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Argumentative Unit Plan 4 for 11-12

Unit 4: Independent research

Unit Description: Students will choose one of four informational texts, evaluate the authors argument, and compose a researched multi-
source argument in response to the mentor text.
Effective research is driven by complex questions and personal interest, not predetermined answers.
Effective researchers evaluate sources for content, credibility, relevance, and effectiveness.
Effective researchers evaluate the validity of material gleaned from a variety of perspectives.
Effective researchers organize and present information with their audiences in mind.
ow do ! find a variety of credible sources, including new technology"
ow do ! evaluate the credibility and bias in selected sources"
ow do ! #now when ! have enough research to create a convincing, comprehensive product"
ow do ! logically organize and effectively present my research to generate the intended response from
the audience"
ommon ore
ollege "eadiness
"I$11-12$4 $etermine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative,
connotative, and technical meanings% analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a #ey term or terms
over the course of a text &e.g., how 'adison defines faction in (ederalist )o. *+,.
"I$11-12$% $etermine an author-s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective,
analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of the text.
"I$11-12$& !ntegrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats &e.g.,
visually, quantitatively, as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.
"I$11-12$' $elineate and evaluate the reasoning in seminal ..S. texts, including the application of constitutional
principles and use of legal reasoning &e.g., in ..S. Supreme /ourt ma0ority opinions and dissents, and the
premises, purposes, and arguments in wor#s of public advocacy &e.g., 1he (ederalist, presidential addresses,.
($11-12$1 2rite arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and
relevant and sufficient evidence.
a. !ntroduce precise, #nowledgeable claim&s,, establish the significance of the claim&s,, distinguish the claim&s, from
alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim&s,, counterclaims, reasons,
and evidence.
b. $evelop claim&s, and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant evidence for each while
pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience-s #nowledge level,
concerns, values, and possible biases.
c. .se words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to lin# the ma0or sections of the text, create cohesion,
and clarify the relationships between claim&s, and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim&s,
and counterclaims.
d. Establish and maintain a formal style and ob0ective tone% attend to the norms and conventions of the discipline in
which they are writing.
e. 3rovide a concluding statement or section that supports the argument presented.
($11-12$% .se technology, including the !nternet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing
products in response to ongoing feedbac#, including new arguments or information.
($11-12$& /onduct short as well as more sustained research pro0ects to answer a question &including a self-
generated question, or solve a problem% narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate% synthesize multiple
sources on the sub0ect, demonstrating understanding of the sub0ect under investigation.
($11-12$' 4ather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced
searches effectively% assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the tas#, purpose, and
audience% integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and
overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
($11-12$) $raw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
!*$11-12$1 !nitiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions &one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led, with diverse partners on grades **-*5 topics, texts, and issues, building on others- ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
!*$11-12$+ Evaluate a spea#er-s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, assessing the stance,
premises, lin#s among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used.
!*$11-12$% 6dapt speech to a variety of contexts and tas#s, demonstrating a command of formal English when
indicated or appropriate.
*$11-12$1 $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
*$11-12$2 $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
English III
when writing.
