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Name Marissa Vargas Date 10-6-14 Period 1st

Plate Tectonics Web-Quest

PartI: Earths Structure. Use the following link to find these answers:
http:www.learner.orgintera!ti"esd#nami!earthstr$!t$re.htm l
1. %a&el the la#ers of 'arth in the diagram &elow.
(. )he lithosphere is made $p of the !r$st and a tin# &it of the $pper mantle.
*. )he plates of the lithosphere mo"e +or float, on this hot- mallea&le semili.$id
/one in the $pper mantle- dire!tl# $nderneath the lithosphere. )his is known as the
4. )he la#er of 'arth that is the onl# li.$id la#er is the o$ter !ore.
Part II. Plate Tectonics. Use the following link to find these answers:
http:www.learner.orgintera!ti"esd#nami!earthdrift.htm l
1. )r$e or 1alse2 3mage 0 depi!ts what 'arth looks like toda#. +!ir!le the !orre!tanswer,
1. Crust
2. Mantle
3. Core
4. Inner Core
5. Outer Core
6. Mantle
Name 44444444444444444444444444444444 Date 44444444444 Period 4444
(.5hat did 'arth look like (60 million #ears ago2 )he !ontinents of 'arth were !l$stered
together in formation that a s!ientist named Pangaea. )he s!ientist that named
7Pangaea8 was a 9erman s!ientist &# the name of 0lfred 5egener . :e theori/ed that
7Pangaea; split apart and the different landmasses- or !ontinents- drifted to their !$rrent
lo!ations on the glo&e. 5egener<s theories of plate mo"ement &e!ame the &asis for the
de"elopment of the theor# of Plate )e!toni!s.
*. =rder the images of 'arth<s plates in order from oldest or earliest +1, to most re!ent +6,.
5 3 2 4 1
Part III. Plates and Boundaries. Use the following link to find these answers:
http:www.learner.orgintera!ti"esd#nami!earthplate.htm l
1. Name the missing te!toni! plates in the &lanks on the image &elow.
)he pla!e where the two plates meet is !alled a &o$ndar#.
- North American
- Eurasian
- aci!c
- "outh American
- African
- Antarctic
- Australian
>o$ndaries ha"e different names depending on how the two plates are mo"ing in relationship
to ea!h other.
0. 3f two plates are p$shing towards ea!h other it is !alled a !on"ergent.
>. 3f two plates are mo"ing apart from ea!h other it is !alled a di"ergent
?. 3f two plates are sliding past ea!h other it is a !alled a transform.
*. %a&el the t#pe of &o$ndar# depi!ted in ea!h image &elow.
Transform Divergent Convergent
4. Plates and >o$ndaries ?hallenge. 1ollow dire!tions for the !hallenge. @e!ord #o$r res$lts
Part 3. N$m&er of !orre!tl# pla!ed plates A 1616
Part 33. N$m&er of &o$ndar# t#pes !orre!tl# la&eled A ((((
Part IV. Slip, Slide, and Collide. Use the following link to find these answers:
http:www.learner.orgintera!ti"esd#nami!earthslip.htm l
1. 0t coner!ent boundaries- te!toni! plates !ollide with ea!h other. )he e"ents that o!!$r
at these &o$ndaries are linked to the t#pes of plates +o!eani! or !ontinental, that are
Subduction "ones and Volcanoes
0t some !on"ergent &o$ndaries- an o!eani! plate !ollides with a !ontinental plate.
=!eani! !r$st tends to &e denser and thinner than !ontinental !r$st- so the denser o!eani!
!r$st gets &ent and p$lled $nder- or s$&d$!ted &eneath the lighter and thi!ker !ontinental
!r$st. )his forms what is !alled a subduction #one. 0s the o!eani! !r$st sinks- a deep
o!eani! tren!h- or "alle#- is formed at the edge of the !ontinent. )he !r$st !ontin$es to &e
for!ed deeper into the earth- where high heat and press$re !a$se trapped water and other
gasses to &e released from it. )his- in t$rn- makes the &ase of the !r$st melt- forming
Magma. )he magma formed at a s$&d$!tion /one rises $p toward the earthBs s$rfa!e and
&$ilds $p in magma !ham&ers- where it feeds and !reates "ol!anoes on the o"erriding
plate. 5hen this magma finds its wa# to
Name 44444444444444444444444444444444 Date 44444444444 Period 4444
the s$rfa!e thro$gh a "ent in the !r$st- the "ol!ano er$pts- eCpelling la"a and
ash. 0n eCample of this is the &and of a!ti"e "ol!anoes that en!ir!le the Pa!ifi! =!ean-
often referred to as the @ing of 1ire.
@oll #o$r mo$se o"er the image to find the definitions of the words &elow:
D$&d$!tion Eone F )he area where one plate is &eing p$lled $nder another.
Magma F Molten ro!k gases solid !r#stals and minerals.
)ren!h F 0 steep-sided depression in the o!ean floor.
Vol!ano F 0 "ent in the 'arth s$rfa!es thro$gh whi!h magma and gases are released.
Vol!ani! 0r! F 0n ar!-shaped !hain of "ol!anoes formed a&o"e a s$&d$!tion /one.
1ill in the t#pe of !r$st !on"erging in the image &elow.
Continental Crust
Oceanic Crust
0 s$&d$!tion /one is also generated when two o!eani! plates !ollide G the older plate is
for!ed $nder the #o$nger one- and it leads to the formation of !hains of "ol!ani! islands
known as island ar!s.
Collision "ones and $ountains
5hat happens when two !ontinental plates !ollide2 >e!a$se the ro!k making $p
