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<span>Brand:</span> <a href="#">Apple</a><br>
<span>Product Code:</span> Product 9<br>
<span>Reward Points:</span> 0<br>
<span>Availability:</span> In Stock
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<span class="price-old">$119.50</span> <span class="price-new">$
<span class="price-tax">Ex Tax: $100.00</span><br>
<span class="reward"><small>Price in reward points: 100<
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<strong>Video in your pocket.</strong></p>
Its the small iPod with one very big idea: video. The worlds mos
t popular music player now lets you enjoy movies, TV shows, and more on a two-in
ch display thats 65% brighter than before.</p>

<strong>Cover Flow.</strong></p>
Browse through your music collection by flipping through album a
rt. Select an album to turn it over and see the track list.<strong>&nbsp;</stron
<strong>Enhanced interface.</strong></p>
Experience a whole new way to browse and view your music and vid
<strong>Sleek and colorful.</strong></p>
With an anodized aluminum and polished stainless steel enclosure
and a choice of five colors, iPod nano is dressed to impress.</p>
Available as a free download, iTunes makes it easy to browse and
buy millions of songs, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, and games and download fre
e podcasts all at the iTunes Store. And you can import your own music, manage yo
ur whole media library, and sync your iPod or iPhone with ease.</p>
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<div class="rev" id="review"><div class="content"><b>Lopica</b> <img alt="1
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Yes I like it for ipod nano</div>
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