*$11-12$4 $etermine or clarify the meaning of un#nown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades
**-*5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies$
*$11-12$% 6cquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for
reading, writing, spea#ing, and listening at the college and career readiness level% demonstrate independence in
gathering vocabulary #nowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
ognitive !#ills - !dentify parts of an argument &claim, evidence, warrants, bac#ing, qualifiers, rebuttals,
- Evaluate strengths and wea#nesses in arguments &faulty assumptions
- Evaluate strengths and wea#nesses in sources
- Synthesize sources
- $evelop a research question independently
- /onduct research to answer a question
- 2rite an argument with a strong claim that addresses counterclaims, provides strong and relevant
evidence, and logical reasoning
ontent - 1he parts of an argument &claim, counterclaim, evidence, reasoning, bias, assumptions, flaws,
- 7hetorical situation &purpose, audience, spea#er,
- 7hetorical 6ppeals &logos, pathos, ethos,
- Style &syntax, diction, imagery, figurative language,
- 7esearch
- 7esearch paper
,D- Diagnostic
,.- .ormative
,!- !ummative
&(, 3r8cis on chapters
&(, 'oc# tweets &summarize chapter in *9+ characters,
&(, sub0ective vs ob0ective summaries
&(, 4raff templates : sentence starters
&(, !nductive 7easoning chart
&(, 1oulmin 'odel
&(, S;63S1;)E
&(, 7hetorical $evices graphic organizer
&(, ;utline for research paper
&(, 7ough draft of research paper
&S, (inal $raft of research paper
/e0ts1"esources 2entor /e0ts
<!n 3raise of the ( 2ord < -'ary Sherry
<Every 'an a =ing>- uey 3. ?ong
<!n $efense of 1orture> -Sam arris
<2hat 'a#es a Serial =iller>- ?a $onna @eaty
<1he 3erils of !ndifference> -Elie 2iesel
<2earing a ead Scarf !s 'y /hoice as a 'uslim% 3lease 7espect !t>- 'ariam 7ahmani
Excerpt from Outliers-'alcolm 4ladwell
<@lac# 3ower> -Sto#ely /armichael
!upplemental te0ts ,students pic# one of the four te0ts 3elo4-
The New Jim Crow paired with the documentary Broken on all Sides
Half the Sky paired with documentary with the same name
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks pair with The Way of all Flesh
nri!ue"s #ourney paired with Which Way Home
*earning Activities (ee# 1
'entor textA <!n 3raise of the ( 2ord < -'ary Sherry
'entor speechA <Every 'an a =ing>- uey 3. ?ong
Student selected supplemental text
"eading "esponses
-/reate moc# tweets to practice summarizing texts ob0ectively : sub0ectively &7!.**-*5.5,
-/ite text evidence to analyze text for text for explicitB implicit details, central ideas, and context clues &7.**-*5.
*,5,: 9,
(riting "esponses
-2rite a pr8cis for the introduction and each consecutive chapter of the supplemental text &continue for the next
four wee#s until students finish reading their supplemental texts &2.**-*5.*,
!pea#ing 5 *istening
-?isten to the uey ?ong speech and use the S;63S1;)E graphic organizer to analyze it&S?.**-*5.C,
-/reate : maintain a glossary for domain specific vocabulary unique to supplemental texts, such as Dim /row, ela
cells, /oyote, or maternal mortality. &?.**-*5.E,
(ee# 2
'entor textA <!n $efense of 1orture> -Sam arris
Student selected supplemental text
"eading "esponses
-1ogether, in groups, and then independently, use the 1oulmin 'odel wor#sheet to identify, delineate, : evaluate
evidence in mentor text and supplemental texts. !nclude claim, evidence, qualifiers, warrants, bac#ing, and
rebuttals &7!.**-*5.F,
(riting "esponses
-3ractice using the language and structure of argument by responding to this wee#s mentor text using the 476((
1emplate &2.**-*5.*,
!pea#ing 5 *istening foursquare perspectives chart to share reactions to arriss essay and chapters from supplemental text
&S?.**-*5.* : E,
*anguage1"! foursquare perspectives to engage in collaborative conversations after reading
&S?.**-*5.* : E,
(ee# +
'entor textA <2hat 'a#es a Serial =iller>- ?a $onna @eaty
'entor speechA <1he 3erils of !ndifference> -Elie 2iesel
Student selected supplemental text
"eading "esponses 7hetorical $evices graphic organizer to analyze the syntax, diction, figurative language, and rhetorical
appeals of a text &7!.**-*5.E,
(riting "esponses
-7espond to this wee#s reading using 476(( sentences starters to write ob0ective summaries of arguments and to
write short arguments supporting or refuting them &2.**-*5.*,
!pea#ing 5 *istening the !nductive 7easoning graphic organize, analyze, : evaluate speech &S?.**-*5.C,
