Sei sulla pagina 1di 34

Campaign & Scenario Editors 7/24/2014

Rev 9 Empire Earth

CAMPAIGN EDITOR...................................................................................................................................3
STARTI! T"E CA#$AI! E%IT&R''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
)SI! T"E CA#$AI! E%IT&R'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
The Campaign Editor Screen...................................................................................................................3
Campaign ame'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
Civi*i+ation ame'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
e, -.tton'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
Save -.tton''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
%e*ete -.tton''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
A.thor/s E0mai*''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
-ac1gro.nd Image''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
Campaigns 2ist'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
Avai*a3*e Scenarios''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
Scenarios in Campaign'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
Assets in Campaign''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
Add -.tton'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
Remove -.tton'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
)p -.tton'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
%o,n -.tton''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
SCENARIO EDITOR....................................................................................................................................5
STARTI! T"E SCEARI& E%IT&R''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
2&A%I!5 SA6I!5 A% TESTI! SCEARI&S''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''7
#&6I! T"E CA#ERA''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''7
CREATI! CIE#ATICS'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''7
#A$ CREATI& SCREE'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''7
Elevation File...........................................................................................................................................7
#A$ E2E6ATI&S SCREE''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''8
Land Elevation.........................................................................................................................................8
TERRAI SCREE''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''9
)IT $2ACE#ET SCREE''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''9
!ther "nit Control#...............................................................................................................................$%
&lacing Cargo........................................................................................................................................$%
&lacing Camera 'arker#.......................................................................................................................$%
$2A9ER SET)$ SCREE'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''11
&la(er &age $.........................................................................................................................................$$
&la(er &age ).........................................................................................................................................$$
*+ Setting#..............................................................................................................................................$)
Tech Tree &age.......................................................................................................................................$)
!ption# &age..........................................................................................................................................$3
&ther &ptions'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''1(
ST&R9/ISTR)CTI&S SCREE'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''1(
CI6I2I:ATI& -)I2%ER'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''14
TRI!!ERS SCREE''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''14
0 1 0
Campaign & Scenario Editors 7/24/2014
Rev 9 Empire Earth
Component ,ame#.................................................................................................................................$-
Trigger &rder''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''14
Trigger is &n'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''17
Condition Tr.e ;or'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''17
Inc*.de in Cinematic'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''17
Trigger Statement'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''17
&3<ect E=ists'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''17
$*a>er Conditions'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''18
Trigger "as Attri3.te''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''19
!ame "as Attri3.te''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''19
Chat #essage Contains''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''19
&3<ect A.tonames''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''28
Se*ect &n #ap''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''28
&3<ect Speci?ication'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''28
&3<ect States'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''29
Se*ect Rectang.*ar Area'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(1
Se*ect Continent Ti*e''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(1
Se*ect To,n Ti*e'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(1
Center Camera &n Area''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(1
Trigger E1ample#...................................................................................................................................3$
0 2 0
Campaign & Scenario Editors 7/24/2014
Rev 9 Empire Earth
The Empire Earth Campaign and Scenario Editors are versati*e and too*s ?or creating origina* maps5
scenarios5 and campaigns' -oth give >o. ma=im.m contro* over >o.r creations ,itho.t sacri?icing ease o?
