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Section A : Objective Questions
Answer all questions

1. Which of the following statement is true regarding Biology?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar mengenai Biologi?

A. Biology is the study about living things
Biologi adalah kajian mengenai benda hidup
B. Biology is the study about how to kill unwanted species
Biologi adalah kajian tentang bagaimana hendak menghapuskan spesies yang
tidak dikehendaki
C. Biology only studied by experienced scientists
Biologi hanya dikaji oleh saintis-saintis yang berpnegalaman sahaja
D. To study the differentiate between living things and non-living things
Mengkaji perbezaan antara benda hidup dan benda bukan hidup

2. Which of the followings field in Biology study the organisms and their natural
Antara bidang Biologi berikut, yang manakah mengkaji organisma dan persekitaran
semula jadi mereka?

A. Anatomy / Anatomi
B. Ecology / Ekologi
C. Taxonomy / Taksonomi
D. Biogeography / Biogeografi

3. Which of the following best describe the scientific method?
Antara berikut, yang manakah memberi huraian yang paling tepat mengenai kaedah

A. A process of obtaining a fact through a series of experiments
Satu proses untuk memperoleh kenyataan melalui satu siri eksperimen
B. A process of obtaining a fact through a series of measurement
Satu proses untuk memperoleh kenyataa melalui pengukuran
C. A process of obtaining a fact about a phenomena using a method recognized by the
scientist community
Satu proses untuk memperoleh kenyataan tentang suatu fenomena melalui kaedah
yang diperkenalkan oleh komuniti saintis
D. A process of obtaining a fact through a correct method of handling laboratory
Satu proses untuk memperoleh kenyataan melalui pengendalian alat radas di
dalam makmal dengan cara yang betul


4. A group of students carried out an experiment to study the effect of vigorous activity on
the rate of heartbeat. What is the problem statement of the experiment?
Sekumpulan murid menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan aktiviti cergas
terhadap kadar denyutan jantung. Apakah pernyataan masalah bagi eksperimen itu?

A. To study the effect of vigorous activity on the rate of heartbeat.
Untuk mengkaji kesan aktiviti cergas terhadap kadar denyutan jantung
B. Does vigorous activity affect the rate of heartbeat?
Adakah aktiviti cergas mempengaruhi kadar denyutan jantung?
C. The more vigorous the activity is, the higher the rate of heartbeat.
Semakin cergas aktiviti yang dilakukan, semakin tinggi kadar denyutan jantung
D. Does the rate of heartbeat affect vigorous activities?
Adakah kadar denyutan jantung mempengaruhi aktiviti cergas?

5. Which of the following organelles are involved in protein synthesis?
Manakah antara organel-organel berikut terlibat dalam sintesis protein?

I Nucleus
II Ribosomes
III Golgi apparatus
Jasad Golgi
IV Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Jalinan endoplasma kasar

A. I and II only
B. I, III and IV only
C. II, III and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV

6. Which of the following statements is not true about animal cells?
Yang manakah antara pernyataan berikut adalah tidak benar tentang sel haiwan?

A. The cell membrane controls the entrance of specific dissolved substance only
Membran sel mengawal kemasukan bahan larut yang tertentu sahaja
B. The ribosome is the site of protein synthesis
Ribosom adalah tapak sintesis protein
C. The chloroplast absorbs light energy to be used in photosynthesis
Kloroplas menyerap cahaya matahari untuk digunakan ketika fotosintesis
D. The mitochondrion generates energy
Mitokondria menghasilkan tenaga

7. Which of the following is the correct statement of a plant cell?
Antara berikut yang manakah benar mengenai sel tumbuhan?

Cell wall Chloroplast Centriole
A Absent Absent Present
B Absent Present Present
C Present Present Absent
D Present Absent Absent


8. Which organelle can be found in animal cell and plant cell?
Apakah organel yang boleh didapati di dalam sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan?

A Golgi apparatus Jasad Golgi
B Centriole Sentriol
C Vacuole Vakuol
D Cell wall Dinding sel

9. Diagram 1 shows that cell A and cell B are different in shapes.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan sel A dan sel B mempunyai bentuk yang berbeza.

