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Literature of India, China, and Japan

Introduction to the Literary Period

Interactive Time Line
Milestone: A Family of Languages
Milestone: The Hindu Way of Life
Milestone: Philosophy and Religion
Milestone: The Invention of Paper
Milestone: The Samurai
Milestone: Japan Shuts the Door
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Literature of India, China, and Japan
500s B.C.-A.D. 500s
Philosophy and Religion
Choose a link on the time line to go to a milestone.
3000-1500 B.C.
Family of Languages
c. 1500-500s B.C.
Hindu Way of Life
c. 150 B.C.
Invention of Paper
Japan Shuts the Door
A Family of Languages
Some distinct languages,
including Greek, appear
by 2000 B.C.
Languages begin to diverge from a single
language called Proto-Indo-European
After about 3000 B.C.
People who spoke this language
spread out from central Europe
No written records exist
Indus River, Pakistan
A Family of Languages
Nomadic Aryans move into the Indus River
valley, replacing an older civilization
c. 1500 B.C.
Aryan language evolves
into Sanskrit, the
classical language of
Hindu culture
Seal from the Harrapan civilization in
the Indus Valley (c. 2600-1900 B.C.)
first (1786) to suggest European and Asian
languages had common source
says Latin and Greek similarities to Sanskrit
could not be accidental
A Family of Languages
British linguist Sir William Jones
Indo-European Languages
Evidence to support Jones comes from German
philologists in nineteenth century
A Family of Languages
Indo-European Languages
Sanskrit matar
Greek meter
Latin mater
Old English modor
German mutter
Spanish madre
Look at the word
for mother in
several of the
Other common words such as I, water, fire,
cow, father, and new, show the same kinds of
similarities across many languages.
Vedic period in India
The Hindu Way of Life
Is named for Vedasa
collection of hymns and
prayers of Aryan
culturemost sacred
books of Hinduism
c. 1500-c. 500 B.C.
Priests become more
important than nobles
and kingsalmost divine

Stone figure of Brahma,
Hindu creator god,
c. 1110-1150 A.D.
Class system develops
The Hindu Way of Life
forerunner of later caste system
c. 1500-c. 500 B.C.
Early concept of reincarnation:
classes represent parts of an ideal that existed
at the beginning of the world
soul travels, returns as rain,
and is reborn
Relief of a Kshatriya, a member of
the warrior caste
The Hindu Way of Life
Caste, Karma, and Reincarnation
Four major castes
Brahmans: scholars, priests, teachers
Kshatriyas: rulers and warriors
Vaisyas: merchants,
farmers, artisans
Sudras: menial
Untouchable women in
southern India. Untouchables
have no caste.
The Hindu Way of Life
Caste, Karma, and Reincarnation
Karmaactions in lifeaffects rebirth and
future lives
rebirth of the soul in another body
also called transmigration of soul
The Hindu Way of Life
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
Three deities (the Trimuti, or Three
Forms) stand out
Brahma the Creator
Hinduism has numerous deities
Vishnu the Protector
Shiva the
Hindu temple statues
Confucius (551-479 B.C.) first great
Chinese teacher
not interested in theology or afterlife; no
Confucianism (China)
Philosophy and Religion
500s B.C.-A.D. 500s
order, discipline, ethical values are
foundation for good life
is founded by Laotzu (born
c. 570 B.C.)
Taoism (China)
Philosophy and Religion
500s B.C.-A.D. 500s
regards nature as the great
directs followers to ignore
world, contemplate Taoforce
that governs and unites all
Portrait of Laotzu
Is founded by Siddhartha Gautama (563-
483 B.C.), called Buddha (Enlightened
One) by followers
Buddhism (India)
Philosophy and Religion
500s B.C.-A.D. 500s
Human suffering caused by
desire for earthly goods
Rejects Hindu caste system
Paper replaces
papyrus in western
Asia by ninth century
The Invention of Paper
c. 150 B.C.
Early paper is made in China from bark, hemp,
rags, and fishing nets
Paper is used instead
of silk cloth by
second century
Chinese handmade paper
The Invention of Paper
Chinese Writing
Chinese is written the same way throughout China
can be read by
people who cant
understand each
others speech
about 50,000
3,000-4,000 are
used frequently
Early Chinese manuscript
A.D. 1100s
The Samurai
Japanese feudal lords amass large estates
lords have professional warriorssamurai
lords beyond the reach of weak emperor
feuding warlords keep Japan in state of
constant warfare
A.D. 1100s
The Samurai
Yoritomo seizes control of the empire
and is declared shogun (general)
crushes warlords
establishes new capital at Edo
(now Tokyo)
A.D. 1500s
Powerful shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu
A.D. 1800s
Shogunate ends; samurai class is
Portrait of
Bushido: The Way of the Warrior
Unwritten code of honor and conduct
Emphasizes absolute loyalty, personal honor,
The Samurai
enjoy special privileges in society
are expected to appreciate poetry,
art, theater
Samurai spend years in training
Japan becomes a closed society
foreigners are expelled
Matthew Perry takes U.S. Navy
into Tokyo Bay, demands that
Japan reopen to West
Japan Shuts the Door
Japanese are forbidden to
travel abroad
fear of invasion or revolt
Western traders at Yokohama
___ Contemplation of force that unites all nature
___ Numerous deities
___ Desire for goods causes human suffering
___ Actions in life affect reincarnation of soul
___ Founded by first great Chinese teacher
What Have You Learned?
Indicate whether the following statements or
phrases best describe Hinduism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, or Taoism.
The End

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