- 2rite using the conventions of standard English, revising for spelling, capitalization, : punctuation (?.**-*5.* : 5,
(ee# 4
'entor textA Excerpt from ;utliers-'alcolm 4ladwell
Student selected supplemental text
- 7ead mentor text : cite examples of summary, paraphrase, : direct quoting% highlight signal phrases &7!.**-*5.*,
-3ractice writing summary, paraphrases, and direct quotes using signal phrases from our texts this wee# &2.**-
!pea#ing 5 *istening /ollaborative Guestions to engage in discussion and respond to this wee#s arguments &S?.**-*5.* : E,
-2rite using the conventions of standard English, revising for spelling, capitalization, : punctuation &?.**-*5.* : 5,

(ee# 6
'entor textA <2earing a ead Scarf !s 'y /hoice as a 'uslim% 3lease 7espect !t>- 'ariam 7ahmani
'entor speechA <@lac# 3ower>- Sto#ely /armichael
Student selected supplemental text
"eading both the 1oulmin and 7hetorical $evices graphic organizers to evaluate this wee#s arguments &7!.**-*5.E :
-/onduct research and find at least C additional sources using S;67 &2.**-*5.H,
-Synthesize sources in essay to support argument &2.**-*5.I,
!pea#ing 5 *istening
.se S;63S1;)E and Bor inductive reasoning chart to organize, analyze, and evaluate /armichaels speech
2rite using the conventions of standard English, revising for spelling, capitalization, : punctuation
&?.**-*5.* : 5,
(ee# %
Student selected supplemental text
Student found resources
-7ead 3eers essays with the same lenses we used to read published essays &1oulmin organizer, 7hetorical
$evices 4raphic ;rganizer, or S;63S1;)E, &7!.**-*5.5, E,: F,
(riting 4oogle docs to share essays with peers for editing &2.**-*5.E,
-/ompose : revise arguments for strong claims : counterclaims, valid reasoning, and relevant and sufficient
evidence gathered from multiple sources &2.**-*5.*,
!pea#ing 5 *istening
-3articipate in peer editing groups, alternating rolls and sharing constructive feedbac#
&S?.**-*5.* : E,
-2rite using the conventions of standard English, revising for spelling, capitalization, : punctuation &?.**-*5.* : 5,
2.**-*5.* 2rite arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient
2.**-*5.E .se technology, including the !nternet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to
ongoing feedbac#, including new arguments or information.
2.**-*5.H /onduct short as well as more sustained research pro0ects to answer a question &including a self-generated question, or solve a
problem% narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate% synthesize multiple sources on the sub0ect, demonstrating understanding of the
sub0ect under investigation.
2.**-*5.F 4ather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively% assess the
strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the tas#, purpose, and audience% integrate information into the text selectively to
maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
2.**-*5.I $raw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
*iterar7 /e0t:
Student generated sources
;ne of the following extended argumentative textsA nri!ue"s Journey$ The New Jim Crow$ Half the Sky$ The Immortal Life of
Henrietta Lacks
Description of /as#:
Students will read an extended argumentative text to foster self-generated questions over a period of C-9 wee#s prior to this
assessment. Students will compose an argument in response to one of the questions they generate. Students will gather
sources, form a thesis, create an outline, compose a rough draft, peer edit, revise, and submit a final draft over a period of 5
Directions for Administering Assessment:
6llow for C-9 wee#s prior to administering this assessment for students to read an extended argumentative text to use as a
starting point for their own research.
1as# *A 4ather sources &5 days,
1as# 5A (orm thesis &* day,
1as# CA /reate outline &* day,
1as# 9A /ompose rough draft &5 days,
1as# JA 3eer edit &5 days,
1as# EA 7evise &5 days,
1as# HA Submit final draft
!tudent Directions
!n response to questions raised by one of the four extended arguments we read this quarter, write an argument with a claim,
valid reasoning, and relevant and sufficient evidence gathered from multiple sources. .se the internet to produce, publish,
update, and share your wor#.
1as# *A 4ather sources &5 days,
1as# 5A (orm thesis &* day,
1as# CA /reate outline &* day,
1as# 9A /ompose rough draft &5 days,
1as# JA 3eer edit &5 days,
1as# EA 7evise &5 days,
1as# HA Submit final draft
Assessment Directions

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