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Cannon Kines
Mrs. DeBock
English 4
November 10, 2014

Annotated Bibliography
Research Question: How can teachers be more involved with special needs students and make it
easier for them to get through the day?
Writing the statement: The School districts are taking steps to improve the programs that are
needed for everyday life for the special needs students.
Refined Thesis Statement: Teachers will be taking steps to get more involved with the everyday
life of the special needs students.
Lopez, Chevon, and Tim Corcoran. "Relationships With Special Needs Students: Exploring
Primary Teachers' Descriptions." International Journal Of Inclusive Education 18.12
(2014): 1304-1320. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
In todays society teachers should be more involved with their special needs students
because they need all the attention they can get because they need it more than the average
student. The regular student can care for his/her needs on a daily basis. In elementary school is
the time they need it the most because they do not know what they are doing at such a young age
and need a guide that will show them what is right and what is wrong. If they do not have anyone


there for them they could go down the wrong part. This goes with my subject because, it is about
the caring of a special needs student.
Lubovsky, V. I. "Special Educational Needs. (English)." Psychological Science & Education 5
(2013): 61-66. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
We describe the psychological content of the special educational needs of children with
developmental disabilities in the conditions necessary for optimal realization of actual and
potential child capacities in the learning process. We discuss the cause of the special needs that
are specific patterns of impaired development. Among them, the most important are a lower rate
of information receiving and processing, its storage smaller volume and the shortcomings of its
verbal mediation. This goes with my subject because it is showing how to take care of a special
needs student.
Lesar, Irena, Ivan uk, and Mojca Peek. "Teachers On Perceived Traits And Academic
Achievements Of Regular Pupils And Pupils With Special Needs In Mainstream Primary
Schools." Teachers & Teaching 20.3 (2014): 358-374. Academic Search Premier. Web.
12 Nov. 2014
When dealing with a special needs children he/she must do your personal best to
make them feel great and like they are on top of the world, it always makes their day. As
a teacher he/she must give them life lessons and problems they must pass. Ones they pass
the assignment or fail it he/she has to make sure they correct their self on their problem
and one they do it over again and they pass it is the right thing to do is give them a
reward so they will keep driving to progress more with what they are learning. This goes
with my subject because teachers have to do anything they can to make the special needs


student feel good. Teachers will be taking steps to get more involved with the everyday
life of the special needs students

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