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Calf Stretch I

T.E.A.M. Chiropractic Wellness Centre

12-2090 Corydon Ave
Winnipe! Manito"a
#$% 1&'
Calf Stretch I
M(scles Stretched
1. )astrocne*i(s
2. Sole(s
$. E+trinsic foot fle+ors
Start %osition
1. ,ands aainst -all
2. %lace one foot "ac.
$. /ac. foot0s .nee is straiht
1. Toes facin straiht ahead.
'. 2eet flat on ro(nd
2inish %osition
1. 3(ne "ody for-ard to-ards -all
1. If yo( do not et a stretch tryin placin the "ac.
foot f(rther "ac.
Co**on Errors
1. /endin the "ac. .nee
2. /ac. heel off the ro(nd
$. Toes point o(t
4ther 4ptions
1. Calf Stretch II
T.E.A.M. Chiropractic Wellness Centre
12-2090 Corydon Ave
Winnipe! Manito"a
#$% 1&'

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