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Golden Phoenix for September/October:

Introducing a miracle maker,

Cheryl Katherine Wash, The Visual Spatial Learner

Golden Phoenix for September/October:

Introducing a miracle maker,
Cheryl Katherine Wash, The Visual Spatial Learner

If only I understood learning styles growing up when being disciplined by parents and teachers
for being a poor listener, I would have asked them if my great visual skills will count for
anything one day in the future.

Cheryl Katherine Wash, the Visionary

Hello Readers,

My intention was to launch Cheryl as the September Golden Phoenix. Due to some technical
issues, that idea did not come into form. As it happened, it is October now. So Cheryl is the
September/October Golden Phoenix.
Cheryls Birthday was September 15th and this interview is the gratitude I have for her sparkling
radiant being. I honor the greatness of her spirit and soul.
I am graced as I share information with so much love for Cheryl was my father in a past life. I
still love her the same way.
Sometimes people enter your life and then leave. There are times people enter and your life and
spin your world around. Cheryl is that person. Meeting Cheryl created a turning point within my

Cheryl and I met in Sonia Choquettes Six Sensory Practitioner Certification Class at
Eaglewood Spa in Chicago, Illinois. Sonia Choquette, is a NY Times Best-selling Author,
Vibrational Healer, Story teller and Six Sensory Teacher.
Cheryl and I sat together in the same circle talking about our filters that we use in our life with
people. We were talking about how we needed to see our own gifts instead of hide behind the old
patterning of these filters that screen us from really perceiving ourselves and our awarensss.. I sat
there with Cheryl and shared some information with her about what she was hiding behind and
that created such a spark in her heart. That was it. We connected. Our souls had collided and
nothing would be as it wasever again!
We had a break for lunch. The classmate that I was going to sit with had to go to the front desk. I
went into the restaurant to save her a seat. There was a Cheryl on her cell phone at a table by
herself. My spirit said sit there and I did. She was on the cell, and I motioned if I could sit, and
she motioned yes. We began to talk to each other.

I asked her did I give you my business card, and she yes. She then asked me if I had hers and she
handed it to me. I looked at Cheryl in utter amazement. She was a publisher; my lifelong dream
had opened like the blossoming of a rose. I had just been to a conference a few months before
looking for an agent to connect me with a publisher. Amazing how the universe moves in its
divine ways. There began a friendship that has nurtured me to the growth of who I am today
about to launch into this world in new and fabulous ways.

Now its my turn, to launch Cheryl into this world through so much love in my heart. You will
feel the same when you continue to read this wonderful interview. You will find pieces of
yourself unfold as you read each word.

I asked Cheryl several questions, enjoy her lovely insight filled answers.
What brings you joy?

Cheryl said:
There is something powerful in the term that Oprah often used when she has a moment of clarity
which is called the, Aha! or Ah-Ha! moment in time or being. This term was coined by an
unknown source in the 1930s. Whenever, I feel joy, it feels like an Aha! moment because
there is THIS feeling of endorphins being released from my third eye to the deepest seat of my
soul. I feel that we live in a world where as information is flowing faster than the average mind
can grasp leading to fear, defense, and negativity. Due to our wounds from energies carried into
this life from past lives by way of our blood line, DNA, and evolution, this causes a great force
to push us around thorugh our world gathering pieces of information, and knowledge until one
day something grounds us and we make the connection. We may all of a sudden stop and finally
realize that we have been preparing for this very moment from the day that we were bornall of
our life! It doesnt matter how big or small the affirmation may appear! The point is that no
matter how small or big an aha moment is, it feels good. I think of our lives like roller coaster
ridefear, anxiety, and excitement , all wrapped up in our bodies as we are trying to balance
mind, body and spirit!! I experience this sensation as well when I and others around me
experience and share their Ahas! An Aha! moment brings me joy and in that joy I can feel
the forward movement of the evolutionary process in motionfull swing!
Wow, what a feeling!!!I felt exactly that way that day I sat down at the table with Cheryl
experiencing joy that only the divine can fill that place within the heart.

What is your unique message to share with the world?

One of Cheryls favorite quotes:
I have no answers, only questions."
~Socrates, c. 300 B.C.

What gifts and services do you have to share with the world?

