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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Plantilla del plan de unidad
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Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido LUIS E. QUINTERO .
Nombre de la institucin educativa I.P.T.A. TONOS!
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Los Santos" #istrito de Tonos$
Otros datos de la institucin educativa %%&'()**
#escripci+n de la unidad
T$tulo de la unidad
Resumen de la unidad
This unit is made for students to learn about the types of foods and eating habits. In this unit e can
also distinguish foods by category. !rom this e can also find many healthy eating tips in hich you can
apply in your daily life.
Espacio,s curricular,es o asignatura,s
AREA- Science and Technology
A.o / ni0el
Tent1 grade
Tiempo necesario apro2imado
4 periods of classes of 40 min!es
3undamentos de la unidad
6REA- "#IEN#E AN$ TE#HN%L%&'
Healthy food.
"ategories of food
#a$e food choices
Healthy eating tips
Identifying vocabulary related to
%xtracting specific information on
food eating habits from different
Tal$ing about categories of foods,
healthy %ating tips, and food
%mphasi&ing the importance of
nutrition and healthy food to
improve the 'uality of life.
(eing critical and analytical on the
$ind and 'uality of food and items
bought for.
%ncourages others to ma$e positive
health choices.
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
O78eti0os del aprendi9a8e
Integrate contents to develop listening, spea$ing, reading and riting s$ills about healthy
food and nutrition to improve the 'uality of life.
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial How do you care your body?
Preguntas de unidad What kind of food do you eat?
What foods are good or are not good for your body?
Preguntas de contenido
What is Healthy eating?
Eating healthy is important to you?
What tips of healthy food do you know?
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Plan de e0aluaci+n
Cronograma de e0aluaciones
Antes de empe9ar el tra7a8o del
#urante el desarrollo del
Una 0e9 completado el
Oral Questions
Check lists as Self-
R(ric )%ral
Resumen de e0aluaciones
BE.%RE/ Brains!orming and oral 0es!ions
With these actiities the teacher knows what need or know the students related to food! nutrition and heathy habits" #nd
with the oral $uestions the teacher knows if the student knows to answer $uestions related to the topic"
$1RIN&/ #hec2 Lis!s
With this check list! the teacher ealuates the student%s performance in his&her assignments during the ' periods of class"
A.TER/ R(ric
(his )ubric ealuates the different aspects re$uired for the elaboration of a conersation or dramati*ation" (his rubric
ealuates indiidual and group work in a scale from + to ,"
#etalles de la unidad
:a7ilidades pre0ias
Hae -asic ocabulary about of food! egetables! sweets! grains! fruits etc"
-e willing to learn new concepts about eating healthy and healthy actiities"
-e willing to follow instructions and use computer! internet""
-e willing to work in group
;eginning Acti0ities-
-rainstorming about basic ocabulary of food! fruits! egetables! grain"
Watch a ideo and write $uestions and new words in your notebook"
#nswer .uestions about healthy food! unhealthy food and /utrition"
Elaboration of a ocabulary related to new words learned in the ideo"
#e0elopment Acti0ities-
(alk about the ocabulary building of food categories" 0unit ,! pag" ,,1
2iscussion about make food choice using the conersation giing by the teacher"0pag" ,31
Create a new conersation with your own words using the conersation model in pag ,3""
4ractices of conersation and ocabulary words 0oral and written1 in the classroom"
Closing Acti0ities-
Create a conersation using all the information used in class" 0group +1
Create an 5nteriew about Healthy Food" 0group 61
Adaptaciones curriculares
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Estudiante con
5n this class 5 hae 6 students with special needs" (hey work with the collaboration of
my students but first 5 e7plain the actiities step by step and if the students with
special needs hae difficulty 5 repeat again" 2uring the ealuation! of the students
with special needs! 5 am fle7ible and use the orientation of special needs teacher"
No 1ispano'
5 don8t hae any student who speaks another language"
Estudiante talentoso
5 don8t hae any talented student in my class right now"
5ateriales / recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnolog$a < :ard=are 2e'uipo necesario3
".mara digital
4eproductor de 565
"onexin a Internet
5isco l.ser
7istema de proyeccin
".mara de v8deo
%'uipo de v8deo conferencia
Tecnolog$a < So>t=are 2necesario3
(ase de datos9Ho:a de c.lculo
5iagramador de publicaciones
-rograma de correo electrnico
%nciclopedia en "5;4O#
%ditor de im.genes
(uscador <eb
5esarrollo de p.ginas eb
-rocesador de texto
5ateriales impresos
4eading, or$sheets for classor$, copies of the unit, and vocabularies.
952E:S! 5/(E)/E(! 4:WE) 4:5/(
Recursos de Internet>v?I;@#AB4o%f,
Otros Recursos
Cos programas de IntelI %ducacin son financiados por la !undacin Intel y la "orporacin Intel.
5erechos reservados )*++,, "orporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel %ducacin y el
-rograma Intel %ducar son marcas registradas de Intel "orporation o de sus subsidiarias en los %stados Unidos y otros pa8ses. JOtros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
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