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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: The basics of Spanish-Vocabulary Name: Vina Ruiz

Content Area: Spanish Grade Level: 9-12
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

As students become literate in the target language, they acquire relevant content through the study of various topics. This in turn expands their access to information from
around the globe. At the same time, students use the language to participate in everyday social interactions with members of Californias diverse communities. Moreover, the
content that students acquire in the language classroom enables them to make connections and reinforce knowledge from other content areas of the curriculum. As they
progress along the Language Learning Continuum,* students address a wide variety of content that is age- and stage-appropriate.

Stage I
1.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge of other disciplines.
1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including:
a. Greetings and introductions
b. Family and friends
c. Pets
d. Home and neighborhood
e. Celebrations, holidays, and rites of passage
f. Calendar, seasons, and weather
g. Leisure, hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports
h. Vacations and travel, maps, destinations, and geography
i. School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time, directions
j. Important dates in the target culture
k. Jobs
l. Food, meals, restaurants
m. Shopping, clothes, colors, and sizes
n. Parts of the body, illness
o. Technology

Big Ideas:
1. Spell word correctly
2. Know definition of word/translate
3. Understand the concept of word/identify where the vocabulary belongs in environment.

Unit Goals and Objectives:

1. Spell word correctly
2. Know definition of word/translate
3. Understand the concept of word/identify where the vocabulary belongs in environment.
The students should be to have a clear understanding of the vocabulary words that are being introduced. The goal is to be able to learn and memorize each word
and be able to provide a brief description (in English) of the vocab. The students should be able to translate the word in English and also be able to pronounce
the work in Spanish.

Unit Summary:

Since Spanish is broken down in sections and you just can jump from one level to another, Spanish class for beginners will need to learn the vocabulary.
Vocabulary is important because you need to know the basics in order to start putting words together to form sentences and ultimately be able to pronounce the
words and speak the language.

Assessment Plan:

When do we use SER and ESTAR

1. Quiz
2. Watch Video
3. Quizlet-Flashcard
4. Class Discussion


1. Writing Sentences of the verb SER
2. Writing Sentences of the verb ESTAR
Lesson 1
Student Learning Objective:

Spell word correctly

Know definition of

Understand the concept of
word/identify where the
vocabulary belongs in
Acceptable Evidence:

Spell work correctly
Know usage of SER and
PowerPoint presentation.
Guided notes document to
Instructional Strategies:
Lesson Activities:

Please click on the power point presentation and view it. This lesson is
intended to help you understand the verbs of SER and ESTAR. Also this ties
in with you vocabulary because you will need to be able to spell the work
correctly. Watch the video and take the quiz. After viewing the power
point, please complete the guided notes. The Guided Notes is intended help
you practice as well as keep you focus.

Lesson 2
Student Learning Objective:

Spell word correctly

Know definition of

Understand the concept of
word/identify where the
vocabulary belongs in
Acceptable Evidence:

If the vocabulary is either
read out loud, a picture is
shown, or the word is
shown, the student will
need to translate it back to
English and vice versa.
Instructional Strategies:
Lesson Activities:

The student will go online and complete the Word Puzzle as well as the
Scramble game.
The student will then view the power point presentation and will need to
duplicate it and will need to record his/her voice. This will give the teacher
and idea if the student is pronouncing the work correctly or heading on the
right track.

Lesson 3
Student Learning Objective:

Spell word correctly

Know definition of

Understand the concept of
word/identify where the
vocabulary belongs in

Acceptable Evidence:

When the word is
presented, the student will
be able to identify where
the word belongs.
Instructional Strategies:
Lesson Activities:

This assignment is to determine your knowledge on the verbs SER y ESTAR
as well as knowing how to spell the work correctly. This assignment should
also help with your vocabulary and the student should be able to
understand the concept of the word and identify how to use it properly.

The student will Choose 3 images of people or places you love. You will
place the picture on the small box. Each box you will be describing the
person or place. Use the verb SER Y ESTAR a minimum of 5 complete
sentences for each box.

The student will watch a video where it will define the use of the verb SER y
ESTAR. Use the graphic organizer to help you answer the questions. The
student will only need to fill in the blanks.
Unit Resources:

vocab games
Spanish Quiz
vocab games
Spanish Quiz
Spanish Dictionary
Vocabulary Video
Video 2
La cocina video
La concina word search game
SER y ESTAR video
SER y Estar Quiz

Useful Websites:

vocab games
Spanish Quiz
vocab games
Spanish Quiz
Spanish Dictionary
Vocabulary Video
Video 2
La cocina video
La concina word search game
SER y ESTAR video
SER y Estar Quiz

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