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Cyberbullying: A Genre Analysis of an Article and a ebsite

!essica "orales
Uni#ersity of $e%as El &aso
Cyberbullying: A Genre Analysis of an Article and a ebsite
It is no secret t(at t(e internet and social net)or*ing sites (a#e o+ened ,any doors in t(e
+ast decade- e no) (a#e access to ,uc( infor,ation t(at )e ,ay (a#e ne#er e#en *no)n
e%isted and it is no) ,uc( easier to stay in contact )it( lo#ed ones and friends t(an*s to sites
li*e .aceboo*- Ho)e#er/ )it( all of t(e good t(at co,es fro, tec(nology also co,es t(e e#ils-
0ne of t(ose e#ils is Cyberbullying- Cyberbullying is t(e ne) )ay to bully but )it( t(e use of
tec(nology- Cyberbullying is beco,ing a +roble, in sc(ools and )it( tec(nology constantly
ad#ancing it is going to get )orse in t(e future- It can cause a #icti, to isolate t(e,sel#es/ suffer
fro, de+ression/ and in e%tre,e cases cause a #icti, of cyber bullying to ta*e t(eir o)n life-
"ore and ,ore often )e see #icti,s end t(eir li#es because of Cyberbullying- &arents and ,ig(t
as* 1uestions on )(at t(ey can do to +re#ent Cyberbullying and t(ey t(an turn to resources suc(
as )ebsites and certain articles to get ad#ice-
$(e roles t(ese resources +lay can be crucial on (o) t(e audience res+onds- $(e )ay t(e
facts are +resented and (o) it is +resented can +lay an i,+ortant role in (o) t(e audience )ill
react- $)o different genres )ill differ but (o) t(e )ay t(ey co,,unicate can cause one to be
,ore effecti#e t(an t(e ot(er- $(e ne)s+a+er article 2Cyberbullying: "enace Gro)ing
orld)ide2 fro, t(e El Paso Times and t(e )ebsite 34to+ Bullying5 s+onsored and ,anaged by
t(e U.S Department of Health & Human Services are t)o different genres t(at co,,unicate
infor,ation on t(e sa,e to+ic )(ic( is Cyberbullying- 6El &aso $i,es/ '71'8/ 6HH4/ '7198
Alt(oug( t(ey are bot( tal*ing about t(e sa,e to+ic/ t(e )ay t(e +resent t(e infor,ation )ill be
different- In order to deter,ine )(ic( genre )as used ,ore effecti#ely t(eir co,,unication/
+ur+ose/ use of r(etoric tec(ni1ues/ style/ and language )ill be analy:ed-
Purpose and Audience
$(e article 2Cyberbullying: "enace Gro)ing orld)ide2 by the El Paso Times/ is
intended for +arents in t(e local area of El &aso since it;s a local ne)s+a+er- $(e audience ,ig(t
not necessarily be +arents but anyone )(o (as lo#ed ones t(at acti#ely are in#ol#ed )it(
tec(nology and using t(e internet- 6 El &aso $i,es/ '71'8- $(is genre ,ig(t be li,ited to an
older cro)d )(o read t(e ne)s+a+er and +eo+le )(o li#e in El &aso- $(e discourse co,,unities
in t(is audience )ould be +arents at (o,e or anyone )it( fa,ily- $(e intended audience ,ay
*no) about Cyberbullying on t(e local ne)s- $(ey ,ig(t *no) )(at Cyberbullying is briefly
and )(at is in#ol#ed )it( it and *no) t(e conse1uences- Ha#ing (a#e (eard t(e conse1uences of
Cyberbullying suc( as suicide it e#en being classified as a cri,e ,ig(t be incenti#e for t(e
audience to do ,ore researc( regarding t(is to+ic- $(e audience is li*ely to )ant to find out )(at
Cyberbullying is defined as/ )(at t(ey can do to +re#ent it/ t(e )arning signs/ ,ore
conse1uences/ (o) t(ey can go about tal*ing about it )it( t(eir lo#ed one/ and (o) can t(ey get
t(eir lo#ed on to o+en u+ about if t(eir a #icti, of Cyberbullying- The El Paso Times article
briefly tal*s about t(is to+ic in only ten s(ort +aragra+(s- $(ey +resent as ,uc( infor,ation as
+ossible/ so t(e article can be read in a s(ort a,ount of ti,e )(ic( also satisfies t(e needs of
audience because t(ey can read t(is #ery 1uic*ly- $(is is good because t(e audience )ill )ant to
s+end as little ti,e as +ossible )(ile getting t(e ,ost infor,ation as t(ey can- $(is article intent
is t(e +ersuade t(e audience t(at Cyberbullying is bad but also to infor, t(e, (o) bad it is and
)(at effects it could lead to- 6El &aso $i,es/ '71'8
$(e )ebsite 4to+ Bullying is s+onsored and ,anaged by t(e U.S Department of Health
