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Running head: ED TECH ISSUE

Educational Technology Issue

Jennifer Lynn-Alarcon Atilano
EDU352: Foundations of Educational Technology
Instructor: Judy Donovan
Monday, December 01, 2014

Educational Technology Issue

I chose the issue on If we were really serious about educational technology, because this a
debatable topic that has many different opinions of the usage of technology in education. We live
in society based on the use of technology; therefore, we the must embrace it. I feel that it is
important that educators utilize the proper ways of technology by learning the about the correct
skills and updates when using the internet; that way they are able to teach students the
appropriate skills of safety when using technology. The issues are with schools blocking sites
because of the safety for the users. I feel that it is very important priority to incorporate safety;
however, these tools can be used with supervision rather than being blocked. Educators should
teach on how to set up privacy settings and Appropriate Guidance by acknowledge the safety
measures when using technology. When students are blocked from websites this is not embracing


technology. Our society is not based on pen and paper but keeping up with Global market and
guiding our students to succeed.
Unlike the past technology was the future and today it is the present; so children are born
using technology at a very young age. When utilizing technology it can have pros and cons. As
parent or educator we must educate our children/ student early on the proper techniques that way
this limits the risks of unsafety measures; such as online predators. The beginning of my research
Strudler discuss how technology can change teaching and learning. While researching this issue
regarding technology it stated in an article that, The authors cite several advantage to online
assessments based on the affordances of virtual environments to (a)ensure standardization due to
consistent instruction and assessment procedures, (b) eliminate expensive kits for hands-on tasks,
(c) improve the ease of administering and scoring assessments, (d) alleviate safety issues and
inequity due to lack of resources and (e) create learning experiences and assessments that
wouldnt otherwise be feasible with school settings. (Strudler, 2010).
This is a controversial article about integrating technology with education, however; some
would agree or disagree with author McLeod. He acknowledges that we live in a digital world
and no longer working with pen and paper but embrace the change and learn about the features it
offers. McLeod focuses on how technology is a powerful tool and how students would benefit if
education did not block or ban sites because of safety issues. He explains how students should be
taught and utilize their skills with technology rather than staying behind. McLeod also
recommends that educators should teach our students about privacy setting that way they are able
to use social networking sites as a learning tool. Also, if a student is able to teach an educator
about the use of technology, then dont stop but embrace it and learn.

Three credible sources that focus on the issue.


McLeod, S. (2010, November 22). If we were really serious about educational technology. [Web
log post]. Retrieved from:

Strudler, N. (2010). Perspectives on technology and educational change. Journal of Research on

Technology in Education, 42(3), 221-229. Retrieved from:

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