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Community Problem Report: Poverty and Education

The University of Texas at El Paso
RWS 1301
October 30, 2014
Joseph Lopez


Poverty is increasing and affecting our daily lives. Many statistics shows that poverty is
destroying our education system. Research shows that students either tend to drop out, or receive
lower grades. The epidemic that poverty is making in society is threating. The war on poverty is
not over yet; although, it can be with a simple solution. Education is the key to this crisis. A
strong education system can overshadow and shrink poverty.
Keywords: Poverty, Education, Epidemic, War on Poverty, Solution


Poverty is at its peak and continually affecting our daily lives. 80 percent of the world
population lives on less than ten dollars per day. Just alone, the United States of America has
more than 46 million citizens living in poverty (Shah, 2013). Poverty has a major impact on
things that people take for granted, such as health and food. It seems that poverty has become the
norm of an American citizen. The U.S. has created systems to supply for the poor, such as
welfare. Although, the government funding is a necessity for those who live in poverty, it is now
being abused. More and more people are beginning to become comfortable living in these
conditions. Like I previously stated, poverty is becoming the norm for an American. Thus,
poverty is leading not only the United States into a pit of doom, but also the world as a whole.
For example, the war on poverty is split up into sub-categories. Categories such as, the affect
poverty has on hunger, health, shelter and education. It shows that poverty is a much bigger issue
than expected.
When poverty is mentioned, it is nearly impossible not connect education with it.
Education has been deeply impacted by poverty. Especially, students who are at a young age
seem to be impacted the most. It is stated that 40 percent of American students are not ready for
primary education due to poverty (Do Something, 2014). Not only are students living in poverty
and not ready for school, they are also expected to have learning delays and disabilities. It is
shown that students who live in poverty are more likely to get lower grades and drop out. The
priorities of these students are affected by poverty. Poverty blinds young students on what really
is important: education. Instead, the future leaders of the world have to figure out what to eat or
where to sleep, before they can even think about their education. They begin to focus on other
things and turn their backs on a very important and vital resource.


The Problem
Poverty is starting to become a big threat in America. If the citizens of the United States
do not take action, the affects poverty has may be long-term. For example, poverty can create a
higher crime rate. The affects poverty has on a society would be education and health. Poverty
can also lead into terrorism. It is mentioned that poverty can create depression and a sense of
failure that causes an individual to commit crimes (Poverty Organization, 2013. What makes
poverty an issue is its targets. In America alone,
poverty has drastically changed the lives of many.
It can affect the young, the old, men, women, the
environment, and even education. Not only is
poverty an issue in the U.S., but also in other
counties like Europe and Africa. In third world
countries, poverty seems to be destroying whatever is in its path. Poverty is like a maze of
dominos; once you tip over the first one, theres no stopping it.
The Solution
Although poverty is a virus to people throughout the world, there is a cure. Ironically, the
cure for poverty is also what feeds it. To eradicate poverty, education must be at an all-time high.
It is stated that the first step to solve poverty is by increasing the education standards. This means
that everyone should at least receive basic education, such as: reading, writing, and math. It is
also beneficial if people further their education. The united nations believe that government


investments will help speed up the process to reduce poverty. Although education is the main
solution to poverty, there are other useful ways to dwindle poverty. Charity is an important
resource to help reduce poverty. With the money donated, people in need can receive clean water
and food. Organizations like, Habitat for Humanity build houses for people who are homeless or
cannot afford one. In other words, there are four main steps to eradicate poverty. First step is to
provide a safe environment for those who need it. The second step is providing clean water and
nutritious food to eat. The third step is global alliance. There is a war on poverty and it can only
be won by working with one another. Finally the last step, and the most important, is education.
A strong education system equals a smaller poverty rate.
Why you should care
Poverty may not seem like a big issue because it has become part of peoples daily lives.
It is all over the new, movies, and magazines. Yet, poverty does not seem to seem threating.
Poverty affects everyone: the poor, the wealthy, and everything in between. For example, if the
government needs more money to provide for those who live in poverty, that money is going to
come from the middle and upper class. Thus, there will be higher taxes, which means less money
in your pocket. In relation if you are someone who lives in poverty, there are now being
restrictions and requirements in order to receive welfare. Such restrictions as drug testing,
income information, and other personal information are now required. This should concern you
because, what if you are someone in need of welfare? It is now becoming harder and harder to
obtain it due to the increasing rate of the poverty level. The government is choosing wisely on
who should and should not be granted this aid. If poverty continues to increase, it will affect
both, the people who live in poverty and those who do not. If you are a parent and you children
live in poverty. There are many consequences. Lower grades, dropping out, and there is a less


chance for your child to attend a community college or a four year university (American
Graduate, 2013). If you are a student in high school, did you know that you could make less than
half the income if you were to drop out than someone with a diploma (Do Something, 2014)? It
is very hard to get out of poverty, but very easy to get in. Thus, if you are someone who is not in
poverty now, you may be in the next couple of years. It only takes a family of 4 making less than
$23,000 a year to be considered living in poverty (Bernstein, 2007). In conclusion, poverty is a
big step backwards in our society. It potentially affects everything, and is constantly growing. In
order to fix this problem, education must be a priority. Once the education system is fixed,
poverty will slowly begin to fade.


Shah, A. (2013, January 7) Poverty Facts and Stats. Retrieved from:
Poverty Orgaization, (2013, May) Causes & Effects of Poverty on Society, Children & Violence,
Retrieved from:
Do Something. (March 5, 2014.). 11 Facts about education and poverty in America. Retrieved
Aronson, J. (2013). Children and their learning and behavioral needs: Not a luxury, a necessity.
Huffington post. Retrieved from
Bernstien, J. (2007, April 22). Is education the cure for poverty? American prospect. Retrieved
Jackson, C., Johnson, R., & Persico, C. (2014). The effect of school finance reforms on the
distribution of spending, academic achievement, and adult outcomes. National bureau of
economic research. Retrieved from
Millennium Challenge Corporation (2008) MCC and education: Investing in human resources to
reduce poverty. Retrieved from
American Graduate (2012, November 13). Poverty's impact on education. Retrieved from
Thomas, O. (2013). A poverty, not education, crisis in U.S. USA today.


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