.se' The Scenario Editor a**o,s >o. to create Empire Earth maps and speci?> e=p*icit goa*s ,hich the
p*a>er@sA accomp*ish to ,in' The Campaign Editor *ets >o. tie scenarios together into an integrated
campaign' This doc.ment provides more detai* a3o.t these editors than the chapter in the printed man.a*'
Campaign Editor
The Campaign Editor is .sed to Bassem3*eC scenarios created ,ith Empire Earth/s Scenario Editor into
comp*ete campaigns' A campaign is a co**ection o? scenarios presented in an order determined 3> the
scenario designer5 there?ore >o. ?irst create the scenarios 3e?ore >o. can p.t them into a campaign
@see the Scenario Editor section *ater in this chapterA' Campaigns a*so inc*.de associated ?i*es as
D$E!s and so.nd ?i*es'
Starting the Campaign Editor
To open the Campaign Editor5 c*ic1 the !ame Too*s 3.tton on Empire Earth/s #ain #en. and then c*ic1
the Campaign Editor 3.tton'
Using the Campaign Editor
Creating a campaign is a ver> simp*e tas1' The on*> prereE.isite is that >o. have ,or1ing scenarios to p.t
into the campaign' Then a** >o. need to do is give >o.r campaign a name5 se*ect the scenarios and p.t
them in the order >o. ,ant5 and then save the campaign' That/s a** there is to it' &nce created5 a campaign
contains a** the ?i*es needed to p*a> each o? the scenarios in it' Associated ?i*es as D$E!s5 #$(s5 etc'A
are a.tomatica**> saved as part o? the campaign ,hen >o. c*ic1 the save 3.tton'
The Campaign Editor Screen
This section descri3es a** the contro*s on the Campaign Editor screen and ho, to .se them' 9o. can e=it
the Campaign Editor 3> c*ic1ing the -ac1 3.tton5 or c*ic1 the Scenario Editor 3.tton to *a.nch EE/s
Scenario Editor'
Campaign Name
In this ?ie*d >o. can t>pe the name ?or >o.r campaign' I? >o. se*ect a campaign ?rom the Campaigns *ist5
its name appears here' I? >o. edit the se*ected campaign/s name5 the Campaign Editor ass.mes >o. are
creating a ne, campaign 3ased on the settings o? the se*ected campaign'
Civilization Name
In this ?ie*d >o. can enter a name ?or the civi*i+ation that p*a>ers ,i** .se ?or the entire campaign' $*a>ers
cannot change this name' I? >o. do not speci?> a name here or in the scenario5 p*a>ers can ma1e .p a name
themse*ves ,hen the> enter the Civ -.i*der'
Ne !"tton
This 3.tton resets the Campaign Editor screen so >o. can create a ne, campaign starting ?rom scratch'
%e?a.*t te=t5 inc*.ding a de?a.*t campaign name5 is added to some o? the te=t ?ie*ds ?or >o.'
0 ( 0
Campaign & Scenario Editors 7/24/2014
Rev 9 Empire Earth
Save !"tton
C*ic1 Save to save the c.rrent campaign .nder the name in the Campaign ame te=t 3o=' Saving a
campaign a*so pac1ages together an> ?i*es associated ,ith the campaign/s scenarios as D$E!s or
Delete !"tton
)se the %e*ete 3.tton to de*ete the campaign c.rrent*> se*ected in the Campaigns *ist' ote that there is no
.ndo ?or this action'
This is an optiona* ?ie*d ,here >o. can inc*.de >o.r name5 i? >o. ,ant to' I? >o. are *oo1ing at someone
e*se/s campaign5 his or her name ,i** 3e disp*a>ed here i? it ,as inc*.ded'
A"thor#$ E%mail
2i1e the A.thor ?ie*d5 this is an optiona* ?ie*d that *ets >o. inc*.de >o.r emai* address' I? the campaign ,as
created 3> someone e*se5 his or her emai* address ,i** appear here5 i? it ,as provided'
!ac&gro"nd Image
Se*ect a graphic @D$E!A to .se as a 3ac1gro.nd ?or this campaign' This is optiona*' The image >o. se*ect
