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Latin 202


Please translate the following English sentences into Latin, consulting Ciceros First
Catilinarian II.6-IV.8. You may also want to look at Bennett, 309.3 and 303.
1. Since Catiline is surrounded by Ciceros guards,1 Cicero thinks that he will be unable to
move himself against the state.

2. Although Catilines wicked meetings are unable to be contained by the night of the walls
of the house, he nevertheless desires to destroy the city.

3. Cicero knew that C. Manlius, the assistant of Catiline, would be in arms, but even the day
did not deceive him.

4. If Catiline should deny that his allies met on the previous night, Cicero would prove him
wrong and point out the men in the senate who were with him.

Use ablative absolute

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