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Task 1.

(i) a) Every youth work setting has to adhere to national legislation which means laws, for
example some of the legislation policies in place for this type of work are the UNCRC, The Children
Act, Every Child Matters, Child Protection Policy, Equality Act, Data Protection Policy and Equality &
Diversity Policy. A DBS is also a requirement of all workers with young people and children. Each
work setting must have their policies and procedures in place for instance at the Drop In we also
have Safeguarding Guidelines & Procedures, an In The Event of and Emergency Plan, an
Unacceptable Behaviour Policy, a Lone Working Policy, a Confidentiality Policy, Complaints and
Grievance Procedures, Fire Evacuation Procedures all the in a folder within easy reach and access to
all staff members whether they are a paid worker or a volunteer and as part of their induction to be
shown where all of this information is, but also within this folder is guidelines on who to report to if
there is anything to be concerned about, this is also information given as part of any new workers
induction at Drop In as well.
Task 1. (i) b) Risk assessments are required for every activity as well as every session whether
there is an activity or not. All risks within a session have to be taken into consideration for example
the building you are holding the session in has to be assessed for any forms of risk i.e. chairs stacked
badly with a risk of them falling on someone or a cable running over a floor that could be tripped on
and then assess what can be put in place to manage and reduce these risks. The requirements for
risk assessing are to firstly identify the hazard, note how someone could be harmed (this could be
either a young person or a worker/volunteer), decide what the risks are or could be, record the
information on a Risk Assessment Form and then evaluate and update it when necessary.
Task 1. (i) c) The key elements in my organisations Child Protection Policy is firstly protection of the
children and young people, then its professional protection of staff and professional protection of
the company. If a young person has an issue whether it is something small or something to be
concerned about this must be dealt with first and the procedure for this would be firstly to report it
to Pete who is my Manager who then becomes responsible for that information passed on to him.
He would then be in a position where a decision could be made for the next step and would be able
to support me/the member of staff in how to deal with the particular issue, Pete would be
responsible for forwarding the information appropriately if it was something social services needed
to get involved with for example. Petes next job would then to be support the member of staff and
advice on ways of dealing with the issue or issues that could arise out of it and what I would be able
to do at my level to help.
Task 1. (i) d)
Some of the effects:-
Voice change
Hair Growth
Sexual body part changes
Sexual feelings/urges
Weight gain/body shape change

Some of the Consequences:-
Mood swings/changes
Hormone surges
Strength increase
Peer pressure
Acne/skin problems
Media portraying perfect bodies can lead to body dismorphia/self harming/ anorexia and bulimia.

Task 1. (ii) e) Like adults young people like to feel in control of a conversation, they do not feel at
ease when they know that you may pass their information or secret to the next person, no one likes
gossip., Young people want to know they can trust you so confidentiality is essential for you to earn
their trust and for them to feel comfortable enough to confide in you. However all young people
have to know that if they wish to tell you something and they say please dont tell anyone else it is
essential that they know that if you feel they are at risk then you cannot keep a secret for them as
you have to put their safety first. Young people will often still tell you even by knowing this as the
reality is that by telling someone (anyone) means they want something to be done about it.
Task 1. (ii) f) Theories that underpin emotional and social development are that young people need
to find out who they are and often need role models/parental guidance to help them find out.
Adolesense is a period of identity formation and by having role models and guidance they can work
out what is more important for example young people will choose having the most amount of
friends over working harder in school and having less friends as they find it harder to look at the long
term and focus on the now and where their social status is at that time. Role models can help them
learn that having more friends in the long term could be less beneficial for them to progress and can
in fact hinder them in being able to move onto the next level of developing. Maslows Hierarchy of
Needs is a good example of progression.

Task 2. (See Risk Assessments Unit 2 Task 3g).

Task 3. a), b) and c) Partnership working has many benefits. It allows you to have the opportunities
to get different views/opinions and to look at things from a different angle. Key principles are
regular communication, trust ,shared aims and outcomes, information sharing, shared resources, a
stronger leadership team and a stronger planning team with more ideas to throw around as well or
more organisation. In addition to this it is a huge benefit to join forces with other
companies/organisations to help with the effective running of things with others experience and
knowledge in their field also that you may know very little about but need their services for your
organisation can have a big impact on making a difference to your organisation and its progression.
It is important to any Youth Work organisation to work effectively with other organisations for the
benefit of the young people, for example I recently delivered a session at the Drop In of which some
of the young people were playing the Truth or Dare game but it became a concern when kissing
became a dare and ne young person told some others that they were playing Dirty Truth or Dare.
This I felt was the start of the need to bring in another organisation to be able to deliver a session or
part around sexual health. So after discussions with my colleagues/other workers in previous weeks
as a result of a few other concerns around this we agreed this was definitely a session we needed to
deliver, however none of us are experienced in this field so we are working in partnership with
another organisation for them to be able to deliver it. Having said all this there are key factors that
can deter effective partnership working in a youth work context such as being unclear of the aims
and objectives, being unclear of another organisations role to play a part in the Youth Work setting
and being unclear of their duties required , where and when. A difference in organisational policies
can also hinder.

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