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from the right, with the cervical vertebral column removed

B. as in A, after removal of the thyroid gland and part of the inferior constrictor
C. from the front and the right. after removal of muscles

A. muscles. from behind

B. muscles. from the left. After transecting the thyroid lamina and turning it forwards
C. the vocal folds of the right half. in a midline sagittal section

A. membranes. from the left. after resecting most of the left thyroid lamina joints. from
B. tomogram during phonation

Ligamentum ekstrinsik , terdiri dari :

Membran tirohioid
Ligamentum tirohioid
Ligamentum tiroepiglotis
Ligamentum hioepiglotis
Ligamentum krikotrakeal

Ligamentum intrinsik, terdiri dari :

Membran quadrangularis
Ligamentum vestibular

Konus elastikus
Ligamentum krikotiroid media
Ligamentum vokalis

Terbagi atas :
1. Otot-otot suprahioid / otot-otot
elevator laring, yaitu :
- M. Stilohioideus
- M. Milohioideus
- M. Geniohioideus
- M. Digastrikus
- M. Genioglosus - M. Hioglosus
2. Otot-otot infrahioid / otot-otot
depresor laring, yaitu :
- M. Omohioideus
- M. Sternokleidomastoideus
- M. Tirohioideus

1. Otot-otot adduktor :
Mm. Interaritenoideus
transversal dan oblik
M. Krikotiroideus
M. Krikotiroideus lateral
Berfungsi untuk menutup pita
2. Otot-otot abduktor : 4
M. Krikoaritenoideus posterior
Berfungsi untuk membuka
pita suara.
3. Otot-otot tensor : 4
Tensor Internus :
M. Tiroaritenoideus dan M.
Tensor Eksternus :
M. Krikotiroideus

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