Cheryl asks spirit to guide her with the ability to facilitate positive, open environments which
encourage employee participation, community involvement, entrepreneurship and corporate
Cheryl shared such incredible information. Hold on to your hats for there is a strong breeze of
great love coming through these words! Cheryl invites voices who support, empower, value and
lift others; those who encourage diversity and differenceslightworkers, healers, authors,
speakers, poets and positive people in general.
Here is a little more information about Cheryl:
Cheryl is a publisher of books that motivate readers to achieve the best life while operating at
their highest good. Cheryl currently owns Highest Good Publications an Imprint of Ebony
Energy Publishing that she launched the first website in 1999 and published her first title in
2002. Since then, she has assisted writers with independently publishing dozens of titles in
genres including but not limited to children books, poetry, novels, self-help, inspiration, fiction,
and non-fiction. In doing so, she has been repeatedly recognized for her exceptional abilities.

Through this wonderful book, : Know Your Learning Style & Understand Your Brilliance!
Cheryl has learned about herself in new ways.
Cheryl now knows and understands, that she is visual-spatial learning individual.She had to do
so much research to fully understand in order to see her Upside- down Brilliance!
Through researching Cheryl learned that a person must understand their learning style. She now
is aware that she is a, Visual-spatial learner (VSLs). They usually consist of our artists,
inventors, builders, creators, musicians, computer gurus, visionaries and healers. They are
empathic and, often, very spiritually aware, even when very young. Cheryl highly suggests
reading "UPSIDE-DOWN" BRILLIANCE by The Visual-Spatial Learner; Linda Kreger
Silverman, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist. It will transform your life.
I continued to ask Cheryl this very big question
When did you first connect with your higher power?
Cheryl shares her hearts secrets through this answer.
She can say that from her experience the churches use King James Versions of the Holy Bible
whether it is Old Testament or New Testament and teach Jesus- like philosophies. Even as a
small child, Cheryl was able to decipher, interpret or read between the lines. She was very young
when she got her first sense of intuition and knowing to trust her vibes even if an adult, teacher,
parent or role model did not support her belief or action.

She grew up as a Baptist and attended Catholic Schools for a great deal of her early years so her
personal experience as an adult learner helped her when a politician or just an adult, especially

one with a title (i.e. director, principal, doctor, etc.), would say something negative against a
group of people.

She would meet adults who were of one or the other denomination, Baptists or Catholic. They
would tell her that this one was better or the other one was better and/or then they would say they
were different. Well, of course they were different, thought Cheryl. Now she knows as an adult
that many adults are simply unaware. They have had no experience to teach or to tell someone
certain information that a person would know intuitively or just learn from experience.

Growing up, Cheryl attended Catholic mass, Baptist church services and ceremonies every
Sunday because as part of being a student, she had to attend the Parish of the school. Her Mom
would not accept one or the other as she felt loyal to her Baptist upbringing so she would attend
both. She would go to our Catholic Mass on Sundays for one hour and then spend the rest of the
day and sometimes evening at church on Sunday. Yes, she had very long days! And Yes! Yes!
She still had to go to school on Monday mornings and be on time!

These religious teachings, philosophies, and foundations of both denominations were for her
spirit, the seat of her soul, and to learn to do her best to operate in her human form regardless of
her race, economic, social, internal or external barriers. Cheryl felt that we have a moral
obligation to operate at our highest good which will spread more good throughout the universe
creating a better quality of life in the afterlife or heaven. However, Cheryl said, I was unsure of
my thinking as to my thinking today as an adult.

I remember when I was a small child, I would pray to Virgin Mary and many of the saints for
things like lost items, to help with fear, or surround me with protection because I was taught to
pray to Saints in my Catholic upbringing. I would try to ask God questions and carefully
straining my ears for a response.

In my Baptist experience, we were taught not to question God or The Holy Bible and to pray
only to one God the Father of Jesus Christ and or directly to Jesus Christ himself but not to any
of Jesus followers, disciples, parents, angels, etc. We were taught to honor and respect the loyal
and the righteous but only honor Jesus and his Father.
Bottom line is that as a child, that fear would kick in and I was not able to make the overall
connection and I often thought that I was doing something wrong and would go, straight to
hell and as many would add, inside of a hand basket. I was going to be handed over by God
with a disappointed look on his face to a grinning devil in my favorite Easter basket. Of course,
after I ate all the candy, played with all the toys, and removed the decorative bows which would
be considered another act that I would be punished for because that would be considered selfish

and greedy because being the oldest I would have had to share with my sisters even though they
had their own baskets!

