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The Role of a Perianesthesia Manager

ennifer ! S"ith
Ferris State #ni$ersit%
The Role of a Perianesthesia Manager
Nurse "anagers &ith a transfor"ational leadershi' st%le 'ro"ote effe(ti$e
(o""uni(ation) e"'o&er"ent) (ontinuit% of (are) a higher le$el of "oti$ation) and a greater
sense of 'ur'ose *+oder,-ise) ./101! This transfor"ational leadershi' st%le is e$ident in the
'ra(ti(e of Mi(helle -ona(ott) R!N! Mi(helle has 2een a registered nurse for 31 %ears! She
o2tained her asso(iate4s degree in nursing at North&estern Mi(higan 5ollege in 1673 and her
2a(helor4s degree in nursing fro" Ferris State #ni$ersit% in 1667! She is (urrentl% (o"'leting
her "aster4s degree in nursing at Ferris State #ni$ersit% &ith an anti(i'ated graduation date of
Ma% ./10!
Mi(helle has 'ra(ti(ed in a $ariet% of staff and "anage"ent settings! She started as a
staff nurse on a "edi(al,surgi(al unit and &ithin t&o %ears assu"ed a nurse leadershi' role!
Mi(helle4s interest in 2eha$ioral health lead her to a role as a 2eha$ioral health nurse! This role
re8uired e9(ellent (o""uni(ation and inter'ersonal s:ills! She &as later 'ro"oted to "anager
of this unit) &here she "anaged for se$eral %ears! Mi(helle4s ne9t a((o"'lish"ent &as
a((e'ting a role of "anager of an ad$an(ed registration de'art"ent and out'atient surger%
de'art"ent! In ./1.) Mi(helle &as a&arded her (urrent 'osition as "anager of a 'reo'erati$e
assess"ent (enter) an ad$an(ed registration de'art"ent) and a 'erianesthesia de'art"ent!
This 'a'er &ill fo(us on des(ri2ing and anal%;ing her role of Manager of the
Perianesthesia <e'art"ent at Munson Medi(al 5enter in Tra$erse 5it%) Mi(higan! Her s(o'e of
'ra(ti(e) (olla2oration role) and ethi(al issues she has fa(ed &ill 2e dis(ussed! In addition) use of
'o&er and influen(e) use of de(ision,"a:ing and 'ro2le",sol$ing) along &ith (onfli(t resolution
s:ills &ill 2e e9a"ined! Additional dis(ussion &ill in(lude the effe(t on 'atient (are) on the
organi;ation) staff) and 'atients!
Scope of Practice
The s(o'e of 'ra(ti(e for the 'erianesthesia nurse "anager is su2stantial as she is
res'onsi2le for a large nu"2er of staff in three areas &ith different fo(uses and 'ro(esses for
'atient (are! Mi(helle is edu(ationall% 're'ared for this role as she has had %ears of e9'erien(e
as a nurse "anager) is finishing her "aster4s degree in nursing) and has a (ertifi(ation in
a"2ulator% 'erianesthesia nursing! She is res'onsi2le for dire(ting and e$aluating the nursing
(are of 'atients) is a((ounta2le for "aintaining the integrit% of the unit 2udget) utili;ing
resour(es a''ro'riatel%) safe staffing and s:ill le$els) and e$aluation of 'erfor"an(e of all staff
annuall% *Munson Health(are) n!d!1! Mi(helle indi(ates that her "ain =o2 duties are to ensure
safe 'atient (are) organi;ational finan(ial res'onsi2ilit%) (hief re(ruit"ent and retention offi(er)
"aintaining regulator% re8uire"ents) 'atient and fa"il% ad$o(ate) and 'rofessional de$elo'"ent
of staff!
A((ording to +oder,-ise *./101) "anagers (an 2e instru"ental in "entoring staff that
(an hel' 2oost staff self,(onfiden(e) gain 'rofessional satisfa(tion) and enhan(e 'rofessional
de$elo'"ent! Mi(helle4s des(ri'tion of her =o2 duties indi(ates her transfor"ational leadershi'
8ualities! A((ording to >earne%,Nunner% *.//71) the transfor"ational leadershi' theor% asserts)
?the leader raises the (ons(iousness of the follo&ers) heightens their as'irations) and inti"atel%
in$ol$es the" in deter"ining the (ourse of a(tion for the grou'@ *'! 16A1! Her referen(e to her
dut% as (hief re(ruit"ent and retention offi(er indi(ates her desire to engage staff and 'ro"ote
'rofessional de$elo'"ent for staff satisfa(tion! The organi;ational out(o"es for
transfor"ational leaders de"onstrate an in(rease in lo%alt%) (o""it"ent) =o2 satisfa(tion)
"orale) and 'erfor"an(e *+oder,-ise) ./101! The effe(ts for 'atients are in(reased satisfa(tion
and (reation of a (ulture of safet%!
