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Unit 1

Foundations of American Government

Test August 21
Knowledge Targets
Greek direct democracy
Roman republic
Magna Carta
English Bill of Rights
Representative government
Parliament, colonial
assemblies, town meetings
Moral and ethical ideals from
Judeo-Christian tradition
John Locke and social
Charles de Montesquieu and
separation of powers
Representative government
as developed by the Great
Compromise and the Three-
Fifths Compromise
Separation of Powers/Checks
and Balances
Judicial Review
Amendment Process
Powers of the national
Powers of the state
Powers of the people
Federalist and Anti-Federalist
positions (e.g., The Federalist
Bill of Rights
Constitutional mandates
(e.g., the right of habeas
corpus, no bill of attainder,
and the prohibition of ex
post facto laws)
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh,
and Eighth Amendments
Protection provided by the
Fourteenth Amendment

Reasoning Targets
Examine the fundamental principles (e.g., equality, natural rights of man, rule of law) in the Declaration of
Analyze why the weak central government and limited powers of the Articles of Confederation demonstrated the
need for the Constitution
Analyze the functions of government as defined in the Preamble to the Constitution
If you could create your own government, what would it be like?
Evaluate the Federalist and Anti-Federalist arguments.
Evaluate the statements of de Tocqueville.
Skill Targets
I will be able to make a presentation to the class about my ideal utopia
Product Targets
Create a model/poster/brochure of my utopia

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