,i** appear 3ehind the )I ,hen p*a>ers choose >o.r campaign5 other,ise a generic 3ac1gro.nd is .sed'
The '<pg ?i*e 3e in scenario director> .nder the Empire Earth ?o*der'
The $ass,ord ?ie*d a**o,s >o. to pass,ord protect >o.r campaign so that others cannot edit it' To protect
>o.r campaign ,ith a pass,ord5 t>pe a pass,ord into this ?ie*d' Fhen >o. c*ic1 the Save 3.tton5 the
pass,ord >o. entered is saved a*ong ,ith the campaign' To access >o.r campaign again >o. se*ect
the campaign in the Campaigns *ist5 t>pe the pass,ord in the pass,ord ?ie*d5 and c*ic1 the &G 3.tton' -e
care?.* not to ?orget or *ose >o.r pass,ordH
Fhen >o. vie, a campaign that is pass,ord protected a** the contro*s in the Campaign Editor are disa3*ed
@e=cept ?or the $ass,ord contro*sA and some ?ie*ds are *e?t 3*an1' This prevents .sers other than the a.thor
?rom ma1ing changes to the campaign'
Campaign$ 'i$t
The Campaigns *ist disp*a>s a** the campaigns saved in EE/s campaigns ?o*der' 9o. can se*ect campaigns
in this *ist to edit them' I? the campaign is pass,ord protected5 >o. enter the pass,ord in order to edit
the campaign'
9o. can t>pe a description ?or >o.r campaign in this ?ie*d' %escriptions are optiona*5 3.t the> are .se?.*
?or introd.cing the campaign to p*a>ers'
Availa(le Scenario$
This *ist disp*a>s the scenarios avai*a3*e ?or >o. to add to >o.r campaign'
Scenario$ in Campaign
This *ist disp*a>s a** the scenarios in the c.rrent*> se*ected campaign' I? the se*ected campaign is pass,ord
protected5 nothing is sho,n in this *ist .nti* the pass,ord is entered' The scenarios that appear in this *ist
0 4 0
Campaign & Scenario Editors 7/24/2014
Rev 9 Empire Earth
are sho,n in the order in ,hich the> are to 3e p*a>ed5 ?rom the ?irst scenario at the top to the *ast scenario
at the 3ottom'
A$$et$ in Campaign
This is simp*> a *ist o? a** the non0scenario ?i*es c.rrent*> in the campaign' These are an> ?i*es that are
associated ,ith the individ.a* scenarios5 as so.nd ?i*es and D$E!s' ote that movie ?i*es are not
inc*.ded in the assets and 3e inc*.ded as separate ?i*es ,hen a campaign is distri3.ted' #ovies
sho.*d 3e p.t into the ''IdataImovies ?o*der 3> the .ser' &n*> -in1 6ideo @'3i1A is s.pported'
Add !"tton
C*ic1 the Add 3.tton to move the se*ected scenario in the Avai*a3*e Scenarios *ist over to the Scenarios in
Campaign *ist' This adds the scenario to the campaign'
&TEJ I? >o. tr> to add a scenario 3.t do not have a** the media associated ,ith that
scenario @e'g'5 so.nd ?i*esA5 >o. ,i** 3e noti?ied that ?i*es are missing' 9o. cannot save
>o.r campaign .nti* a** the media ?or a** the scenarios are in p*ace'
Remove !"tton
C*ic1 the Remove 3.tton to remove a se*ected scenario ?rom the Scenarios in Campaign *ist and p.t it 3ac1
in the Avai*a3*e Scenarios *ist'
)p !"tton
)se the )p 3.tton to reorder >o.r scenarios in the campaign' C*ic1 )p to move .p a se*ected scenario in
the Scenarios in Campaign *ist .p in the *ist'
Don !"tton
)se the %o,n 3.tton to move a se*ected scenario do,n in the Scenarios in Campaign *ist'
Scenario Editor
The Empire Earth Scenario Editor provides a** the too*s >o. need to create origina* game scenarios that are
as simp*e or as comp*e= as >o. ,ish to ma1e them' 9o. can 3.i*d >o.r o,n Empire Earth maps5 add event
triggers as victor> conditions5 set game and p*a>er starting conditions5 and inc*.de instr.ctions and
other messages'