Now Cheryl understands that as an adult learner that she can reject or accept any new
information that contradicts beliefs or intuition; that she has choices. She is willing and able to
conceptualize at this time in a much better way when as a child she could not do that or was just
not able to comprehend those uncomfortable ideas. The unfortunate part was that even when she
felt that I should trust her vibe, she would look for validation and approval from others.
Sometimes she would trust her vibes and sometimes would not listen to her intuition.

There were times where she would second guess her decisions when the outcome first appeared
negative through trust things would work out in her favor.

The universe, as in earth, the world, has a very interesting way of showing you that each day is
worth living. You are in this life form and you are being prepared and trained for something
greater. We may not make the connection until a life-time later and as some believe not even
until the next life.

As of today, she has trusted her inner voice and has often taken great risks when others warned
her to do opposite of what she wanted to do following that greater part of her that only she is able
to hear. This is her secret for turning muted voices into fluted voices.

As I typed this blog to share with you, my beloved readers and friends, my heart was on fire, for
each of us are able to relate to all of these words!!!!
I asked Cheryl about the event that sparked her awareness to that bigger part of herself. She
shared this information in such an amazing way.
The spark began to turn into a flame through reading about learning styles. This document is by
Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D, a licensed Psychologist. It is called Upside-Down Brilliance: The
Visual-Spatial Learner (The Styles of Learn Individual Presentation, Personal assignment, 20
August 2012). This began to move Cheryl in new and expansive ways.

She was able to clearly identify her learning style as a visualspatial learner. This was an ah-ha
moment as talk show host Oprah Winfrey would say! This moment feels so good. This is when
intuition meets affirmation and that is your official confirmation from the universe.

Cheryl explained that a visual learner is a person or student that learns through sight and must
have some kind of visual aid whether its notes, diagrams or other visual aids. In many ways, a
visual learner learns much like a kinesthetic learner, but needs a less hands on process to
understand and learn.

Through Dr. Silvermans teachings, she learned that visual-spatial learners are very creative
people. She truly fell into that category of artists, inventors, builders, creators, musicians,
computer gurus, visionaries and healers. She mentioned in her opening, about visual-spatial
learners. They are empathic and, often, very spiritually aware, even when very young. The
connection of understanding her learning style and now getting a better understanding of the
roles of educators, the history of education, adult learning and training, further confirmed that
she was on the right track to pursing her dream in adult education.

Through linking her heart with her head, she has followed her purpose creating a special formula
that she has used throughout her life to reach her achievements.
Cheryl decided to pursue a Master of Arts in Education/Adult Education and Training which
would complement her English degree and publishing experience. The program was to help her
develop the skills and expertise essential to creating coaching and mentoring programs, along
with e-learning books and e-learning web designs for independent and niche market writers,
poets, speakers, and personalities. May I just say Cheryl has a wonderful husband and two
gorgeous children in the midst of all of these mountains they she has climbed.

I asked Cheryl about one of her milestones was in her life and she shared this information.
Having the pleasure of developing her intuition and meeting, Jacqueline Johnson, Goddess of
Divinity at a Trust Your Vibes Seminar by Sonia Choquette, was a massive milestone in her life.
Then she shared this; a bigger milestone in my life was submitting this article for Jacquelines
Cheryl said, I am very good at writing and publishing for others but to submit this on my
birthday and make it all about me as a Birthday gift to me!! Thank you Goddess of Divinity!
Wow, needless to say I was floored when I read this answer to this question.
Cheryl really knows how to rise above challenges. As I said before, she has a lovely family that
she is so present with all of the time. She works through all situations with a keen eye and open

Who is your favorite teacher, mentor, guide, Master that you have always kept close to your

I have many guides and mentors. I like to follow guides and mentors that are Christ like in ways
of teaching, healing and sacrificing for a higher good.

In what way has this person affected you in your life? Your goals? Your decisions?