& Human Services )(ic( +ro#ides infor,ation for concerned +arents and indi#uals )it( lo#ed
ones )(o )ant to get in#ol#ed )it( a#oiding Cyberbullying- 6HH4/ '71'8 $(e intended
audience and discourse co,,unity )ould be fa,ily ,e,bers )(o are concerned about t(eir
c(ild using t(e internet and t(e teenagers t(e,sel#es )(o )ant ,ore infor,ation- $(e genre
,ig(t be li,ited to younger +arents and teenagers )(o use t(e internet to searc( t(eir
infor,ation #ersus ,ore traditional +eo+le )(o ,ig(t read t(e ne)s+a+er or )atc( tele#ision-
$(e audience is li*ely to *no) )(at Cyberbullying is but not *no) s+ecifics about it- $(e
audience )ould li*e to find out t(e effects of Cyberbullying and +ossibly t(e )arning signs-
Considering it;s a )ebsite t(e audience is li*ely to )ant to s+end ,ore ti,e on it since is as
,uc( ,ore infor,ation t(an t(e article- $(e )ebsite goes ,ore into detail about Cyberbullying-
$(ey (a#e ,any subto+ics t(at (a#e to do )it( Cyberbullying/ t(an t(e article does/ )(ic( is =ust
focusing on )(at it is and one story about it- (ile t(e )ebsite +ro#ides you )it( )(at
Cyberbullying is/ and ,uc( ,ore li*e/ (o) to +re#ent it/ )(o;s at ris*/ (o) to res+ond to it/ and
(o) to get (el+- $(ey do ,uc( ,ore t(an tal* about Cyberbullying/ t(ey also tal* about related
to+ics t(at are also aggressi#e )(ic( could also lead to (ar,ful effects- $(e )ebsite also differs
because it is solely dedicated to Cyberbullying )(ile t(e El &aso $i,es is =ust a ne)s+a+er t(at
gets ne)s out to you- $(e )ebsite is an e%+ert on Cyberbullying and is su++osed to *no) and
(a#e ,ore infor,ation- $(e article see,s li*e it )ouldn;t be as credible as t(e )ebsite because
t(ey are only local ne)s )(o =ust re+ort on local acti#ity )(ile t(e )ebsite is only researc(ing
Cyberbullying- $(e article
+robably researc(ed t(eir infor,ation fro, t(e )ebsite- $(e audience )ould li*e to find as ,uc(
infor,ation as t(ey can in little ti,e as +ossible and t(e )ebsite does a good =ob doing t(at by
+ro#iding as ,uc( infor,ation into condensed +aragra+(s- $(e +ur+ose of t(is )ebsite )as to
infor, t(e audience as ,uc( infor,ation about Cyberbullying as t(ey can-
Rhetorical Techniques: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
$(e ne)s+a+er article concerning Cyberbullying is successful in including et(os to
establis( credibility )it( t(e audience- $(is article co,es fro, t(e )ebsite of t(e ,a=or
ne)s+a+er in El &aso/ and is #ery reliable )(en it co,es to ne)s- Being in El &aso/ t(e +eo+le in
t(is city al)ays go to t(is ne)s+a+er for t(e ne)s/ so t(e audience *no)s t(ey are al)ays +utting
accurate infor,ation out- It )as )ritten by t(e El Paso Times Editorial Board- 6El &aso $i,es/
'71'8 $(e )ay t(at t(e ne)s+a+er establis(es +at(os is by (o) t(e aut(or a++eals to t(e
audiences e,otions by tal*ing about (o) 3Cyberbullying (as beco,e a )orld)ide t(reat to our
c(ildren/ and (o) it dri#es t(e, to suicide5 6'71'8- $(is a++eals to t(e audience because t(e
t(oug(t of losing t(eir c(ild is (eartbrea*ing- $(e aut(or e#en goes as far to ,ention so,eone
(ere in El &aso )(o too* t(eir o)n li#es due to Cyberbullying/ and t(at s(o)s t(e audience it
can (a++en any)(ere and to anyone/ e#en (ere in t(eir (o,eto)ns 6'71'8- $(e aut(or a++eals to
t(e audiences e,otions by s(o)ing t(e, (o) scary Cyberbullying actually is because t(e
audience ,ig(t not *no) )(o t(e +er+etrator is causing t(eir lo#ed one to ta*e t(eir o)n li#es/
)(ic( s(ould lead to t(e, ta*ing action to +re#ent Cyberbullying- $(e aut(or really +uts you in
t(e s(oes of so,eone )(o (as lost t(eir c(ild because of Cyberbullying- $(e aut(or uses logic by
using real facts to s(o) (o) Cyberbullying is ruining society- $(e editorial board uses
statistics t(at are #ery recent li*e 3In '717/ t(ere )ere so,e t(ree do:en suicides directly
attributed to bullycide- E%+erts t(in* t(at nu,ber is #ery lo) because/ officially/ so,e bullycide
