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Prompt for ED 201 Lesson Self-Assessment

Name: Stephanie Gordon

Lesson Topic: Compound Words
Date Observed: March 18
, 2011
Scool!"rade Level!N#mber of St#dents Ta#$t: Manitoba Elementary School, 3
Grade, 4! students
per "roup#
%ooperatin$ Teacer Name: $isa Studer
Plannin$ and Preparation:
&AEA: %oncept#ali'ation( Dia$nosis)*TS: 1(+)D,SP: -espect( -esponsibilit.( -eflection/
%o& did your lesson desi"n re'lect &hat actually happened in the lesson( What did)&ould you ha*e
chan"ed( Were you able to teach the lesson in the allotted time( Why or &hy not( Were your lesson
ob+ecti*es clearly stated and describe &hat your students actually learned(
My actually lesson 'ollo&ed e,actly as - had described it in my &ritten lesson plan# -' - &ould ha*e the
opportunity to chan"e my lesson - &ould ha*e made it more challen"in" 'or the students as they seemed
to ha*e a *ery 'irm "rip on the material already# - &as able to teach the lesson in the allotted time because
o' care'ul plannin" and allo&in" some lead &ay in each area o' the lesson 'or less or e,tra time# .lso -
had planned that i' a "roup &ould ha*e 'inished the lesson early that &e &ould ha*e returned to a part o'
the Smartboard lesson &here the students created their o&n compound &ords until it &as time to s&itch
stations# - clearly stated that my -nstructional /b+ecti*e in my lesson plan as 01sin" a multimedia
approach, students &ill learn about compound &ords in readin", &ritin", and e*eryday con*ersation#2 -
thin3 that my students &ere *ery clear on the ob+ecti*e o' the lesson as - be"an by directly as3in" them
0What is a compound &ord(2 and &aited 'or their response be'ore continuin" on about &hy it is
important to 3no& about compound &ords#
Learnin$ Environment:
&AEA: %oordination( ,nte$rative ,nteraction)*TS: 2(0(1)D,SP: -espect/
%o& did you encoura"e student participation and elicit responses 'rom all students( What strate"ies did
you use to mana"e and monitor student beha*ior( %o& did you en"a"e them in respondin" to you and
each other(
- encoura"ed student participation by ha*in" each student come up and acti*ely en"a"e &ith the
Smartboard lesson on a rotatin" basis# - made sure to be constantly &atchin" all o' the students in my
"roup as &e &ere "oin" throu"h the lesson and, as you could see in the *ideo, - constantly reminded
students to ta3e their seats to the other students in their "roup could see the lesson as they &ere all *ery
ea"er to ha*e their turn at the Smartboard# .s pre*iously stated - rotated throu"h the students to ensure
that e*eryone had an e4ual opportunity to participate# 1sin" the Smartboard "reatly helped in en"a"in"
the students in the lesson and in "roup discussions#
%lassroom ,nstr#ction:
&AEA: %omm#nication( %oordination( Dia$nosis( ,nte$rative ,nteraction)*TS: 2(3(+)D,SP:
-espect( -eflection( %omm#nication/
What strate"ies and)or procedures did you use to assist students in learnin" the lesson content( %o&
e''ecti*e &ere those strate"ies)procedures in helpin" students learn( What chan"es or ad+ustments did you
need to ma3e durin" the lesson(
5o assist in learnin" - used a handson approach durin" small "roup rotation time# 6y "i*in" e*ery student
the opportunity to acti*ely participate in the lesson - &as able to constantly assess student7s le*els o'
compound &ord 3no&led"e as &ell as spellin" abilities and problem sol*in" s3ills# 5hrou"h these
1pdated 10)20)14
assessments - &as able to determine that the lar"e ma+ority o' the students already had a 'irm "rip on the
concept and use o' compound &ords# 5he lesson - had prepared &as *ery e''ecti*e in 3eepin" the students
attention and assessin" their indi*idual abilities &ith compound &ords# - did not ma3e any chan"es or
ad+ustments to my planned lesson#