!ontinental plates is generall# lighter and less dense than o!eani! ro!k- it is too light to get
p$lled $nder the earth and t$rned into magma. 3nstead- a !ollision &etween two !ontinental
plates !r$n!hes and folds the ro!k at the &o$ndar#- lifting it $p and leading to the formation
of mo$ntains .
Name 44444444444444444444444444444444 Date 44444444444 Period 4444
1ill in the t#pe of !r$st !on"erging in the image &elow.
Continental Continental
@oll #o$r mo$se o"er the image to find the definitions of the words &elow:
?ontinental ?r$st F 'arth<s !r$st that makes $p the !ontinents
Mo$ntain F 0 high large mass of 'arth and ro!k that rises a&o"e 'arth<s s$rfa!e with
Dteep or sloping sides.
(. 0t dier!ent boundaries- te!toni! plates are mo"ing awa# from ea!h other. =ne res$lt of
h$ge masses of !r$st mo"ing apart is seafloor spreading. )his o!!$rs when two plates
made of o!eani! !r$st p$ll apart. 0 !ra!k in the o!ean floor appears and then magma
oo/es $p from the mantle to fill in the spa!e &etween the plates- forming a raised ridge
!alled a Mid-o!ean ridge. )he magma also spreads o$tward- forming new o!ean floor and
new o!eani! !r$st.
5hen two !ontinental plates di"erge- a "alle#-like rift de"elops. )his rift is a dropped /one
where the plates are p$lling apart. 0s the !r$st widens and thins- "alle#s form in and
aro$nd the area- as do "ol!anoes whi!h ma# &e!ome in!reasingl# a!ti"e. 'arl# in the rift
formation- streams and ri"ers flow into the low "alle#s and long- narrow lakes !an &e
!reated. '"ent$all#- the widening !r$st along the di"ergent &o$ndar# ma# &e!ome thin
eno$gh that a pie!e of the !ontinent &reaks off- forming a new te!toni! plate.
Name 44444444444444444444444444444444 Date 44444444444 Period 4444
*. 0t trans%or& boundaries- te!toni! plates are not mo"ing dire!tl# toward or dire!tl# awa#
from ea!h other. 3nstead- two te!toni! plates grind past ea!h other in a hori/ontal dire!tion.
)his kind of &o$ndar# res$lts in a fa$lt. 0 fa$lt is a !ra!k or fra!t$re
in the earthBs !r$st that is asso!iated with this mo"ement.
)ransform &o$ndaries and the res$lting fa$lts prod$!e man# earth.$akes &e!a$se edges
of te!toni! plates are Hagged rather than smooth. 0s the plates grind past ea!h other- the
Hagged edges strike ea!h other- !at!h- and sti!k- ;lo!king; the plates in pla!e for a time.
>e!a$se the plates are lo!ked together witho$t mo"ing- a lot of
stress &$ilds $p at the fa$lt line. )his stress is released in .$i!k &$rsts when the plates
s$ddenl# slip into new positions. )he s$dden mo"ement is what we feel as the shaking
and trem&ling of an earth.$ake.
)he motion of the plates at a transform &o$ndar# has gi"en this t#pe of fa$lt another name-
a Dtrike-slip fa$lt. )he &est-st$died strike-slip fa$lt is the Dan 0ndreas 1a$lt in ?alifornia.
4. ?omplete the Plate 3ntera!tions ?hallenge and )est Dkills .$estions.
M# s!ore for Plate 3ntera!tions ?hallenge A 44444I10444444444444444444444
M# s!ore for )est Dkills .$estions A 4444444 o$t of *0 or 4444 J4444
Name 44444444444444444444444444444444 Date 44444444444 Period 4444
Part V. Questions 'ou should be able to ans(er no( that 'ou co&pleted this (eb)uest.
Note - #o$ ma# go &a!k to the we&site and re"iew to assist in answering the
following .$estions.
?on"ergent >o$ndar#
+o!ean F !ontinental,
?on"ergent >o$ndar#
+o!ean F o!ean,
?on"ergent >o$ndar#
+!ontinental F !ontinental,
1. Deep-o!ean 4444444444444444 and
444444444444444 are !reated &# !on"ergent
&o$ndaries of o!ean and !ontinental !r$st.
(. Deep-o!ean 44444444444444444 -
4444444444444444- and 4444444444444 are
!reated &# !on"ergent &o$ndaries of o!ean
and o!ean !r$st.
*. 444444444444444444444444 are !reated &#
!on"ergent &o$ndaries of !ontinental and
!ontinental !r$st.
4. 0nother t#pe of &o$ndar# neither !reates nor
!ons$mes !r$st. )his t#pe of &o$ndar# is !alled a
44444444444444444 &o$ndar# &e!a$se two
plates mo"e against ea!h other- &$ilding $p
tension- then release the tension is a s$dden Herk
of land !alled an
Name 44444444444444444444444444444444 Date 44444444444 Period 4444
4. ?ir!le the !orre!t t#pe of &o$ndar# for ea!h des!ription&elow:
0. )he&o$ndar#wheretwoplatesmeetandtren!hesareformed.
*ier!ent Coner!ent Trans%or&
>. )heplatesmo"eawa#fromea!hotherallowingmagmato!reatenewo!ean!r$st.
*ier!ent Coner!ent Trans%or&
?. )heplatesmo"einoppositedire!tions&$ilding$ptension$ntilthe#slip!a$sing
*ier!ent Coner!ent Trans%or&
6. %a&el ea!h t#pe of &o$ndar# as either: *ier!ent, Coner!ent, or Trans%or& Boundar':
0. 444444444444444444444444444444444444
>. 44444444444444444444444444444444444
?. 4444444444444444444444444444444444
)he end. Please take a min$te and look o"er #o$r we&-.$est to make s$re #o$ answered
all .$estions and !ompleted all tasks. Make s$re #o$r name is on the front and t$rn it in.

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