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Ericsson Command Handling

1. Giving Performance test against a TRX

rxbli:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Block)
rxtei:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Perf. Test)
rxble:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Deblock)
2. To see the frequency state of a TRX!ith fault code"
#. To see TRX status
1. rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (For !"i#$ o#l% o#e T&' st!t(s)
). rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-*++-5; (for !"i#$ t,o or more T&' st!t(s
$. To see all TX%T&%TRX" status
'ote( &tate% )*+% )*, all the values -ill .e /ero for active TRX TRX in good condition"
0. To find the TG value of a &ite
rxtcp:mot%=rxot$ - cell=.x/3)1*;
1. To see all e2ternal alarm of a )&C
3. To see all internal alarm of a )&C
4. To see active alarm of a )&C
!llip; (For !ll te !cti"e !l!rm of ! B12)
!llip:!cl=!1; (,ere !1=critic!l !l!rm o#l%)
!llip:!cl=!); (,ere !)=m!3or !l!rm o#l%)
!llip:!cl=!3; (,ere !3=mi#or !l!rm o#l%)
!llip:!cl=!1-!lc!t=ext4bts; (for critic!l ext !l!rms)
5. To see the total of TRX of a &ite
rxc.p:mo=rxot$-)!ils; (,ere )5 is te T6 "!l(e of 9//B of ! site.)
16. )loc789e.loc7 of a TRX
rxbli:mo=rxotrx-)3-/-s(bor.; (Block)
rxese:mo=rxotrx-)3-/-s(bor.; (&elo!.
rxesi:mo=rxotrx-)3-/-s(bor.; (&elo!. 8xec(te)

11. TRX no. of 566) and 1466)

566) Cell 1466) Cell
1 2 # 1 2 # (9o. of 2ell)

/ * : / * : ;
1 5 9 1 5 9 ;
) < 1/ ) < 1/ ; (9o.
3 5 11 3 5 11
12. To find out The R)*2%R)*T)%R)*T2 of a &:ecific site
!) rx!pp:mo=rxot$-353; ,ere 353 is te T6 "!l(e of ! site
b) #tcop:s#t=!ll;
'ote( &earching format to find out the ;ault descri:tion% ,ction from the P9; file( 'o of class( fault
code. E2am:le( 1)(##% 2,(#6
1#. To see the GPR& &tatus of a )&C
1$. *oc78unloc7 of a TRXincluding all TX%T& etc corres:onding the TRX"
rxbli:mo=rxotrx-)3-/-s(bor.; (=ock)
rxble:mo=rxotrx-)3-/-s(bor.; (>#lock)
10. *oc78unloc7 of a TRXe2cluding all TX%T& etc corres:onding the TRX"

rxbli:mo=rxotrx-)3-/; (=ock)
rxble:mo=rxotrx-)3-/; (>#lock)
11. *oc7 < unloc7 of a cell

rlstc:cell=.x1)3*1-st!te=!lte.; (Te first cell lock of D?@0'1)3* site)
rlstc:cell=.x1)3*1-st!te=!cti"e; (Te first cell (#lock of D?@0'1)3*)
rlstc:cell=.x1)3*1-c$r=1-st!te=!cti"e; (Te first cell of 1:// b!#. (#lock
of D?@0'1)3*)
13. To chec7 the R)*2 of a site either it is !or7ing or not *oo: chec7"
.tstp:.ip=:*rbl); (,ere :* is te rbl) #(mber of ! site)
14.To chec7 PC=& loo: from )&C end of a site
15.To chec7 PC=& loo: from TR,> end of a site
26.To 7no- the time from the system

21.To find the of traffic channel of a site
rx!pp:mo=rxot$-<; ,ere < is te T6 "!l(e.
22. To get all the signaling of a )&C
)3. To clear ?digital :ath quality su:ervision@alarm
2$. To loo7 into either a cell holding call or to see channel status
20. To monitor signaling :oint
23. To 7no- frequency of all )T& in a )&C
1. rlcfp:cell=!ll; (For !ll BT1)
). rlcfp:cell=.x//5/1; (For ! specific cell)
23. To 7no- cell configuration frequency data
rlcfp:cell=.x//931; (Bere 1 is for 1st cell of D?@0'//93)
24. To have all the data of a cell
25. To get either a cell is 566) or 1466)
#6. The command to :oint the connected )&CAs for the TRC
#1. The command of getting the name of =&C to -hich )&C is connected
#2. To have the name of all =&C
##. To see all PC= status