Collaboration Role
A "anager4s (olla2oration role is $ital for the (oordination of (are) o'ti"al 'atient safet%
out(o"es) and 2eing a2le to effe(ti$el% lead large de'art"ents! Mi(helle re'orts to the <ire(tor
of Surgi(al Ser$i(es and (olla2orates &ith the o'eration roo" "anager and the 'ro(edure roo"
"anager! Her "anager role is not to 'ro$ide dire(t 'atient (are as she has a leadershi' tea" of
(lini(al (oordinators that are res'onsi2le for (oordination of the dail% 'atient (are! 5olla2oration
o((urs at the &ee:l% leadershi' "eetings &ith the 'erianesthesia "anager) and the four (lini(al
(oordinators fro" the t&o different areas to 'ro"ote grou' (o""it"ent and a (onsensual
de(ision,"a:ing 'ro(ess! Mi(helle de'ends on the (lini(al e9'ertise of the (oordinator4s to
'ro"ote o'ti"al 'atient out(o"es!
Ethical Issues
The A"eri(an Nurses Asso(iation4s *ANA1 Scope and Standards of Practice, 2
des(ri2es standard se$en) ethi(s) as the registered nurse 'ra(ti(es ethi(all% 2% u'holding
(onfidentialit%) 2eing a 'atient and staff ad$o(ate) and deli$ering (are that 'reser$es and 'rote(ts
'atients4 dignit%) $alues and 2eliefs! -hen as:ed if she had an e9a"'le of an ethi(al issue)
Mi(helle shared an e9a"'le of one in$ol$ing a staff "e"2er! The ethi(al issue in$ol$ed a staff
"e"2er and theft! For (onfidentialit% of this s'e(ifi( situation) Mi(helle as:ed that the details
re"ain $ague! She struggled &ith the ethi(al and "oral de(ision to ter"inate the e"'lo%ee and
(olla2orated &ith the hu"an resour(es de'art"ent) and another "anager for guidan(e &ho
suggested that she loo: at Munson Medi(al 5enter4s (ode of (ondu(t! After re$ie&ing the (ode
of (ondu(t) it &as a (lear e9'e(tation that e"'lo%ees &ould not steal! She follo&ed the ANA
standard se$en 2% (ontri2uting to resol$e the ethi(al issue in$ol$ing a staff "e"2er 2%
(olla2orating 'rior to rea(hing a de(ision *./1/1!
Use of Power and Influence
-hen as:ed a2out her "anage"ent st%le of using 'o&er and influen(e Mi(helle stated
she 'refers not to use 'o&er unless it in$ol$es "a:ing de(isions that re8uires i""ediate a(tion
&hen 'atient safet% is an issue! This is an i"'ortant (on(e't and she referred to a (lassi( 2oo:
2% a"es A! Autr% *.//11) The Servant Leader: How to Build a Creative Team, Develop Great
orale, and !mprove Bottom"line Performance# She stated that this guides her leadershi' st%le!
5hara(teristi(s of the ser$ant leader are to 2e authenti() 2e $ulnera2le) 2e a((e'ting) 2e 'resent)
and 2e useful *Autr%) .//11! These (hara(teristi(s 'ro"ote a leader to 2e influential &ithin an
organi;ation 2% in(reasing e"'lo%ee engage"ent) re(ruit"ent and retention) 'atient safet%) and
'atient satisfa(tion!
