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Instructional Lesson Plan

Teacher: Jocelyn Martin Me!an "o#ison Date: $%&$'$%&(
Su#)ect: En*iron+ental Science ,nit: Alternati*e -uels
Lesson To.ic: Alternati*e Ener!y Moc/ Trial Gra0e: 11 1& Class
Long Term Unit Goal/Objective/Outcome:
The stu0ents 4ill !ather in5or+ation 5ro+ .rint an0 electronic sources as
4ell as class +oc/ trial .resentations to co+.are an0 contrast t4o
alternati*e ener!y sources6
Core Learning Goal(s)/Indicator(s):
Goal 6: Environmental Science
The student will demonstrate the ability to use the scientiic s!ills and "rocesses (Core Learning
Goal #) and major en$ironmental science conce"ts to understand interrelationshi"s o the
natural world and to analy%e en$ironmental issues and their solutions&
6.3 The student will analy%e the relationshi"s between humans and the earth's resources&
6.3.5 The student will e$aluate the interrelationshi" between humans and energy resources&
(t least )
AASL Standards:
#&#&# ,ollow an in-uiry.based "rocess in see!ing !nowledge in curricular subjects/ and ma!e the real.
world connection or using this "rocess in lie&
0&#&1 Use strategies to draw conclusions rom inormation and a""ly !nowledge to curricular areas/ real
world situations/ and urther in$estigations&
0&#&2 Use technology and other inormation tools to analy%e and organi%e inormation&
0&#&3 Collaborate with others to e4change ideas/ de$elo" new understandings/ ma!e decisions/ and sol$e
1&#&1 Use writing and s"ea!ing s!ills to communicate new understandings eecti$ely&
5tudent Outcome(s)/Objecti$es:
o ,sin! !ui0in! 7uestions8 stu0ents 4ill locate an0 e*aluate
in5or+ation a#out their assi!ne0 alternati*e ener!y source6
o The stu0ents 4ill use APA 5or+at to cite sources o5 in5or+ation
,orm (00)/ "age # o 1
o The stu0ents 4ill synthesi2e in5or+ation they !athere0 to #e
a#le to su..ort their assi!ne0 alternati*e ener!y source in a
+oc/ trial6
o The stu0ents 4ill listen to other class+ates9 +oc/ trial
.resentations an0 outline in5or+ation a#out their class+ate9s
alternati*e ener!y source6
o The stu0ents 4ill co+.are an0 contrast their alternati*e
ener!y source 4ith their class+ate9s alternati*e ener!y source
in a 4ritten su++ary6
Context for Learning
This lesson will be taught to the 6onors 7n$ironmental 5cience class& This class is made u" o 1#
students in the ##
and #0
grades& There are #8 girls and #2 boys in the class&
This lesson ta!es "lace at the beginning o the (lternati$e ,uels Unit& The research and moc! trial
is being used as a method to introduce the students to some o the alternati$e uels that they will
be studying in more detail later in the unit&
The students ha$e had "re$ious e4"erience conducting research in the library using both "rint and
electronic sources& They usually use +oodle Tools as a citation manager/ but they will be using
the 9icrosot :ord Citation :i%ard or this "roject& This decision was made so that students are
aware o other citation management tools as they may not ha$e access to +oodle Tools ater they
lea$e ;ent Island 65&