When I operate in a manner of that of Jesus Christ, I know that I am operating at a higher good
because I know it is not about me and about the evolutionary process of our souls and this
gives me the motivation to keep doing the right thing even if it is challenging.

How has your family accepted your career choice and your lifestyle?

My family is very supportive and because of my family I am able to continue to

learn, teach and find myself.

What are your beliefs as to what 2012, the Golden Age will bring to the planet?

I believe this is the age for more to strive towards higher consciousness. There is a collective
consciousness of light workers that are in touch with higher intelligence which will cause shifts
in the evolutionary process.

As ye are lifted so shall the world be lifted, as ye thinketh so shall ye liveth.

Please explain this statement in your own words.

When we lift ourselves, we are able to lift the next person. When I travel by way of an
aircraft, the flight attendant instructs all passengers on how to put on an oxygen mask in the case
of an emergency. The instructions are to secure your mask first before you can help the next

person or you may both perish. Therefore, I must lift myself in order to save the next person by
lifting them. I must make the change in myself that I want to see in the world. It starts with me.
It starts within me.

More about Cheryl:

Cheryl Katherine Wash Certified Six Sensory Practitioner * Intuitive Life Coach * Publisher *
Author * Speaker * Open to help one determine their life purpose, step into a new life, Find
your talents and unique gifts Develop accountability and goal accomplishment Clarify your
vision Develop a mission Transform yourself, both personally and professionally

Cheryl has utilized and created processes that focus on the abilities of people to fulfill their roles
within specific environments as well as help those in transition clarify their needs, wants and
abilities, allowing them to become productive and successful while doing what they love.
She is currently focusing on transition coaching as a way to pave the way for individuals to find
and live their most fulfilling career dreams. She is an enthusiastic and inspiring teacher and
mentor who have proven through her work that people can find new outlets for the skills and
talents that provide them with meaning, inspiration and truth in their daily lives. By creating a
safe and hope-filled environment, Cheryl helps you shed old beliefs and fears that might be
blocking you from aspiring to the best life imaginable.
If you are seeking what is authentic for you, but find yourself stumbling and unsure about how to
proceed or if you simply want someone to travel with as you search for clarity and focus, call
Cheryl 708-4-EBooks (708-432-6657).

I love you and thank you,


If only I understood learning styles growing up when being disciplined by parents and
teachers for being a poor listener, I would have asked them if my great visual skills will
count for anything one day in the future.

Cheryl Katherine Wash, the Visionary

Hello Readers,
My intention was to launch Cheryl as the September Golden Phoenix. Due to some technical
issues, that idea did not come into form. As it happened, it is October now. So Cheryl is the
September/October Golden Phoenix.
Cheryls Birthday was September 15th and this interview is the gratitude I have for her sparkling
radiant being. I honor the greatness of her spirit and soul.
I am graced as I share information with so much love for Cheryl was my father in a past life. I
still love her the same way.
Sometimes people enter your life and then leave. There are times people enter and your life and
spin your world around. Cheryl is that person. Meeting Cheryl created a turning point within my

Cheryl and I met in Sonia Choquettes Six Sensory Practitioner Certification Class at
Eaglewood Spa in Chicago, Illinois. Sonia Choquette, is a NY Times Best-selling Author,
Vibrational Healer, Story teller and Six Sensory Teacher.
Cheryl and I sat together in the same circle talking about our filters that we use in our life with
people. We were talking about how we needed to see our own gifts instead of hide behind the old
patterning of these filters that screen us from really perceiving ourselves and our awarensss.. I sat
there with Cheryl and shared some information with her about what she was hiding behind and
that created such a spark in her heart. That was it. We connected. Our souls had collided and
nothing would be as it wasever again!
We had a break for lunch. The classmate that I was going to sit with had to go to the front desk. I
went into the restaurant to save her a seat. There was a Cheryl on her cell phone at a table by
herself. My spirit said sit there and I did. She was on the cell, and I motioned if I could sit, and
she motioned yes. We began to talk to each other.

I asked her did I give you my business card, and she yes. She then asked me if I had hers and she
handed it to me. I looked at Cheryl in utter amazement. She was a publisher; my lifelong dream
had opened like the blossoming of a rose. I had just been to a conference a few months before
looking for an agent to connect me with a publisher. Amazing how the universe moves in its
divine ways. There began a friendship that has nurtured me to the growth of who I am today
about to launch into this world in new and fabulous ways.