incidents ,ig(t (a#e been docu,ented as 2regular2 suicides-5 $(e aut(or also uses Consu,er
Re+orts data and ot(er recent +olls to s(o) (o) fre1uent Cyberbullying actually (a++ens and
(o) ,any +eo+le it effects and to also s(o) (o) bad it is 6'71'8-
$(e )ebsite does a good =ob as )ell in establis(ing its r(etoric- Ho)e#er t(eir a++roac(
is co,+letely different considering it;s a )(ole different genre/ a )ebsite and is able to +ro#ide
,uc( ,ore infor,ation- $(e )ebsites aut(ors and s+onsors are ,anaged by t(e U.S Department
of Health & Human Services- The Department of Health and Human Services is t(e United
4tates go#ern,ent;s +rinci+al agency for +rotecting t(e (ealt( of all A,ericans 6HH4/ '71'8-
$(e audience ,ay feel t(at since t(is )ebsite is go#ern,ent s+onsored and is intended to +rotect
t(eir )ellbeing it is reliable- $(e aut(or a++eals to t(e audiences e,otions by telling you t(e
effects of Cyberbullying/ (o) fre1uent it (a++ens/ )(at *ids )(o are cyber bullied do/ telling
you t(e ris* factors and all t(e infor,ation needed to *no) about Cyberbullying/ so you can
*no) if it (a++ens to your lo#ed one- $(ey also use +ictures and #ideos to get t(eir +oint across
and to a++eal to your feelings- $(e )ebsite +ro#ides ,ulti+le +ictures of a c(ildren loo*ing sad
)(ile ot(ers are ,a*ing fun of t(e, )(ic( can a++eal to t(e audience;s e,otions because it
s(o)s (o) bad bullying can ,a*e so,eone feel- $(e #ideo t(ey +ro#ide tells you e#eryt(ing
t(ey include in t(e )ebsite but it is interacti#e and fun for t(e audience- It could be (el+ful for
so,eone )(o ,ig(t be a ,ore #isual learner or )(o ,ig(t not li*e to read- A #ideo is al)ays
good to +ro#ide in t(is ti,e because +eo+le are ,ore li*ely to )ant to )atc( a #ideo t(an read an
article- $(ey also use #arious statistics suc( as old and ,ore current to s(o) t(e c(anges on (o)
Cyberbullying is increasing suc( as t(e '77AB'77C 4c(ool Cri,e 4u++le,ent and t(e
'711 Yout( Ris* -Be(a#ior 4ur#eillance 4ur#ey-
In co,+arison t(e )ebsite a++lies t(e r(etorical tec(ni1ues ,uc( ,ore effecti#ely t(an
t(e article- $(ey are go#ern,ent s+onsored )(ic( is ,uc( ,ore credible t(an a local ne)s+a+er-
$(ey also a++eal to t(e audience ,ore e,otionally )it( actually using +ictures and #ideos
#ersus =ust seeing )ords in t(e article- 4eeing a +icture )ill a++ly t(e conce+t ,uc( ,ore
effecti#ely and *ee+ t(e audience interested- Also t(e e%tended infor,ation in t(e )ebsite and
#arious data s(o)s t(eir *no)ledge of Cyberbullying #ersus t(e article )(o *no)s +robably
)(at is =ust in t(e article-
$(e structure of t(e article is set in a )ay )(ere first t(ey introduce t(e to+ic as being
t(is scary/ and t(en t(ey +ull you in )it( a real life situation )(ere so,eone locally co,,itted
suicide due to Cyberbullying/ and )(at t(ey do in t(e end is bac* u+ e#eryt(ing t(ey are saying
)it( facts about t(e issue- $(e structure of t(is article is set u+ in a good )ay to +ull t(e reader in
and actually ,a*e it see, reliable to ,a*e t(e reader actually concerned about Cyberbullying
and ,a*e t(e, )ant to actually do ,ore researc( about it after reading t(is article- $(e design is
t(e article is boring it is =ust blue and only s(o)s t(e city of El &aso/ it doesn;t really +ull t(e
reader in on (o) it loo*s because t(ey are no +ictures about t(e to+ic or no gra+(s t(at su++ort it-
$(e +age also (as a lot going on )it( t(e ads and all t(e ot(er stuff located around t(e article t(at
+ull t(e reader;s attention a)ay and ,ig(t not distract t(e, fro, reading t(e article- $(e article
could (a#e been ,uc( ,ore effecti#e )it( +ictures and gra+(s-
Being a )ebsite it )as ,ore organi:ed t(an t(e article is- $(e )ebsite is di#ided into
sections of t(e ,ain to+ics t(at t(e audience )ould )ant to *no) about- Instead of (a#ing to
read e#eryt(ing li*e in t(e article/ t(e audience gets to +ic* e%actly it is t(at t(ey are loo*ing for
