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Figura 2.10. Atenuacin de la troposfera (0-11 kilmetros).

Atmsfera estndar para tres valores del vapor

de agua precipitable. Las curvas calculadas incluyen la absorcin por el vapor de agua, el oxgeno, y el
nitrgeno. Las lneas estrechas de la atenuacin estratosfrica no se representan aqu.

the variation of opacity with water vapor is roughly linear; by means of this relation, the opacity
for zero water vapor was estimated (filled circles). At relative humidity 98%, some of the
moisture in air is converted to hydrosols (haze, fog or cloud). This source of absorption is outside
the subject of this chapter, but is discussed in References 62, 63, 65a, and in Chapter 3.

High Pressures (Deep Planetary Atmospheres)

When pressure broadening causes the lines of a band to overlap so much that structure due to
individual resonances is lost, the band can be replaced by one resonance with an average
frequency . If (as for
) there are no other nearby bands and no zero frequency transitions,
line space vectors then have two elements, corresponding to and . Moreover, Ben
Reuven [39] argues that for ammonia, the elements of the relaxation matrix R coupling different
inversion transitions are much smaller than the diagonal elements. * In this case, R reduces to the
direct sum of 2 2 matrices (with index values corresponding to
) of the form

for each inversion transition. The off- diagonal elements are due to transitions between levels
and caused by collisions (rather than radiation). By evaluating the matrix inverse in Eq. 2.51,
Ben Reuven Obtained the line shape factor [39, 77]

This line shape has been used to calculate absorption by

The relationship between Eqs. 265 and 2.56 can be seen if
. Then

in the atmosphere of Jupiter [78].
is taken to be negligible compared

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