Now its my turn, to launch Cheryl into this world through so much love in my heart. You will
feel the same when you continue to read this wonderful interview. You will find pieces of
yourself unfold as you read each word.

I asked Cheryl several questions, enjoy her lovely insight filled answers.
What brings you joy?
Cheryl said:
There is something powerful in the term that Oprah often used when she has a moment of clarity
which is called the, Aha! or Ah-Ha! moment in time or being. This term was coined by an
unknown source in the 1930s. Whenever, I feel joy, it feels like an Aha! moment because
there is THIS feeling of endorphins being released from my third eye to the deepest seat of my
soul. I feel that we live in a world where as information is flowing faster than the average mind
can grasp leading to fear, defense, and negativity. Due to our wounds from energies carried into
this life from past lives by way of our blood line, DNA, and evolution, this causes a great force
to push us around thorugh our world gathering pieces of information, and knowledge until one
day something grounds us and we make the connection. We may all of a sudden stop and finally
realize that we have been preparing for this very moment from the day that we were bornall of
our life! It doesnt matter how big or small the affirmation may appear! The point is that no
matter how small or big an aha moment is, it feels good. I think of our lives like roller coaster
ridefear, anxiety, and excitement , all wrapped up in our bodies as we are trying to balance
mind, body and spirit!! I experience this sensation as well when I and others around me

experience and share their Ahas! An Aha! moment brings me joy and in that joy I can
feel the forward movement of the evolutionary process in motionfull swing!
Wow, what a feeling!!!I felt exactly that way that day I sat down at the table with Cheryl
experiencing joy that only the divine can fill that place within the heart.

What is your unique message to share with the world?

One of Cheryls favorite quotes:
I have no answers, only questions."
~Socrates, c. 300 B.C.

What gifts and services do you have to share with the world?
Cheryl asks spirit to guide her with the ability to facilitate positive, open environments
which encourage employee participation, community involvement, entrepreneurship and
corporate sponsorships.
Cheryl shared such incredible information. Hold on to your hats for there is a strong breeze of
great love coming through these words! Cheryl invites voices who support, empower, value and
lift others; those who encourage diversity and differenceslightworkers, healers, authors,
speakers, poets and positive people in general.
Here is a little more information about Cheryl:
Cheryl is a publisher of books that motivate readers to achieve the best life while operating at
their highest good. Cheryl currently owns Highest Good Publications an Imprint of Ebony
Energy Publishing that she launched the first website in 1999 and published her first title in
2002. Since then, she has assisted writers with independently publishing dozens of titles in
genres including but not limited to children books, poetry, novels, self-help, inspiration, fiction,
and non-fiction. In doing so, she has been repeatedly recognized for her exceptional abilities.
Through this wonderful book, : Know Your Learning Style & Understand Your Brilliance!
Cheryl has learned about herself in new ways.
Cheryl now knows and understands, that she is visual-spatial learning individual.She had to do
so much research to fully understand in order to see her Upside- down Brilliance!

