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Education Status of China

1717 S Dorsey Ln Apt 2056, Tempe AZ 85281

October 9, 2014

Office of the Secretary-Generals Envoy on Youth
866 United Nations Plaza, A-300
New York, NY 10017
Dear Officer,
My name is Lina Yan, from Arizona State University. As the early childhood
educators in the further, I want to introduce some about the early childhood education.
And report the status of education in China.
First of all, I think the good education would make students better in the future,
and every child should be educated in very countries. In China 91.6% students age 15
or older who can read and write in Chinese. Today, Chinese youth (15-24 years)
have a 99% literacy rate. (Facts about China) The send 1.9 of GDP to support
Education, this number in global rank is in the 172. (Facts about China) Literacy rate
defined as knowledge of 1,500 Chinese characters in rural locations and 2,000
characters in urban areas. (Sanborn L)

Performance of 15-

Chinese Primary school

The Chinese tend to favor the American education system. NYT columnist
Nicholas Kristof wrote about this paradox: Chinese themselves are far less impressed
by their school system. Almost every time I try to interview a Chinese about the
system here, I hear grousing rather than praise. Many Chinese complain scathingly
that their system kills independent thought and creativity, and they envy the American
system for nurturing self-reliance and for trying to make learning exciting and not
just a chore.( Kristof, N )
Nowadays, in China most children can get in school to study I
remember when I was in middle school, they change the police from primary school
to high school we do not need pay tuition for it. This police are really effective, after
that everyone can go to school; no matter you are rich or poor. Also this police real
improve the entire education level in China. China has about 400 million students
today. (Sanborn L) I believe our education is best, but is most effective because
children start learn a lot since primary school. Chinese
student have strong basic knowledge about math, English,
Chinese and another science subject. By the first semester of
first grade, students are expected to recognize 400 Chinese
characters and write 100 of them. (Sanborn L)
Unlike America, in China do not have many private schools as America; most
of them are government funding school. And every semester school would compare
with each other, if the school has highest score around the district, government would
give more money to them, and parents wants to their children went to those school.
China did not have any private schools until the early 1980s. Today, there are over
70,000 private schools in China of all levels and type. (Facts about China)
Facts about China: Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2014, from
Sanborn L. China: Asia in Focus. Library Journal [serial online]. March 15,
2010;135(5):120. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA.
Accessed October 9, 2014.
Kristof, N. (2011). Chinas Winning Schools, (0362-4331). Retrieved October 9,

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