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Phase Change Worksheet

The graph was drawn from data collected as a substance was heated at a constant rate. Use the
graph to answer the following questions.
At point A, the beginning of observations, the
substance exists in a solid state. With each
passing minute, ( HEAT / TEME!AT"!E # is
added to the substance. This causes the
molecules of the substance to move
( M$!E/ %E&& # rapidl' (hich (e detect b' a
( !)&E / *A%% # in the temperature of the
substance. At point B, the temperature of the
substance is ( +,- / ./,- #The solid begins to
( 0$)% / ME%T # . At point -, the substance is completel' in a ( &$%)1 / %)2")1# state. The energ'
put to the substance bet(een minutes + and 3 (as used to convert the substance from a
(&$%)1 / %)2")1 # to a ( &$%)1 / %)2")1#. This heat energ' is called the latent heat of fusion.
0et(een 3 and 45 minutes, the added energ' increases the ( E6E!78 / TEME!AT"!E # of
the substance. 1uring the time from point D to point E, the li9uid is ( ME%T)67 / 0$)%)67 #. 0'
point E, the substance is completel' in the (%)2")1 / 7A& # phase. The energ' put to the
substance bet(een minutes 45 and 4: converted the substance from a ( %)2")1 / 7A& # state.
This heat energ' is called the latent heat of vaporization. 0e'ond point E, the substance is still in
the (%)2")1 / 7A& # phase, but the molecules are moving (*A&TE! / &%$WE! # as indicated b'
the increasing temperature.
QUESTION: 0ased on the graph and the table belo(, (hat is the substance; &upport 'our
ans(er (ith evidence.
Adapted from: Mr. Ricks High Schoo !h"sica Scie#ce $e%site
Substance Melting point Boiling point
0olognium @/ ,- 4// ,-
"nobtainium A/ ,- 4A/ ,-
*oosium ./ ,- 4A/ ,-

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