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Risk Based Inspection Question Bank

1. API 580 is specifically targeted at the application of RBI in the

a) ydro car!on industry
!) "he#ical process industry
c) $hip !uilding % fa!rication units
d) All the a!o&e.
e) a % !
'. RBI is !ased on sound( pro&en risk assess#ent and #anage#ent principles. )one the less( RBI
*ill not co#pensate for
a) Inaccurate of #issing infor#ation
!) +perating outside the accepta!le design en&elope.
c) ,ack of -ualified personnel or tea# *ork.
d) ,ack of sound engineering or operational .udg#ent.
e) All the a!o&e.
/. 0ollo*ing e-uip#ent are not co&ered under the RBI !y API580
a) Pressure &essels
!) Process piping
c) Boilers and heaters
d) Instru#ent and control syste#.
1. Pro!a!ility of failure analysis is #ade fro#
a) loss of contain#ent that occurs due to deterioration #echanis#
!) "onse-uences of the failure
c) 2one .ust *ith pre&ious e3perience.
d) All the a!o&e.
5. 4raphical representation of scenarios fro# potential accidents outco#e *ill !e called as
a) Accident e&ent.
!) Process tree.
c) "onse-uence tree.
d) 5&ent 6ree.
7. Risk prior to #itigation acti&ities.
a) 8n#itigated risk
!) Accepta!le risk
c) A,ARP.
d) )one of the a!o&e.
9. RBI #ethodology can !e adopted for
a) 5ntire operating unit
!) $ection of operating unit
c) :a.or syste# or :a.or 5-uip#ent.
d) All of the a!o&e.
8. RBI analysis accuracy depends on the follo*ing.
a) $ound :ethodology
!) Quality data
c) ;no*ledgea!le Personnel
d) All the a!o&e.
<. =hich of follo*ing #echanis# is #ost likely to result in thining>
a) $ulphidation
!) $tress corrosion cracking
c) 0atigue
d) )one of the a!o&e.
10. 6he ter# failure used for failure analysis in RBI typically #eans.
a) ,oss of contain#ent.
!) 4eneral corrosion
c) 6hinning
d) All the a!o&e.
11. RBI :anage#ent #eans.
a) Risk #itigation
!) Risk acceptance
c) Risk co##unication.
d) All the a!o&e.
1'. I$+ riskline represents.
a) "onstant risk line
!) RBI is not considering such thu#! rules
c) 6ypical line represents no of accidents happened in the plant.
d) )one of the a!o&e.
Risk Based Inspection Question Bank
1/. ,ogic #odels that are !eing used in Quantitati&e Risk analysis *ill ha&e the #odeling syste#s
such as
a) 5&ent tree
!) 0ault tree
c) Analysis tree
d) All the a!o&e
e) A % B
11. ?arious *ays *hich lead to the occurrence of e&ent
a) 0ault tree
!) 5&ent tree
c) All the a!o&e
d) )one of the a!o&e.
15. 6ypical para#eters used for assessing en&iron#ental da#ages
a) Acres of land affected per year
!) :ile of shore line attacked per year
c) )u#!er of hu#an resources affected
d) All the a!o&e.
17. In RBI conse-uence analysis are relates are #odeled in
a) Instantaneous releases
!) "ontinuous release.
c) All the a!o&e.
d) )one of the a!o&e.
19. RBI conse-uence analysis( if fluid in the &essel is li-uid !ut its !oiling point is less than 802eg 0(
the phased !ounded for conse-uences analysis *ill !e taken
a) ,i-uid
!) 4as
c) 4as #i3ture
d) )one of the a!o&e.
18. Risk can !e @@@@@@@@@@@@ Inspection.
a) :itigated
!) :anaged
c) A % B
d) )one of the a!o&e.
1<. :itigation can !e planned and i#ple#ented prior to
a) Predicated failure date
!) After the failure
c) :itigation cannot !e planned.
d) )one of the a!o&e.
'0. 2eterioration #echanis# can !e arrestedA#itigated !y
a) Inspection
!) 0ailure analysis
c) 2etailed in&estigation !y RBI
d) )one of the a!o&e.
'1. =hen inspection data gathered are not properly analyBed and acted upon
a) Risk #itigation cannot !e achie&ed
!) 2ata is not &ery i#portant as *e can take fro# pre&ious e3perience.
c) )o pro!le# e3perienced.
d) )one of the a!o&e.
''. Proper inspection #ethods and data analysis tools are critical for
a) RBI
!) R":
c) QRA
'/. Risk #anage#ent through inspection #ay ha&e little or no effect under the follo*ing
a) Re#aining life of the e-uip#ent is less
!) 6ype of deterioration #echanis# is unkno*n.
c) A % B
'1. "ost effecti&e Risk #itigation strategy can !e pro&ided for each ite# through
a) Inspection
!) 0ailure analysis
c) "onse-uence analysis
Risk Based Inspection Question Bank
'5. Inspection strategy should !e designed in con.unction *ith other #itigation plans for all
e-uip#ent *ill ha&e resultant
a) Risk that are accepta!le
!) Risk that are not accepta!le.
c) All the a!o&e.
'7. 0or localiBed corrosion *hich inspection #ethod is preferred than others.
a) Radiography
!) 86 thickness #easure#ent
c) :6 % P6
d) All the a!o&e.
'9. Purposed of inspection tools in RBI such as C *hat ofD tool to deter#ine *hen( hat and ho* is
a) 6o achie&e the accepta!le risk le&el
!) 0or all general purpose.
c) 6o consult the 5-uip#ent 5ngineerA+*ner
'8. Increasing the fre-uency of inspection #ay ser&e !etter define( identify or #onitor the

a) 2eterioration #echanis#s and there fore reduce the risk.
!) )othing can !e done through inspection.
c) Both A % B
'<. Radiography is #ost effecti&ely used o&er 86
a) ,ocalised corrosion.
!) 8nifor# corrosion.
c) 6o identify the stress corrosion cracking
/0. Inspection costs can !e #ore effecti&ely #anaged through the
a) 8tilisation of RBI
!) Inspection of progra#s
c) QRA
/1. 2ocu#ented #itigation action plan should !e de&eloped for any e-uip#ent re-uiring
a) Repair
!) Replace#ent.
c) All e-uip#ent.
d) A % B
/'. RBI !e used to opti#iBe inspection costs that directly effect
a) ,ife cycle cost
!) Plant operating cost
c) )ot effect any of these.
//. RBI enhance the prediction of failures co#es !y deterioration #echanis# C the e-uip#ent cycle
ti#e should @@@@@@@@@@ and life cycles cost @@@@@@@@D

a) Increase( decrease
!) 2ecrease( increase
c) )one of the a!o&e.
/1. 5&aluating fla*s for fitness for ser&ice assess#ent #ay !e perfor#ed to deter#ine of the
e-uip#ent #ay continue to !e safely operated !y
a) API 591
!) API 59<
c) +*ners e3perience.
d) All the a!o&e
/5. =hen e-uip#ent is o&er designed for the process conditions reErating the e-uip#ent #ay result in
a reduction of the
a) Pro!a!ility of failure
!) ,ife ti#e of the plant
c) Reducing the e3penditure of the plant.
d) )one of the a!o&e.
/7. RBI study is @@@@@@@@@
a) 6ea# approach
!) :anage#ent approach.
c) Indi&idual approach
d) )one of the a!o&e.
/9. Responsi!ility for gathering data on the condition and history of the e-uip#ent in the RBI study
Risk Based Inspection Question Bank
a) 5-uip#ent Inspector
!) Inspection specialist
c) RBI 5ngineer
d) A % B
/8. Responsi!ility for assessing the types of deterioration #echanis# and their applica!ility
a) "orrosion specialist
!) Inspection engineer
c) Planning engineer
/<. Responsi!ility for assessing the pro&ision of process conditions infor#ationE
a) "orrosion specialist
!) Inspection engineer
c) Process engineer
10. Responsi!le for pro&iding the resources and follo* up the syste# to i#ple#ent the risk #itigation
a) "orrosion specialist
!) :anage#ent.
c) Planning engineer
11. 5? and safety personnel also responsi!le for assessing and reco##ending *ays to #itigate
a) Pro!a!ility of failure
!) "onse-uence of failure
c) Both a and !
1'. RBI is dyna#ic tool that can pro&ide current and pro.ected@@@@@@@@
a) +nly can pro&ide Past risk calculations
!) 0uture risk e&aluations
c) "an not !e #anaged *ith this.
1/. "hanges in process conditions and hard*are changes such as e-uip#ent #odifications or
replace#ent fre-uently can significantly alter the risks. 6his situation dictates the need for a
a) ReEassess#ent
!) )o assess#ent.
c) 2epends on the local rules.
11. =hen to conduct RBI reassess#ent.
a) After a significant changes
!) After a set ti#e period
c) After i#ple#entation of risk #itigation strategies.
d) Before and after #aintenance turnarounds.
e) All the a!o&e.
15. RBI re-uire to in&ol&e#ent of &arious seg#ent of the organiBations
a) 5ngineering
!) :aintenance and operations.
c) A % B.
17. Risk re#aining after the risk #itigation is
a) Residual risk
!) Risk analysis.
c) )one of the a!o&e.
d) Real risk
19. localiBed corrosion caused !y @@@@@@@@@@@@@ on alkaline units( caused !y
a) "ar!on dio3ide
!) 4al&anic corrosion
c) $ulfuric acid
18. As per API580( 2a#age #echanis# is not #ost likely to result of thinning
a) $oil corrosion
!) Pitting
c) "orrosion under insulation.
d) 6A
1<. =hich of the follo*ing da#aging #echanis# is not likely result in #etallurgical and
en&iron#ental failure
a) 6A
!) :etal dusting and te#per e#!rittle#ent.
c) "orrosion fatigue
50. :echanical failures due to #aterial of construction( stress and te#perature.
Risk Based Inspection Question Bank
a) "reep
!) :echanical deterioration
c) 6her#al fatigue.

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