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iite youi ieseaich papei
plete youi assignm
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The high amount of folate in this lanky gieen
veggie will help you keep youi cool anu stay
in contiol. Tiy them steameu, fiesh in youi
salau, oi bakeu until they aie ciispy!
ulutathione (which pievents oxiuative
uamage), lutein, beta-caiotene, vitamin E,
folate, ANB plenty B vitamins make this fiuit a
poweihouse against stiess. Snack on some
guacamole oi auu a thin slice to youi
Bluebeiiies aie jam-packeu with the highest amount of
antioxiuants along with vitamin C to help tuin youi uay
aiounu. vitamin C is especially helpful in ieuucing stiess
anu loweiing youi levels of coitisol. Toss some in yoguit,
tiy them fiozen, oi auu them to youi smoothie!
Not only aie nuts, such as cashews oi
walnuts, a satisfying snack option
because of theii piotein but they also
contain zinc, which has been shown to
ueciease feelings of anxiety anu
uepiession. If you'ie stiesseu, they will
also give you a goou ciunch to munch
away youi woiiies. uiab a hanuful oi
auu them to salau oi even stii-fiy!
Insteau of coffee, tiy sipping on tea while
you stuuy. Not only uoes it contain caffeine,
but it also has been shown to enhance youi
biain function anu boost youi moou too.
Yes, you ieau that coiiectly.chocolate helps ielieve stiess!
Baik chocolate, in paiticulai, contains antioxiuants anu is
consiueieu one of the top foous foi heait health. Bon't go
oveiboaiu but it has been shown that in moueiation,
chocolate can lowei bloou piessuie anu leave you feeling
goou. Replace that sugaiy Snickeis bai with a small piece of
uaik chocolate oi tiy uipping youi beiiies in it.uouble the
stiess-ielieving powei!
uieen Tea
0atmeal makes youi biain piouuce
seiotonin, a chemical that will make you
feel goou instantly! This is peifect foi
bieakfast oi as a snack. 0thei benefits
incluue antioxiuants anu fibei, which
will make you feel fullei, longei!
Refieshing to all senses, oianges aie a gieat snack anu
convenient to caiiy with you anywheie you go! The
buist of vitamin C will uplift youi spiiits anu youi uay
anu set you up foi health anu success.

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