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Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved

In 20 steps!


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved

Special Thanks:
To Eda for keeping motivated to finish my first eBook
To Arnaud for your feedback and support
To Jerry for the cover photos
To Artman for all the help and support
To Nick for your time and valuable advices
To Mark for helping beyond expectations


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved
Table of Contents

I: Introduction
II: Get The Promotion You Deserve
1 Get motivated Page 4
2 Nail down your current position Page 5
3 Punctuality is the politeness of the kings Page 6
4 Life begins at the end of your comfort zone Page 7
5 Relationships Page 8
6 If you snooze you lose Page 8
7 The Only journey in the journey within Page 9
8 Constructive feedback Page 10
9 Consistency Page 11
10 Be Proactive Page 12
11 Get noticed for the right reasons Page 12
12 Is the job right for you? Page 13
13 Put your career first! Page 13
14 Work / life balance Page 14
15 Dress for success! Page 14
16 Prepare your succession Page 14
17 Back to school Page 15
18 Event planning Page 15
19 Become a subject matter expert Page 16
20 The finish line! Page 16
21 The Bonus step Page 18


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved


When it comes to work, Nothing is due everything is earned!
Get that promotion you deserve is about working for what you want and deserve it.
Success hardly ever happen overnight and you will need a strong willpower to reach
your goals. Keep in mind that nobody will ever care about your career and personal
development as much as you do. It is therefore your full and only responsibility to take a
step forward. Its time for you to invest in your career!
If you are fully ready to make it to the next step then keep reading. All along my
experience as a manager I have seen a lot of my co-workers getting discouraged
because they didnt take the right steps to get promoted.
Whats great about a promotion is that, once youve secured one, you can repeat it all
over again by following similar steps.
To get to achieve any goals, you will need a detailed plan to get you from the point A to
the point B. This book is here to help you establish a plan that will get you to your main
career goal.
All the following steps are advices that I have personally taken to get forward with my
own career or witnessed others executing them successfully.
So now stop wishing and start doing


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved

1. Get motivated:
Motivation is absolutely everything to get through a promotion. The steps you will have
to make will take time and will require a strong willpower. Motivation will be the drive
you need to accomplish all the improvements needed.
This motivation shouldnt be based only on salary increase. If you have your eyes on a
higher level position then the money will most of the time follow as well as new and
heavier responsibilities so you have to think about this too.
Use any source of motivation you can get. Usually surrounding yourself with like-minded
people helps tremendously. Build up a motivational playlist that youd listen to at times
when youll need to get an extra push.
Career and life related quotes are always of a good help. I have added one below that
was referred to me years ago. Its quite radical and straight to the point, the most
powerful one Ive come across so far. A life changing one!


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved

2. Nail down your current position:
Be on the top of your own targets and make sure you are ready to take extra tasks. To
get ready for a promotion, you will need to take on extra tasks. Then prove to your
direct manager that you can achieve your own targets and handle extra tasks. No
manager will delegate you more tasks if s/he thinks you are not able to keep up with
your targets.


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved

3. Punctuality is the politeness of Kings:
Might seems like an obvious point but not all employees are applying this simple rule.
Having a good record of attendance is really important. It shows that you value the
company, your job, your team and your direct manager. Being on time is also a form of
respect to never neglect! If you happen to be late at work do not try to sneak in hoping
for your manager to not notice it. Trust me they will know it all the time. As a manager
this is also the way I see if my subordinates are trust worthy. It starts with the simplest
step of showing up on time and leaving on time.
The worst thing is leaving before your time with no manager approval, this will kill all
your efforts!
Overtime is not the answer neither, you also have to prove that you are able to
complete your tasks of the day within a limited time frame. Staying late to help your
colleagues or direct manager when requested to do so will be appreciated but stay later
at work to try to show that you are committed to the job will be seen as a negative


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved

4. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone:
Be curious and learn new skills, areas of the business, get to how it works. How does
your company works? Where do the finances come from? How is it managed and why?
This step is important because it will give you a deep understanding on why certain
decisions are taken and will also help you to bring relevant improvements in the internal
systems of the company.
Believe that you can learn from anybody. Be curious and start to get to know your co-
workers and what their daily job is about.


Get The Promotion You Deserve By Katheryn S Ghanem | 2014 All rights reserved

5. Relationships:
Keep professional relationship with all of your colleagues at all time! Dont be rude to
anybody, it is crucial to know who is who. Ive seen a situation happening were one of
my subordinates was rude to one of my superiors because he wasnt aware of my
superiors status. Trust my words when I say that no manager will ever want to have to
justify on such a behavior for you.

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