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1

Cell A has a fixed shape because
Sel A mempunyai bentuk yang tetap kerana

A it has many vacuoles
Ia mempunyai banyak vakuol
B it has bigger nucleus
Ia memiliki nukleus yang lebih besar
C it has a cell wall but not a plasma membrane
Ia mempunyai dinding sel tetapi tidak mempunyai membran plasma
D it has both a cell wall and a plasma membrane
Ia mempunyai kedua-dua dinding sel dan membran plasma

10. What is the similarity between animal cell and plant cell?
Apakah persamaan di antara sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan?

A They can undergo photosynthesis
Mereka menjalankan fotosintesis
B They have sac filled with cell sap
Mereka mempunyai karung yang dipenuhi oleh sap sel
C They have a jelly-like substance that fills the cell
Mereka mempunyai bahan seperti gel yang memenuhi sel
D They have thick layer of tough substance known as cellulose
Mereka mempunyai lapisan tebal suatu bahan tegar yang dipanggil selulos.

11. Golgi apparatus is found in abundance in
Jasad Golgi didapati dengan banyak di dalam

I liver cells / sel hati
II pancreatic cells/sel pankreas
III interstitial cells in the testes/sel interstis di dalam testis
IV goblet cells in the intestinal epithelium/ sel goblet di dalam epithelium usus

A. I and III only
B. II and IV only
C. I, II and III only
D. II, III and IV only
Cell A Cell B


12. Which organ consists of cells which have the highest density of rough endoplasmic
Organ manakah mengandungi sel-sel yang mempunyai kepadatan reticulum
endoplasma kasar yang tinggi?

A stomach B heart
perut jantung
C brain D kidney
otak buah pinggang

13. Diagram 2 shows different types of cells.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan sel yang berlainan jenis.

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2

Which of the following cells has high density of mitochondria?
Sel yang manakah mempunyai kepadatan mitokondrion yang tinggi?


14. Diagram 3 shows a type of tissue
Rajah 3 menunjukkan sejenis tisu

Diagram 3/ Rajah 3
Which of the following human body system includes the tissue shown?
Manakah antara sistem berikut yang melibatkan tisu di atas?

A Skeletal system
Sistem rangka
B Nervous system
Sistem saraf
C Endocrine system
Sistem endokrin
D Circulatory system
Sistem peredaran darah


15. Which of the following is a muscle tissue?
Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan tisu otot?





16. Which of the following system are wrongly matched to their respective functions?
Yang manakah antara sistem berikut tidak dipadankan dengan fungsi yang betul?

I Digestive system : regulates body temperature
Sistem pencernaan : mengawal suhu badan
II Skeletal system : protects internal organ
Sistem rangka : melindungi organ dalaman
III Excretory system : removes waste products from the body
Sistem perkumuhan : menyingkirkan bahan kumuh daripada badan
IV Muscular system : provides support for the body
Sistem otot : member sokongan kepada badan

A I and III
B I and IV
C II and III
D II and IV

17. Which organ is not involved in regulating the internal environment?
Manakah antara organ berikut yang tidak terlibat dalam pengawalaturan persekitaran






18. Where in a living organism can the intracellular fluid can be found?
Di manakah bendalir interstis boleh ditemui di dalam badan manusia?

A In the space between cells
Di ruang antara sel
B In the space between the organs
Di ruang antara organ
C Inside the organs
Di dalam organ
D Inside the bones
Di dalam tulang

19. Which of the following tissues are known as ground tissue of the plants?
Antara tisu-tisu berikut, yang manakah dikenali sebagai tisu asas tumbuhan?

A. Epidermal and parenchyma
Epidermis dan parenkima
B. Parenchyma and collenchyma
Parenkima dan kolenkima
C. Sclerenchyma and phloem
Sklerenkima dan floem
D. Phloem and xylem
Floem dan xylem

20. Which of the following is true about the sclerenchyma tissue of plant?
Antara berikut, yang manakah benar mengenai tisu sklerenkima tumbuhan?

