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Chapter 7:
Littoral zone
Benthic zone
Mangrove swamp
Salt marsh
Barrier island
Coral reef
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Chapter 11:
Surface water
Ground water
Recharge zone
Point source pollution
Nonpoint source pollution
Artificial eutrophication
Thermal pollution
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***Section 1: Freshwater Ecosystems
1. Freshwater ecosystems include _________, lakes,
streams, _______, and wetlands.
2. What 4 factors determine where an organism can live in
the water?
3. Make a foldable with information on plankton, nekton, and
benthos and add it to your notes.
4. Describe the littoral zone of a lake.
5. Describe the benthic zone of a lake.
6. What is eutroiphication?
7. What process accelerates eutrophication?
8. List 4 environmental functions of wetlands.
9. Make a chart comparing and contrasting marshes and
swamps and add it to your notes.
10. How have humans negatively impacted the wetlands?
11. As a river flows down a mountain, it
12. What are rhizoids?
13. How do industries damage rivers?
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***Section 2: Marine Ecosystems
1. Marine ecosystems are located mainly in
_______________ and ___________________.
2. What is a coastal wetland?
3. Why are estuaries such productive ecosystems?
4. List 2 threats to estuaries.
5. What is a salt marsh?
6. What is a mangrove swamp?
7. Compare and contrast the characteristics and
organisms that can live in rocky and sandy shores.
8. What is a barrier island?
9. What are coral reefs made of?
10. Are they plants or animals?
11. Explain why coral reefs are so fragile.
12. How far can light penetrate into the ocean?
13. The seas smallest herbivore is
14. Name 3 threats to open oceans.
15. In the Arctic and Antarctic, nearly all of the food
comes from the ______________.
16. The base of the food chain in the Arctic would be
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***Section 1: Water Resources
1. How long can humans live without water?
2. Water is a _____________ resource. Why?
3. Draw the 3 steps of the water cycle.
4. _____% of Earths surface is covered by water.
5. _____% of that is salt water.
6. _____% of the fresh water on Earth is found in icecaps and glaciers.
7. What is surface water?
8. What is the largest river system in the world?
9. The amount of water that enters a watershed ___________ throughout the year. Why?
10. What is ground water?
11. The water table has __________ and ___________ that match the shape of the land
12. What is an aquifer?
13. Compare porosity and permeability.
14. Why are recharge zones environmentally sensitive areas?
15. Structures such as ______________ and _____________ can act as impermeable layers
that block water from entering the recharge zones.
16. Why do some humans still rely on wells?
***Section 2: Water Use and Management
1. Who is the W.H.O.?
2. According to the WHO, ________ people lack access to clean water.
3. Water is used for 3 main purposes. They are
4. Most of the fresh water used worldwide is used to _____________________________.
5. Industry accounts for about __________% of the water used in the world.
6. Compare the amount of water used by the average American daily and the average
Indian daily.
7. According to the chart, what activity uses the most water?
8. On average, brushing your teeth uses how much water?
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9. What does it mean that water is potable?
10. What are pathogens? They can be removed by __________ or __________treatments.
11. Make a foldable of the six steps of the water treatment process making sure to list the step
#, name, and what happens.
12. Most water used in industry is used for what purpose?
13. What percentage of agricultural water evaporates before reaching the plants?
14. In the US most irrigation is done by ____________________. Why are they considered to
be inefficient?
15. What can be done to supply dry areas with water?
16. What is a reservoir?
17. Name 2 negative consequences of building and maintaining a hydroelectric dam?
18. How does a drip irrigation system conserve water?
19. How can recycling wastewater conserve water?
20. Where might xeriscaping be used to conserve water?
21. Name 5 ways that you can conserve water in your home.
22. Why doesnt the United States use the process of desalination to cure the problem of not
enough clean water?
23. How is water transported to the Greek Islands?
***Section 3: Water Pollution
1. What are the 2 underlying causes of water pollution?
2. Why is water pollution more of a problem in developing countries?
3. Make a chart/foldable distinguishing 4 sources of point and nonpoint source pollution.
4. Make a chart/foldable of all of the principal water pollutants and their sources.
5. What is wastewater?
6. Most wastewater is easy to clean. Why?
7. What is sewage sludge?
8. What are 2 ways that sewage sludge is being treated and reused?
9. What is artificial eutrophication? It is mostly caused by __________________ and
10. Why is thermal pollution such a danger?
11. Why is cleaning up groundwater such a challenge?
12. 85% of all ocean pollution comes from what?
13. Each year, about ___________ million gallons of oil from tanker accidents are spilled
into the ocean.
14. What is biomagnification?
15. Make a chart/foldable of all of the 6 water laws making sure to include the name, years,
and point of the law.
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