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EDUC 213 Lesson Plan for Field Component

Lesson Title: Pumpkin themed Beginning Sound with magnets Field Component # __5____ Date Taught:10/13_____________

CCSS Standards Addressed:
Standards must be listed at the students current grade
level (from List standard
number with a brief description of the standard.
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
Learning Objective(s):
What will your students know and/or do as a result of
this lesson?
Furthering strengthening of the IEP goal of :
Student will name the sound given the associated printed letter(s), in
isolation, for the major consonants and five short vowels, including the
consonant digraphs (/th/, /sh/, and /ch/) with 90% accuracy..
Assessment Method(s):
How will you know if your student understood what
you were teaching and met the learning objective?
(these assessments can be informal: comprehension
questions asked, independent work done)
Informal: comprehension questions during closure and recording of his first
and second attempts of the activity.

Lesson Description
Provide a sufficiently detailed and sequential guide to the presentation of instruction that will help students meet the identified
learning objective(s). This should be detailed enough that another teacher can pick up your lesson plan and teach it.
Anticipatory Set (Hook)
(How will you engage and focus students as quickly
as possible):

With the motivator of reading Fly Guy at the conclusion of the lesson,
student will be introduced to cookie sheet and magnets.
Direct Instruction/Presentation
(Provide step by step instructions on how you will
teach specific knowledge or skills.):
I will model desired stressing of beginning sounds
I will produce an image magnet with associated with the beginning
sound I am stressing and demonstrate placing it on the cookie sheet.
Meeting up the sound/letter with the picture magnet on the cookie

EDUC 213 Lesson Plan for Field Component

Guided Practice
(Describe how students will practice/apply the
knowledge or skills you taught during Direct
I will place the image magnets in a bag and allow student to choose
images to stress beginning sounds
He will then place them on the cookie sheet
If he wishes I will have him match the written words with images.

Independent Practice
(Describe how students will develop
fluency/mastery/generalization of the
knowledge/skills you taught. This often may connect
to your assessment method(s).):
Continued reinforcement of foundational skills and recognizing of
phonemes in words.
Closure (wrap-up)
(How will you end the lesson and leave students
motivated for the next time? This is also a great time
to review/wrap-up what you learned during the
Review of beginning sounds of the Image Magnets and reading a Fly Guy
series book
Materials (Review your Lesson Description to identify the materials you will need to teach the lesson. List SPECIFIC materials and
provide details such as the name of the book used, materials for phonemic awareness/phonics activity, etc.):
Cookie Sheet
Images & letter Magnets
Modeled After: (Part 2)

Use of Technology (What technology is used in this lesson, if applicable):
Not Applicable

EDUC 213 Lesson Plan for Field Component

What were the results of my lesson assessment(s)?
Strengthening of students attentiveness to the beginning phonemes of
words to be associated with the alphabetic letters.
What worked well and how do I know?
I just went ahead and asked him. He enjoyed using the magnets as he
doesnt enjoy writing and he liked that they were Halloweeny.
What did not work well in this lesson and how do I know?
He hurried through the activity like last time. I know this because I
had to redirect him and repeat aspects of the lesson.
How will I change/build on instruction based on assessment
I will continue to use manipulatives as much as possible and novel
activities. I will seek out other incentives to complete the lesson as
Fly Guy wasnt quite enough.
What would I do differently next time I taught this lesson
and why?
I will add a better motivator and more variety to the activity.

EDUC 213 Lesson Plan for Field Component

Example of his work:

I modeled the word rib and
placed it on the r for him, after
indicating what all the pictures
were and he quickly remembered
and placed the magnet again. He
successfully did v words like
vine. He correctly placed f
words like flower. But he mixed
up C and S words. And
completely skipped j words like
jack olantern. When the activity
was repeated (and the pictures
shuffled), he only seemed to recall
the last 4-5 words I went over and
guessed on the remainder.

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