Instructional Delivery
penin! Activities/"otivation:
Thursday 2/02 ) The L95 and teacher will introduce the "roject/ re$iew the research
wor!sheet with the class and assign grou"s by drawing names randomly&
,riday 2/03 ) The L95 will introduce the "rint materials that ha$e already been "ulled rom the
library collection or this "roject in addition to the online databases&
9onday 2/0< ) The L95 and teacher will remind the students o the re-uirements or the
debate and allow students to continue wor!ing with their grou"s&
Tuesday 2/0= ) The L95 and teacher will re$iew the rules or a moc! trial& They will also
remind the students that they are to be ta!ing notes during the moc! trials that they are not
debating so that they ha$e inormation to use in the summary assignment&
Thursday 2/02 ) The L95 will re$iew (>( citation style and "resent a >ower>oint e4"laining
how to cite sources using the 9icrosot :ord Citation :i%ard&
,riday 2/03 ) 5tudents will wor! with their grou"s to collect inormation about their alternati$e
energy source and com"lete their research notes wor!sheet& The L95 and teacher will su""ort
the students as needed&
,orm (00)/ "age 0 o 1
9onday 2/0< ) 5tudents will continue to wor! with their grou"s to collect inormation about
their alternati$e energy source and com"lete their research notes wor!sheet in order to "re"are
or tomorrow's moc! trial& The L95 and teacher will su""ort the students as needed&
Tuesday 2/0= ) The L95 and teacher will randomly choose the teams that will go against each
other in the moc! trial& 7ach team will "resent inormation they ha$e gathered about their
alternati$e energy source& The teams will debate as to which energy source is better& The L95
and the teacher will judge which team wins the moc! trial&
The L95 and teacher will ormati$ely assess students as they conduct research with their
grou"s by obser$ing and ielding -uestions& ?uring the moc! trial/ the L95 and the teacher
will be the judge as to which team wins their moc! trials based on the team's ability to "resent
and su""ort why their alternati$e energy source is better& 5tudents will be e$aluated or a grade
on their understanding o alternati$e uels using the summaries that they submit&
Thursday 2/02 ) The L95 and teacher will answer -uestions that students ha$e regarding the
,riday 2/03 ) The L95 will remind students to chec! that they ha$e cited their sources beore
"utting their materials away&

9onday 2/0< ) The L95 will remind students to chec! that they ha$e cited their sources
beore "utting their materials away&

Tuesday 2/0= ) The L95 and teacher will remind the students o the re-uirements or the
summary assignment& 5tudents will gi$e eedbac! on the moc! trial ormat&
,orm (00)/ "age 1 o 1
Your Name: ________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ______
Group member names: _____________________________________________
Directions: In a preselected group, you will gather as much information as you can
about your alternative energy source so that you can eplain and defend in court in
front of a !ury "your other classmates# and !udge "the teacher# why you believe
your alternative energy source is the best while having concrete evidence to bac$
up your claim% You will have one and a half class periods to gather information
about your energy source so don&t waste time' (elow is a graphic organi)er that
each person in the group will receive and need to fill out as part of the overall
summative pro!ect grade% You will need to find at least one book source, one web
source, and one research data base source% *emember all sources, including
pictures, should be cited using +P+ format'
**All sources should be cited using APA format! These are some websites to
help you with formatting using APA style.
*eference ,ist: +rticles in Periodicals - https:..owl%english%purdue%edu.owl.resource./01.12.
*eference ,ist: (oo$s - https:..owl%english%purdue%edu.owl.resource./01.13.
*eference ,ist: 4ther Print 5ources - https:..owl%english%purdue%edu.owl.resource./01.16.
*eference ,ist: 7lectronic 5ources - https:..owl%english%purdue%edu.owl.resource./01.81.
After compiling the info below, in your own words explain why your alternative
energy source is the best for the udge !the teacher" to use. #ake sure you
support your claim with evidence from your research.
9y alternative energy source is:
$istory of your alternative energy source% ":here did it come from; :ho
invented it.discovered it;#
$ow does the alternative energy source work( "7plain in detail below% Pictures
with captions may be drawn%#
Political )ssues involving the alternative energy source !if applicable"%
Positive points about the energy source% "<ow does it affect the environment;
<ow does it benefit humans;#
*egative points about the energy source% "<ow does it affect the environment;,
<ow much does it cost to harvest and.or maintain.transport.install;#
$ow is the alternative energy source currently being used today(
+uture applications for the alternative energy source !if applicable"%
Your Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ___
Directions: During the class debates, you will choose one energy source per debate
and ta$e notes on the $ey points that group presents% 9a$e sure to ta$e detailed
notes, because you will be using these notes to write a comparative summary for
homewor$ tonight%
Alternative ,nergy &ource% ___________________________________
<istory of the energy source:
<ow does the energy source wor$;
+re there political issues involving the energy source; :hat are they;
Name at least = positive points about the energy source:
Name at least = negative points about the energy source:
<ow is it being used today;
>uture applications for the energy source:

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