Decision-making and Problem-solving Process
Mi(helle refers to her "anage"ent st%le as 2eing a 'arti(i'ati$e de(ision,"a:er! She
'refers to in$ol$e the staff in the de(ision,"a:ing and 'ro2le",sol$ing 'ro(ess! She des(ri2ed a
re(ent situation of ad"inistration re8uiring her to adhere to nurse to 'atient ratios and (reate a
ne& staffing "atri9 to redu(e staffing! She (ould ha$e "andated (hanges and 'ro'osed a ne&
staffing "odel) 2ut instead in$ol$ed the staff in (reating a ne& tea" staffing "odel! 5hanges
should in$ol$e the 'eo'le &ho are "ost dire(tl% affe(ted in the de(ision,"a:ing and 'ro2le",
sol$ing 'ro(ess u'on &ho" su((ess de'ends *Autr%) .//11! This resulted in a ne& staffing
"odel that "et the organi;ational needs 2% de(reasing RN staffing 2% si9 full,ti"e e8ui$alents)
i"'ro$ing e"'lo%ee engage"ent) and "et the 'atient4s needs 2% ensuring ade8uate staffing and
s:ill "i9 to 'ro"ote 'atient safet%!
Conflict Resolution
Mi(helle referred to ean -atson4s Theor% of Hu"an 5aring and utili;ing the 'rin(i'les
of -atson4s ?5o""it"ent to "% 5o,&or:ers@ for (onfli(t resolution! ean -atson4s
relationshi',2ased (are theor% 'ro"otes a (aring and healing en$iron"ent &ith the 'atient and
their fa"il% at the (enter of (are *Alligood B To"e%) ./1/1! She referred to a sa%ing) what we
tolerate we promote# This guides her (onfli(t resolution s:ills and en(ouraging ea(h staff
"e"2er to (o""uni(ate dire(tl% and honestl% &ith ea(h other! Effe(ti$e (onfli(t "anage"ent is
a 'art of an organi;ation4s health% &or:ing en$iron"ent that fosters o'en (o""uni(ation and
ena2les nurses to 'ra(ti(e (onstru(ti$e a''roa(hes to (onfli(t "anage"ent *+oder,-ise) ./101!
This also translates into i"'ro$ed 'atient safet%! Mi(helle utili;es "anage"ent 'ra(ti(es that
(reate a &or: en$iron"ent that is "ore (ondu(i$e to nurses 'ro$iding safer 'atient (are! These
'ra(ti(es in(lude (reating a learning en$iron"ent) (reating and sustaining trust) "anaging the
(hange 'ro(ess a(ti$el% and in$ol$ing &or:ers in the &or:,redesign and the &or:flo& de(ision,
"a:ing *+oder,-ise) ./101!
The role of a 'erianesthesia nurse "anager is a (hallenging 'osition! In these (hallenging
e(ono"i( ti"es of health(are refor") nurse "anagers are res'onsi2le for large units and rel% on
leadershi' tea"s to effe(ti$el% "anage "ore than one area &hile 'ro"oting 'atient safet%!
Mi(helle4s transfor"ational leadershi' st%le along &ith her influen(e fro" The Servant Leader
2% a"es Autr% *.//11 enhan(es her role as "anager of the 'erianesthesia (are unit! Her
utili;ation of ean -atson4s Theor% of Hu"an 5aring 'ositi$el% effe(ts the healing en$iron"ent
for the nurses and the 'atients! The effe(t for the organi;ation) staff) and 'atients is an
e"'o&ered staff that 'ro"otes a (ulture of safet% and aligns their 'ra(ti(e &ith the national and
organi;ational 'atient safet% goals!
Alligood) M! R!) B To"e%) A!M! *./1/1! $ursin% theorists and their wor& *C
ed!1! Mar%land
Heights) MO: Mos2% Else$ier!
A"eri(an Nurses Asso(iation DANAE! *./1/1! $ursin%: Scope and standards of practice
ed!1! Sil$er S'ring) M<: Nurse2oo:s!org!
Autr%) ! A! *.//11! The servant leader: How to 'uild a creative team, develop %reat morale, and
improve 'ottom"line performance! Ne&+or:) N+: Three Ri$ers Press!
>earne%,Nunner%) R! *.//71! (dvancin% )our career: Concepts of professional nursin% *0
Philadel'hia) PA: F!A! <a$is 5o"'an%!
Munson Health(are! *n!d!1! unson edical Center: ana%er position description# Retrie$ed
fro" htt':FF&&&!"unsonhealth(are!org
+oder,-ise) P! S! *./101! Leadin% and mana%in% in nursin% *A
ed!1! St! Louis) MO: Else$ier

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