#$. To see either a cell is halted or active
#0. To see the halted cell status of all )T& in a )&C
#3. To 7no- all TRX faults
1. rx!sp:mot%=rxotrx; (for !ll ki#.s of 7C= f!(lt of ! B12)
). rx!sp:mot%=rxot$; (For !ll ki#.s of F!(lt of ! B12)
#5. To 7no- either a &ite carrying 2E1 or 1E1
Here 1 is the TG value of the site. Bf no. of TCH starts from 1 to #1 then 2E1. Bf starts from 1 to 10
then it -ill .e 1E1 carrying site .
#1. To get all PC= status -hich are do-n
#4. To 7no- individual TRX fault
!here 216 is TG value C 6 is for TRX
$6. To have the TEB of a site
$1. To manually .loc7 or un.loc7 a s:ecific r.tl2
1. .tble:.ip=5:rblt); (>#block)
). .tbli:.ip=5:rblt); (block)
$2. To have the site B9 name of site" from an un7no-n TG value
$#( To get the soft-are version of a &ite
$$. , TRX having hard-are or not
Bf R> Dersion% Position all values sho- /ero then the TRX is -ithout hard-are.
$0. To chec7 if ,P is u:
1) !ploc;
)) prcst!te Dl

,P is equivalent to ),=. ,Ps are redundant.
$1.Ho- to find out R,*T2 .elongs to -hich )&C
*etAs assume R,*T2($5 in TE9HE61
Connect to TE9HE61
There -ill .e a 9ED list against all 9BPs
,gainst $5R,*T2 there -ill .e a range FR,*T281014CC81055G
,dd 1 -ith the lo-er range% -hich -ill .e 1015 for $5R,*T2
The second command -ill sho- connected =&C C )&C.
$3.To find out under -hich sector a TRX is
T&H Time slot
TXH Transmission of TRX
RXH Receiver of TRX
TGH Transceiver Grou:
C;H Control ;unction
T;H Timing ;unction
B&H Bnterface &!
9X> of ericsson site is equivalent to C+), of &iemens
;or C9>8G ( Bf TG value is less than 266 then it is 566) else 1466)
;or C9>8E ( )oth .ands -ill have same TG
&ometimes 1466) and 566) are thro-n over 1E1 in that case R)*T2 of )oth -ill .e same .ut their
TG value -ill .e different.
Bf +=* fault a::ears against a TRX or site that means +=C connection is .ro7en for that site or
TRX. &o no command -ill .e successful in that case.
+ne 9TR> Contains t-o TRXs

&E=)4&E=T) eA(i"!le#t to P2CE
&T=TT4&TT) eA(i"!le#t to P2C1
&B=)4&B=T) eA(i"!le#t to P2CB
)&C TRC =&C *ocation
B12T/1 T82TG/1 C62T/) 2itt!$o#$
B12T/3 T82TG/) C62T/3 2itt!$o#$
B12T/* T82TG/1 C62T/) 2itt!$o#$
B1D?/* C6D?/* 2&P-Cirp(r
B1D?/< T8D?8/1 C6D?/1 ?os#!
B1D?15 T8D?@/1 C6D?/3 @!.eri!
B1D?)/ T8D?2/1 C6D?/1 ?os#!
B1D?)< T8D?2/) C6D?/1 ?os#!
B1D?3/ T8D?@/1 C6D?/3 @!.eri!
$4. To see -hether C9> ca.le is E or G ty:e.
$5.To ;ind out ho- many c7t are .loc7 of a &T=( for tis comm!#. ple!se co##ecte. to respecti"e
s,itc )
5/- To see te trx b!#.(9//41://) ere ):9 T6 "!l(e-)b T&' #(mber
01. for circuit measurement(TRC"!ll;
Calculation( ')*J'9D
5). For cre!te. b(t (#co#fi$(re. T&' 1t!t(s:
&'C1P:C7 = &'7T6-HH-1>B7&D;
&'81I:C7 = &'7T&'-HH-HH-1>B7&D;
&'B=8:C7 = &'7T&'-HH-HH-1>B7&D;
53. To fi#. o(t T6 "!l(e !$!i#st ! BT1.
&xtcp:mot%=rxot$-cell=.x))<<1; ,ere .x))<<1 is cell #o.
5*. To fi#. o(t ,eter is si$#!li#$ .o,# or #otJ

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