A. To conduct water from root to leaves
Mengangkut air dari akar ke daun
B. To support and strengthen the plants
Menyokong dan memberi kekuatan kepada tumbuhan
C. To carry out photosynthesis
Menjalankan fotosintesis
D. To transport organic nutrients
Mengangkut nutrient organic

Anwers sheet.

1. 6. 11. 16.
2. 7. 12. 17.
3. 8. 13. 18.
4. 9. 14. 19.
5. 10. 15. 20.


Section B : Structured Questions
Answer all questions

1. Diagram 1 shows two cells X and Y.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan dua sel X dan Y.

(a) (i) Name A, B and C.
Namakan A, B dan C.

A: .

B: ..

C: .
[3 marks]

(ii) State one function of :
Nyatakan satu fungsi bagi :

B : .................................................................................................................

C : .................................................................................................................
[2 marks]

(b) State two differences between an animal cell and plant cell.
Nyatakan dua perbezaan di antara sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan.



[2 marks]


(c) (i) Predict what happens to a cell if organelle C is absent.
Ramalkan apa yang berlaku kepada sel sekiranya tiada organel C.


[2 marks]

(ii) Write a word equation to show the overall reaction that occurs in organelle C.

[1 marks]

2. Diagram 1 shows a cross section of organ X in the human body.
Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas organ X dalam badan manusia.

Organ X

(a) (i) Name organ X.
Namakan organ X

[1 mark]

(ii) Table 1 shows the function of several organs in the human body.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan fungsi beberapa organ dalam badan manusia.

Transporting oxygen / Mengangkut oksigen
Regulating body temperature / Mengawalatur suhu badan

Eliminating urea / Menyingkirkan urea

Converting excess glucose to glycogen
Menukarkan glukosa berlebihan kepada glikogen.

As a protective layer / Sebagai lapisan pelindung.

Table 1 / Jadual 1


Tick () the three correct functions of organ X, in the boxes provided in Table 1.
Tandakan ( )bagi tiga fungsi organ X yang betul, dalam petak-petak yang
disediakan dalam jadual 1.
[3 marks]

(b) Erector muscle is a tissue. State reasons why X is classified as an organ and erector
muscle is classified as a tissue.
Otot regang adalah tisu. Nyatakan sebab mengapa X dikelaskan sebagai organ dan otot
regang sebagai tisu.

X : ..

Erector muscle / otot regang :

[2 marks]

(c) The following information shows some of the organ systems found in the human body.
Maklumat berikut menunjukkan beberapa sistem organ yang terdapat dalam badan

Tick () the two systems which contain below.
Tandakan () bagi dua sistem yang mengandungi organ X, dalam petak-petak yang
disediakan dibawah.

[1 marks]

(d) Human body temperature is maintained at 37
C. Explain the role of the erector muscle,
hair follicle and sweat gland in maintaining the body temperature on a hot day.
Suhu badan manusia dikekalkan pada 37
C. Terangkan peranan otot regang, bulu roma
dan kelenjar peluh dalam mengekalkan suhu badan pada hari yang panas.

Erector Muscle / Otot regang :

Hair follicle / Bulu roma :

Blood circulatory system
Respiratory system
Integumentary system
Excretory system


Sweat gland / Kelenjar peluh :

[3 marks]

Section C : Essay questions
Answer all questions

1. Diagram shows the organ involves in homeostasis.
Rajah menunjukkan organ yang terlibat dalam homeostasis.

Does the organ shown in Diagram can regulate the human blood glucose level?
Give your reason.
Adakah organ yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah boleh mengawal atur suhu badan
Beri alasan anda.


Give an evaluation of an above statement based on the physical features of the
organisms with the following physiological processes:
[6 marks]

Multicellular organisms like humans, need specific transport systems
as compared to unicellular organisms like Amoeba sp., which do not
need a transport system.


Disediakan oleh: Disemak oleh: Disahkan oleh:

(Nurul Syahidah Hassan) (Pn Jamna Yahya) (Cik Lim Siok Cheng)
Guru Biologi Ketua Panitia Sains Ketua Bidang Sains

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