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Dear Rezaul

Could you please write a thread which will check the db for the following after
every 5 min.(this min should be configurable).
Will run in db the below query
1. To fix IVR language and currency issue
Select clAccountID from vbClient where clIVRCurrencyAndLanguage=0;
If any accountID say 5555 found then will run the below in db
Update vbClient set clIVRCurrencyAndLanguage=257, clLastModificationTime=<System
current Time> where clAccountID=5555;
update vbSequencer set table_LastModificationTime =<System current Time> where t
able_name = vbClient;
2. To fix when click on search route then billing shows an error message (Failu
re message)
select rtDestID from vbRoute where rtDestID not in (select dt
DestID from vbDestination);
if any destID found then run the below in database. For example
if the destid is 888888
update vbRoute set rtIsDeleted=1, rtLastModificationTime=<Syste
m Current Time> where rtDestID=888888;
update vbSequencer set table_LastModificationTime =<System current Time> wh
ere table_name = vbRoute;
3. fix the issue of vbDestination code null
select dtDestID from vbDestination where dtDestCode is null;
if any destID is found then run the below. For example if the id is 9999
update vbDestinationRatePlan set drpIsDeleted=1, drpLastModificationTime =<Syst
em current Time> where drpDtDestID=9999;
update vbSequencer set table_LastModificationTime =<System current Time> where t
able_name = vbDestinationRatePlan;
update vbRoute set rtIsDeleted=1, rtLastModificationTime=<System Current Time>
where rtDestID=888888;
update vbSequencer set table_LastModificationTime =<System current Time> where t
able_name = vbRoute;
delete from vbDestination where dtDestID=9999;
update vbSequencer set table_LastModificationTime =<System current Time> where t
able_name = vbDestination;

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