&AEA: Dia$nosis( ,nte$rative ,nteraction)*TS: 4(5)D,SP: -espect( -eflection( %ollaboration/
%o& did you 3no& i' the students learned &hat you tau"ht them( What did you learn 'rom listenin" to
student responses, e,aminin" their &or3 or obser*in" their interactions( %o& &ell did your assessments
connect to the lesson ob+ecti*es(
5o assess the students learnin" - included a "ame into the Smartboard lesson that allo&ed each student to
complete creatin" si, compound &ords# .'ter 'illin" in the compound &ords, the "ame chec3ed each
students ans&ers and indicated ho& many they ans&ered correctly# -' all si, &ords &ere matched
correctly than there &ould be 'allin" stars across the screen and &ords such a 0Great 8ob,2 6rillant,2 and
0E,cellent2 &ould appear on the screen# -' a student missed any ans&ers they had a chance to re*ie& the
list and 'ind any errors they may ha*e made# /ut o' the three "roups o' students - &or3ed &ith this day,
only one student needed to "o bac3 and chan"e t&o ans&ers# .'ter the initial introduction o' the lesson, -
as3ed the students &hy it &as important to 3no& about compound &ords and a'ter a *ariety o' ans&ers all
o' the students indicated that they did see compound &ords in boo3s and stories that they read and also in
the stories that they &rite themsel*es# 5hrou"h these assessments - &as able to see that the students did
understand &hat a compound &ord is and &hy it is important to 3no& &hat a compound &ord is#
Professional -esponsibilities:
&AEA: %omm#nication( ,nte$rative ,nteraction)*TS: 10)D,SP: -esponsibilit.( %ollaboration(
%o& did you see3 'eedbac3 'rom your cooperatin" teacher( What did you learn 'rom his)her 'eedbac3
and ho& did you apply it to your lesson(
9rior to teachin" my lesson - shared my &ritten lesson plan &ith Mrs# Studer and e,plained &hat - had all
included in my Smartboard lesson# She said that e*erythin" loo3ed "ood and that she did not ha*e any
concerns# .'ter completin" my lesson &ith the students - spo3e &ith Mrs# Studer and she stated that - had
done a *ery nice +ob presentin" the in'ormation and 3eepin" the students attention throu"hout all o' the
station rotations# She did not ha*e any concerns about my teachin" or the lesson itsel' and indicated that
she had ta3en some notes that she7d be usin" &hen she completed my e*aluation at the end o' the 'ield
e,perience# - appreciated Mrs# Studer7s honest 'eedbac3 and it rein'orced that - am on the ri"ht trac3 &ith
plannin" and e,ecutin" appropriate lesson plans#
S#mmar. -eflection:
What did you learn about teachin", student learnin" and assessin" 'rom this lesson( %o& &ould you use
&hat you learned 'or 'uture instructional e,periences( 6ased on this lesson, &hat Wisconsin 5eachin"
Standard represents your area o' "reatest "ro&th this semester( What standard represents an area o'
'urther de*elopment 'or you( Why(
:rom this lesson - ha*e learned that assessment o' students7 prior 3no&led"e is an essential part o' lesson
plannin"# - belie*e that i' - &ould ha*e had more time to &or3 &ith the students durin" their
readin")En"lish time - &ould ha*e been able to disco*er that the students had already "rasped the concept
- &as presentin" and &ould ha*e 'ocused my lesson on a di''erent topic# 5his misunderstandin" presents
an opportunity 'or "ro&th in Wisconsin 5eachin" standard ;< because &ith 'urther e*aluation - &ould
ha*e been able to determine that my plannin" should ha*e been 'ocused on a di''erent area o' lan"ua"e
that the students &ere &or3in" to de*elop# 5his lesson represented personal de*elopment in Wisconsin
1pdated 10)20)14
5eachin" Standard ;8 because it includes a &ide *ariety o' in'ormal assessments throu"hout 'or each
indi*idual student#
1pdated 10)20)14

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