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VANSTEENKISTE C., Il Liber de causis negli scritti di S.

Tommaso, Angelicum, 35 (1
VANSTEENKISTE C., Intorno al testo latino del Liber de causis, Angelicum, 44 (1967
), pp. 60-83
SWEENEY L., Research difficulties in the Liber de Causis, The Modern Schoolman, 36
(1959), 109-116
OWENS J., Stages and Distinction in De ente: A Rejoinder, in The Thomist, 45, 1981
, pp. 99-123
SWEENEY L., Existence-essence in Thomas Aquinas early writings, Proceedings of the
American Catholic Association, 37 1963, pp. 97-131
CLARKE W. N., The limitation of Act by Potency: Aristotelianism or Neoplatonism,
The New Scholasticism, 26, 1952, pp. 167-94

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