TI$J the options avai*a3*e to >o. in the Scenario Editor are vast5 *earning the
3asics is rea**> E.ite simp*e' ;or some hands0on e=amp*es5 ta1e a *oo1 at the Trigger
E=amp*es at the end o? the Triggers section' Fith a *itt*e practice5 >o./** 3e read> to
create <.st a3o.t an> game sit.ation >o. can imagine'
The Scenario Editor is divided into seven main parts or Bscreens'C Icon 3.ttons a*ong the 3ottom0*e?t o? the
editor ta1e >o. to each screen' The 3.ttons <.st to the *e?t o? the #ini0map provide save5 *oad5 and testing
options' In the Scenario Editor5 the #ini0map ?.nctions as it does d.ring a game'
&TEJ $*a>er 1 is a*,a>s considered to 3e a p*a>er5 3.t does not have to 3e the
on*> p*a>er in the scenario'
Starting the Scenario Editor
To start the Scenario Editor5 c*ic1 on the !ame Too*s 3.tton in Empire Earth/s #ain #en.' Then c*ic1 the
Scenario Editor 3.tton to *a.nch the Scenario Editor'
0 4 0
Campaign & Scenario Editors 7/24/2014
Rev 9 Empire Earth
Loading, Saving, and Testing Scenarios
The 3.ttons to the *e?t o? the #ini0map provide access to the Scenario Editor/s man> save and *oad options'
;rom *e?t to right5 these 3.ttons areJ
Quick Load K 2oads the scenario *ast saved ,ith L.ic1 Save K i? there is one K into the Scenario
Editor' Hot Key / @?or,ard s*ashA
Quick Sa!e K Saves the scenario on ,hich >o. are c.rrent*> ,or1ing to the ?i*e EEL.ic1Save'scn in
Empire Earth/s root director> @i'e'5 ,here the 'e=e ?i*e isA' $*ease note that each time >o. do a L.ic1
Save5 it over,rites the previo.s L.ic1 Save ?i*e5 so >o. can have no more that one L.ic1 Save at a
time' Hot Key M @commaA
Sa!e K Saves the scenario on ,hich >o. are c.rrent*> ,or1ing via the Save screen' The Save screen
*ets >o. enter a name ?or the scenario or choose a previo.s*> saved scenario to over,rite''
Load K &pens a ,indo, that a**o,s >o. to pic1 a previo.s*>0saved scenario to open in the Scenario
Te"t K 2a.nches Empire Earth and *oads the scenario on ,hich >o. are c.rrent*> ,or1ing' As the
3.tton name imp*ies5 this a**o,s >o. to test >o.r scenario so >o. can ma1e that it is ,or1ing the
,a> >o. intended' Fhen testing5 pressing the ;1 1e> a**o,s >o. to re0enter the Scenario Editor5 or
>o. can c*ic1 the Ret.rn to Editor 3.tton on the !ame &ptions men.'
E#it K Ret.rns >o. to Empire Earth/s #ain #en.'
Moving the Camera
In the Scenario Editor5 >o. have ?.** contro* over Empire Earth/s (% camera' 9o. have a *arger +oom
range and >o. can point the camera in an> direction >o. ,ish' To rotate and pitch the camera5 simp*> ho*d
do,n the ti*de BNC 1e> ,hi*e >o. move the @>o. do not have to ho*d do,n the Shi?t 1e>A' #oving
the *e?t and right rotates the camera5 ,hi*e moving the ?or,ard and 3ac1,ard pitches the
camera do,n and .p' The ,hee* +ooms the camera in and o.t' It ma> ta1e a *itt*e practice to get
.sed to moving the camera in three dimensions5 3.t >o./** soon *earn to point it at e=act*> ,hat >o. ,ant'
To ret.rn the camera to the norma* game vie,5 press the "ome 1e> on >o.r 1e>3oard'
Creating Cinematics
The Scenario Editor a**o,s >o. to create >o.r o,n movies or cinematics .sing triggers' Triggers a**o, >o.
to contro* the actions and events in >o.r scenario and are e=p*ained *ater' This section gives a 3asic
overvie, o? creating cinematics and descri3es ,here in this chapter >o. can ?ind in?ormation a3o.t ho, to
create cinematics' %on/t ,orr>5 creating cinematics so.nds more comp*icated than it act.a**> is' