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THE GENERAL COURT A Statement by Senator Benjamin B. Downing and Representative Daniel E. Bosley Regarding North Adams Regional Hospital (December 8, 2009) - While it is not our intent or practice to insert ourselves in labor negotiations, we believe that the current situation at North Adams Regional Hospital (NARH) warrants cur involvement in the process. We have come to that conclusion because NARH is an essential community resource. It is the largest employer and is integral to our further economic development efforts in Northern Berkshire County. Furthermore, our geographically isolated nature makes the potential for seeking alternatives during any dispute or work stoppage difficult As such, we are calling on SEIU 1199 to delay their strike, for NARH management to agree to retum to the bargaining table and for both sides to continue negotiations until such time that an agreement is reached or both sides agree that no resolution is possible. Additionally, we would urge both sides to refrain from public statements during this period, in the hopes of creating a climate in which an agreement can be reached. This statement shouldn’t be construed as taking sides or laying blame, rather it is an attempt to ensure continued delivery of health care in Northern Berkshire by a highly skilled and dedicated workforce. No one should think that the resolution of this current situation is the end of our health care challenges. We have significant issues to address — our payer mix, socioeconomic make up, and uncertain state and federal reimbursements — as we seek to provide high quality, affordable health care to all Northern Berkshire residents. Addressing these challenges will be difficult in and of themselves, but addressing them with pending labor disputes, unrest or uncertainty will be exceedingly more difficult. In order to ensure continued access to quality health care, we all need to work together: ourselves, management, labor and community leaders. We are confident that both sides agree with this and are committed to a resolution that meets community needs, without sacrificing the financial stability of the Hospital or the rights of the workforce that care for our friends, neighbors and loved ones. We hope that both sides respond positively to our call, return to the negotiating table and come to a resolution with the best interests of Northern Berkshire in mind. Hit

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