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Ocean Explorers

2. Early Learning Expectation: Living and Non-living Things. Children show

a beginning awareness of scientific knowledge related to living and nonliving things.
5. Begin to describe the places in which familiar plants and animals in their
neighborhood live (e.g., city, drainage ponds, parks, fields, forests).
*Objective: TLW be able to sort the animals given into sea animals and land
3. Early Learning Expectation: Knowledge about the Earth. Children show a
beginning awareness of scientific knowledge related to the earth.
2.Can talk about the observable properties of earth materials (sand, rocks,
soil, water) and living organisms.
*Objective: TLW will be able to talk about observable properties of the ocean
1. Early Learning Expectation: Observation and Inquiry. Children develop
positive attitudes and gain knowledge about science through observation
and active play.
4.Expand their observational skills (e.g., extending the time they observe, being
able to describe and confirm their observations by using a variety of resources).
*Objective: TLW will use a variety of resources (smell, sight, taste, objects) to
confirm their observations about fresh and saltwater.
Laminated pictures of sea/land animals
Sand, rocks, water, shells, etc.
Magnifying glasses
Two bowls
Dixie cups
Objects for students to place in water

(1:30 ) Anticipatory Set: (Stop at :51)

Be good ocean explorers and see what you can find!
Raise your hand if you would like to share what you saw in the ocean
After the anticipatory set, I will explain each center.
Students will rotate between 3 centers. (2 minutes at each center)
-BBC Cricket
-Fur Elise
-Mozart Symphony 21
1) Animals-students will sort pictures of sea animals and land
2) Ocean Materials-students will observe the provided materials and
describe them.
3) Fresh/Salt Water Bowls-students will use their senses and other
objects to observe the salt/fresh water.

Think-Pair-Share-Students will turn to elbow partner and talk about one
thing that learned/liked.
I will call on students to share what they learned/liked.

Informal Formative: I will walk around, observing the students.
Formal Formative: I will note down any names of students who are not seeming to
grasp the objectives.
Visual Learners-Students will look at the pictures of animals and look at the ocean
Auditory Learners-Students will listen to the video at the beginning of the lesson.
Tactile Learners-Students will sort the cards, and touch the materials.
Kinesthetic Learners-Students will move from center to center. (swim, float, crab
walk, etc.)

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