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The Mansion Introduces Luxury Luggage Service

Mar. 22, 2006

DALLAS - Never carry bags again. At The Mansion on Turtle Cree, A !ose"oo# $otel the hassle o%
traveling "ith baggage is no" a thing o% the &ast. The %ive-star, %ive-#ia'on# hotel to#ay announce# it
has &artnere# "ith Luggage ()&ress to o%%er a ne" lu)ury a'enity that allo"s guests the o&tion o%
sen#ing bags in a#vance.
*ith this ne" service, Luggage ()&ress &ics u& baggage %ro' a guest+s ho'e or "or&lace "ithin 2,
hours to %ive #ays be%ore a guest+s stay. The baggage is shi&&e# to The Mansion an# is "aiting in the
guest roo' %or the guest u&on arrival. A roun#-tri& service o&tion ensures that the bags are shi&&e# bac
to the guest+s ho'e or "or&lace at the en# o% the stay.
-This is truly a re'arable a'enity %or our guests,- sai# !ichar# .aer, regional vice &resi#ent %or
!ose"oo# $otels - Dallas. -Not only #oes it save travel ti'e, but this #oor-to-#oor service eli'inates the
inconvenience o% "aiting in the air&ort to chec-in or clai' your bag an# the hassle o% lost baggage.-
/or reasons such as these, luggage #elivery has recently increase# in &o&ularity. 0n 2001, Luggage
()&ress shi&&e# 2.1 'illion bags, an increase o% 21 &ercent over 200,.
Luggage ()&ress "ors in association "ith /e#() an# other truste# shi&&ers to &rovi#e ti'ely an#
guarantee# #eliveries. Cost %or the service varies #e&en#ing on the nu'ber o% bags, "eight o% baggage
an# shi&'ent service. (ach bag is insure#, an# the service inclu#es 2,-hour custo'er care s&ecialists
"ho trac every bag, every ste& o% the "ay. 3uests can arrange %or -luggage-less- travel to or %ro' The
Mansion on Turtle Cree by calling 4.566.S$06..A3S or by visiting """.566shi&'.
$ea#7uartere# in Dallas, Te)as, !ose"oo# $otels 8 !esorts 'anages &ro&erties "orl#"i#e inclu#ing The
Mansion on Turtle Cree an# $otel Crescent Court in Dallas, The Carlyle in Ne" 9or, Cor#e:alle in San
Martin, Cali%ornia, 0nn o% the Anasa;i in Santa /e, Las :entanas al 6ara<so in Los Cabos, Me)ico, $otel
Seiyo 3in;a in Toyo, =a&an, an# a triu'virate o% "orl#-class Caribbean &ro&erties - Little Di) .ay on
:irgin 3or#a, Caneel .ay on St. =ohn an# =u'by .ay on Antigua. /or 'ore in%or'ation on !ose"oo#
$otels 8 !esorts, &lease call 555.!>S(*>>D, or visit """.rose"'.
Contacts: Erika Gonzalez The Mansin on Turtle Creek
Tele&hone@ 24,.120.15,6

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