Through researching Cheryl learned that a person must understand their learning style. She now
is aware that she is a, Visual-spatial learner (VSLs). They usually consist of our artists,
inventors, builders, creators, musicians, computer gurus, visionaries and healers. They are
empathic and, often, very spiritually aware, even when very young. Cheryl highly suggests
reading "UPSIDE-DOWN" BRILLIANCE by The Visual-Spatial Learner; Linda Kreger
Silverman, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist. It will transform your life.
I continued to ask Cheryl this very big question
When did you first connect with your higher power?
Cheryl shares her hearts secrets through this answer.
She can say that from her experience the churches use King James Versions of the Holy Bible
whether it is Old Testament or New Testament and teach Jesus- like philosophies. Even as a
small child, Cheryl was able to decipher, interpret or read between the lines. She was very young
when she got her first sense of intuition and knowing to trust her vibes even if an adult, teacher,
parent or role model did not support her belief or action.
She grew up as a Baptist and attended Catholic Schools for a great deal of her early years so her
personal experience as an adult learner helped her when a politician or just an adult, especially
one with a title (i.e. director, principal, doctor, etc.), would say something negative against a
group of people.
She would meet adults who were of one or the other denomination, Baptists or Catholic. They
would tell her that this one was better or the other one was better and/or then they would say they
were different. Well, of course they were different, thought Cheryl. Now she knows as an adult
that many adults are simply unaware. They have had no experience to teach or to tell someone
certain information that a person would know intuitively or just learn from experience.
Growing up, Cheryl attended Catholic mass, Baptist church services and ceremonies every
Sunday because as part of being a student, she had to attend the Parish of the school. Her Mom
would not accept one or the other as she felt loyal to her Baptist upbringing so she would attend
both. She would go to our Catholic Mass on Sundays for one hour and then spend the rest of the
day and sometimes evening at church on Sunday. Yes, she had very long days! And Yes! Yes!
She still had to go to school on Monday mornings and be on time!
These religious teachings, philosophies, and foundations of both denominations were for her
spirit, the seat of her soul, and to learn to do her best to operate in her human form regardless of
her race, economic, social, internal or external barriers. Cheryl felt that we have a moral
obligation to operate at our highest good which will spread more good throughout the universe
creating a better quality of life in the afterlife or heaven. However, Cheryl said, I was unsure of
my thinking as to my thinking today as an adult.
I remember when I was a small child, I would pray to Virgin Mary and many of the saints for
things like lost items, to help with fear, or surround me with protection because I was taught to
pray to Saints in my Catholic upbringing. I would try to ask God questions and carefully
straining my ears for a response.
In my Baptist experience, we were taught not to question God or The Holy Bible and to pray
only to one God the Father of Jesus Christ and or directly to Jesus Christ himself but not to any

of Jesus followers, disciples, parents, angels, etc. We were taught to honor and respect the loyal
and the righteous but only honor Jesus and his Father.
Bottom line is that as a child, that fear would kick in and I was not able to make the overall
connection and I often thought that I was doing something wrong and would go, straight to
hell and as many would add, inside of a hand basket. I was going to be handed over by God
with a disappointed look on his face to a grinning devil in my favorite Easter basket. Of course,
after I ate all the candy, played with all the toys, and removed the decorative bows which would
be considered another act that I would be punished for because that would be considered selfish
and greedy because being the oldest I would have had to share with my sisters even though they
had their own baskets!
Now Cheryl understands that as an adult learner that she can reject or accept any new
information that contradicts beliefs or intuition; that she has choices. She is willing and able to
conceptualize at this time in a much better way when as a child she could not do that or was just
not able to comprehend those uncomfortable ideas. The unfortunate part was that even when she
felt that I should trust her vibe, she would look for validation and approval from others.
Sometimes she would trust her vibes and sometimes would not listen to her intuition.
There were times where she would second guess her decisions when the outcome first appeared
negative through trust things would work out in her favor.
The universe, as in earth, the world, has a very interesting way of showing you that each day is
worth living. You are in this life form and you are being prepared and trained for something
greater. We may not make the connection until a life-time later and as some believe not even
until the next life.
As of today, she has trusted her inner voice and has often taken great risks when others warned
her to do opposite of what she wanted to do following that greater part of her that only she is able
to hear. This is her secret for turning muted voices into fluted voices.
As I typed this blog to share with you, my beloved readers and friends, my heart was on fire, for
each of us are able to relate to all of these words!!!!
I asked Cheryl about the event that sparked her awareness to that bigger part of herself. She
shared this information in such an amazing way.
The spark began to turn into a flame through reading about learning styles. This document is by
Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D, a licensed Psychologist. It is called Upside-Down Brilliance: The
Visual-Spatial Learner (The Styles of Learn Individual Presentation, Personal assignment, 20
August 2012). This began to move Cheryl in new and expansive ways.
She was able to clearly identify her learning style as a visualspatial learner. This was an ah-ha
moment as talk show host Oprah Winfrey would say! This moment feels so good. This is when
intuition meets affirmation and that is your official confirmation from the universe.
Cheryl explained that a visual learner is a person or student that learns through sight and must
have some kind of visual aid whether its notes, diagrams or other visual aids. In many ways, a
visual learner learns much like a kinesthetic learner, but needs a less hands on process to
understand and learn.
Through Dr. Silvermans teachings, she learned that visual-spatial learners are very creative
people. She truly fell into that category of artists, inventors, builders, creators, musicians,
computer gurus, visionaries and healers. She mentioned in her opening, about visual-spatial

