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**Media Advisory**

August 11, 2014

Contact, Nicki Behmer
Legislative Aide, Sen. Nordquist
hone! 402.4"1.2"21
#mail! n$
State senators and community leaders to meet with DACA recipients
Discuss positive impacts of DACA, need for comprehensive immigration

&'A(A ) State Sens. *erem+ Nordquist, (eath 'ello, ,an+a Cook and Burke (arr
along -ith other communit+ leaders -ill $e meeting -ith .e/erred Action o/ Childhood
Arrival 0.ACA1 reci2ients on ,uesda+ to discuss the 2ositive im2acts o/ .ACA, the
recent vote $+ the 3.S. (ouse o/ 4e2resentatives to re2eal .ACA and the need /or
national com2rehensive immigration re/orm.

,he .e2artment o/ (omeland Securit+ 0.(S1 has determined it -ill not e52end
resources on lo- 2riorit+ cases, such as individuals -ho came to the 3.S. as children and
-ho also meet other ke+ guidelines to $e considered /or .ACA. ,he &$ama
administration made such order in an e//ort to ensure that adequate en/orcement
resources could $e 2rovided /or the removal o/ individuals -ho 2ose a danger to national
securit+ or a risk to 2u$lic sa/et+, including individuals convicted o/ crimes -ith
2articular em2hasis on violent criminals, /elons, and re2eat o//enders. As a result,
.ACA reci2ients are not considered to have an unla-/ul 2resence and ma+ $e eligi$le /or
-ork authori6ation and $e 2rovided a legal driver7s license.
What: 4oundta$le discussion on the im2acts o/ .ACA and -hat com2rehensive
immigration re/orm -ould do /or our /amilies and econom+

When: ,uesda+, August 12, 2014 /rom 10!00 a.m. to 11!00 a.m.
Where: &ur Lad+ o/ 8uadalu2e Church o/ &maha
Church (all 0southeast corner o/ 29rd and & street1
4:90 South 29rd Street
&maha, N#
Who: Sen. *erem+ Nordquist
Sen. (eath 'ello
Sen. ,an+a Cook
Sen. Burke (arr
(eartland ;orkers Center
*ustice /or &ur Neigh$ors
.ACA reci2ients

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