples of binge
drinking side effects. All these locations are suitable for both proposal ideas and
hopefully meet BBC expectations when pitching the idea.

From this long stretch of the half term, I and the production group covered almost
every angle of the proposals from idea, locations, and interviewees, research ect. So
we had a lot of the proposals done, I even managed to get 11 people to complete my
binge drinking questionnaire. All three of us set out what we wanted to cover in our
individual work, so when we came back we could put it all together. So with all this
information on our idea, we were given the assignment of pitching our idea to a focus
group of teenagers. So by the 6th we would have a presentation that summarized our
proposal ideas.

I and my film group (Kieran and Goodness) pitch our ideas to a group of 10
teenagers to get feedback on the idea. We got a variety of feedback, suggestions
and improvements to make to my proposal ideas. The majority of the focus group
preferred the Chat show proposal idea which I drafted and created. The topic that
was picked up was that BBC three doesnt have any chat shows. So this was
suggested by the teenagers that it could be used to my advantage.
I and my team made adaptions to the proposals so its clearer to understand what
the idea sets out to do. I will make it relate to teens by having a young presenter
which will dress smart/causal so the audience can relate to them. The two proposal
ideas will be successful because they are fresh ideas which BBC currently doesnt
have on their show.

Nathan Detroit Morgan

Todays goal was for me and my production team to make adjustments to the
proposals based on the feedback. So to make use of our time affectively, Kieran and
goodness made adjustments to their proposal while I was writing down the feedback
in a document and on the research log for reference. By the end of the day we
managed to make those adjustments and document the focus group.

Today was the deadline for every document of work which was put forward in the
proposals. These included ideas, research, research log and a production diary. I
and my production team made once last sweep of all of our documents so there was
no problems or errors.

Today I and my group start the planning task, we decided for this task we will
complete the paper work individually. However we will still be working in a group for
the interview. So today I started with the script and storyboard. The group including
Kieran and goodness were starting their versions of the script a well. What I am
going to do next is work more on the script and get a consent form for the

Today I started working on my script and shooting script at the same time. This was
so that I could save time for when I have to move onto the storyboards.
Goodness started working on his version of the risk assemement of the locations he
wanted to use. Kieran has put a lot of time onto his shooting script and at the
moment its positioned as the best one my group. I am going to create a release form
for my interviewees to sign.

Today I continued with both scripts and working on the storyboard. I am so far half
way through the script and the shooting script. Kieran finished his script for his work.
Goodness is working on his locations and risk assessments. I am going to find
people who would participate in my interview.

I and my group discussed today who we want to star on our program. We was
discussing who we want on our show, and how to approach them. We want a total of
3 teens and 1 adult with a profession. This could be a doctor, science teacher or a
dentist. I have a science teacher in mind which I think we could use for the chat
show. I and my group decided that I would try and get in contact with the hospital via
email or go in from cross the road.

Nathan Detroit Morgan

Today our group were working on a practice rehearsal in which we would show are
interview styles. My group was doing the same, at the same time working on the
contingency plans for the interview locations. Next session we will be doing a
rehearsal In front of the class, so we can get positive and negative feedback on our
interview styles.

In todays session, we performed our rehearsal roles in front of the whole class. I got
another person from our class to be the interviewee for this rehearsal. It was manly
role playing, however the interview was on a serious topic. It was about excessive
drinking, and I asked him a couple of questions. My colleagues were performing their
parts as well. At the end we got feedback, positive and negative. In the next session
I am going to type up my responses from the people I have got in contact with.

Today I was going through my two scripts and storyboard to see if all of them make
sense and correlate with each other. Me, Kieran and goodness were putting a list
together of people who we had asked to interview. So we know who can participate
and who cannot. Im going to make sure that all the paper work flows throughout in
the planning stage.

Today I carried out a Reece which included visiting the locations and seing if they
were suitable for Chat show or not. The others were still working on their paperwork
which included health and safety risk assessments, scripts, storyboards ect. What
we are all going to do next is get the entire paper work together ready for the hand in
date, for next session.

In todays session I was getting everything that I had worked on for the planning
stage ready for hand in, which was an hours time. Kieran and goodness were doing
the same. The next part in this production would be filming our interviews and going
through the editing stage in post-production.

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