and go directly to it- $(e )ebsite (as colors t(at get your attention suc( as blue/ red and blac*-
$(e )ebsite uses blue colors )(ic( I t(in* is a++ro+riate for suc( a serious to+ic it needs to
bring to your attention t(at Cyberbullying can (a#ing lasting effects t(at can be de#astating- $(e
)ebsite uses big ca+ital bold font for t(e ,ain to+ics and for t(e sub to+ics uses s,aller font/ t(is
can be (el+ful to t(e reader because it i,,ediately catc(es your attention and s(o)s t(eir
organi:ation- $(e )ebsite contributes to t(eir ,essage by including +ictures in e#ery +age t(at
you go to )(ic( gi#e a #isual understanding of )(at t(ere are tal*ing about-
0#erall t(e layout of t(e )ebsite is structured ,uc( ,ore effecti#ely t(an t(e article is-
$(e article isn;t structured )ell because t(ey (a#e no +ictures t(at add to t(eir ,eaning and t(e
#arious distractions around t(e )eb+age- $(e )ebsite is ,uc( ,ore #isually a++ealing fro, t(e
colors and t(e +ictures and is ,ore organi:ed t(an t(e article )(ic( constantly is going fro, one
sentence to a long +aragra+(- $(e article (as not(ing t(at )ill catc( your attention unli*e t(e
)ebsite )(ic( includes colors/ bold letters/ +ictures and #ideos-
Style and Language
$(e style language +resented in t(is article is infor,al because t(ey use language to
a++eal to t(e audience- $(e aut(or did t(is article in an infor,al )ay because t(e audience could
be a younger cro)d and t(ey (a#e to be able to +ull t(e, in and get t(e, to understand t(e true
effects of Cyberbullying- $(ey also use a real situation about so,eone )(o lost t(eir li#es fro,
Cyberbullying/ so it;s (ard to a++roac( t(at to+ic in a for,al )ay- Ho)e#er/ )(en
s(o)ing its facts and statistics t(ey ,aintain a for,al )ay t(roug(out to s(o) t(at t(ey are
telling you t(e trut( and t(ey can be reliable- $(ey first introduce t(e to+ic infor,ally and t(en
go to ,a*e it for,al-
$(e style and language t(roug(out t(e )ebsite is ,aintained for,al- Being a
go#ern,ent s+onsored )ebsite t(ey (a#e to see, credible and by using a ,ore for,al a++roac(
t(ey do- $(eir for,al a++roac( ,ay see, boring since t(ey ,ostly use facts to s(o) t(ey *no)
)(at t(ey are tal*ing about because t(ey are t(e go#ern,ent and t(ey are t(e ones )(o are
usually doing t(is researc( on Cyberbullying- 0#erall t(e style and language is ,uc( ,ore
effecti#e in t(e )ebsite because t(e audience )ould li*ely li*e a ,ore for,al a++roac( #ersus
t(e articles infor,al a++roac( on suc( a serious to+ic-
It is #ery i,+ortant for )ebsites and articles to structure t(eir infor,ation in a )ay to
*ee+ t(e audience interested- If t(e infor,ation is not credible t(e infor,ation )ill not be
effecti#e and ,ig(t not +ull t(e reader in and after analy:ing t(e t)o genres t(e U.S Department
of Health & Human Services )ebsite 4to+ Bullying is ,ore effecti#e in +resenting t(eir
infor,ation to t(e intended audience about Cyberbullying- $(ey are go#ern,ent s+onsored and
are ,ore li*ely to get t(eir infor,ation to ,ore +eo+le t(an t(e local ne)s+a+er )ould- The U.S
Department of Health & Human Services is ,uc( ,ore reliable t(an t(e El Paso Times )ould be
on t(is issue since t(eir researc( is dedicated to t(e researc( to better t(e (ealt( of (u,ans in t(e
United 4tates- In addition t(e )ebsite (as ,uc( ,ore infor,ation t(an t(e article could e#er
(a#e and also (as ,ore )ays to a++eal to t(e audience- $(e )ebsite is also ,ore a++ealing t(an
t(e article is because it is =ust )ords and t(e )ebsite (as colors/ different to+ics/ and (as #ideos
too- $(e )ebsite really s(o)s (o) t(is genre can +resent a to+ic ,uc( ,ore nicely t(an a article
e#er could- 6HH4/ '71'8/ 6El &aso $i,es/ '71'8
El &aso $i,es Editorial Board- Cyberbullyin! meance ro"in "orld"ide- Retrie#ed fro,
Stopcyberbullyin.ov- 6'71'/ "arc( 1<8- Retrie#ed fro,

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