learners. They are empathic and, often, very spiritually aware, even when very young. The
connection of understanding her learning style and now getting a better understanding of the
roles of educators, the history of education, adult learning and training, further confirmed that
she was on the right track to pursing her dream in adult education.
Through linking her heart with her head, she has followed her purpose creating a special formula
that she has used throughout her life to reach her achievements.
Cheryl decided to pursue a Master of Arts in Education/Adult Education and Training which
would complement her English degree and publishing experience. The program was to help her
develop the skills and expertise essential to creating coaching and mentoring programs, along
with e-learning books and e-learning web designs for independent and niche market writers,
poets, speakers, and personalities. May I just say Cheryl has a wonderful husband and two
gorgeous children in the midst of all of these mountains they she has climbed.
I asked Cheryl about one of her milestones was in her life and she shared this information.
Having the pleasure of developing her intuition and meeting, Jacqueline Johnson, Goddess of
Divinity at a Trust Your Vibes Seminar by Sonia Choquette, was a massive milestone in her life.
Then she shared this; a bigger milestone in my life was submitting this article for Jacquelines
Cheryl said, I am very good at writing and publishing for others but to submit this on my
birthday and make it all about me as a Birthday gift to me!! Thank you Goddess of Divinity!
Wow, needless to say I was floored when I read this answer to this question.
Cheryl really knows how to rise above challenges. As I said before, she has a lovely family that
she is so present with all of the time. She works through all situations with a keen eye and open
Who is your favorite teacher, mentor, guide, Master that you have always kept close to your
I have many guides and mentors. I like to follow guides and mentors that are Christ like in ways
of teaching, healing and sacrificing for a higher good.
In what way has this person affected you in your life? Your goals? Your decisions?
When I operate in a manner of that of Jesus Christ, I know that I am operating at a higher good
because I know it is not about me and about the evolutionary process of our souls and this
gives me the motivation to keep doing the right thing even if it is challenging.
How has your family accepted your career choice and your lifestyle?
My family is very supportive and because of my family I am able to continue to
learn, teach and find myself.

What are your beliefs as to what 2012, the Golden Age will bring to the planet?
I believe this is the age for more to strive towards higher consciousness. There is a collective
consciousness of light workers that are in touch with higher intelligence which will cause shifts
in the evolutionary process.
As ye are lifted so shall the world be lifted, as ye thinketh so shall ye liveth.
Please explain this statement in your own words.
When we lift ourselves, we are able to lift the next person. When I travel by way of an
aircraft, the flight attendant instructs all passengers on how to put on an oxygen mask in the case
of an emergency. The instructions are to secure your mask first before you can help the next
person or you may both perish. Therefore, I must lift myself in order to save the next person by
lifting them. I must make the change in myself that I want to see in the world. It starts with me.
It starts within me.

More about Cheryl:

Cheryl Katherine Wash Certified Six Sensory Practitioner * Intuitive Life Coach * Publisher *
Author * Speaker * Open to help one determine their life purpose, step into a new life, Find
your talents and unique gifts Develop accountability and goal accomplishment Clarify your
vision Develop a mission Transform yourself, both personally and professionally

Cheryl has utilized and created processes that focus on the abilities of people to fulfill their roles
within specific environments as well as help those in transition clarify their needs, wants and
abilities, allowing them to become productive and successful while doing what they love.
She is currently focusing on transition coaching as a way to pave the way for individuals to find
and live their most fulfilling career dreams. She is an enthusiastic and inspiring teacher and
mentor who have proven through her work that people can find new outlets for the skills and
talents that provide them with meaning, inspiration and truth in their daily lives. By creating a
safe and hope-filled environment, Cheryl helps you shed old beliefs and fears that might be
blocking you from aspiring to the best life imaginable.
If you are seeking what is authentic for you, but find yourself stumbling and unsure about how to
proceed or if you simply want someone to travel with as you search for clarity and focus, call
Cheryl 708-4-EBooks (708-432-6657).

I love you and thank you,


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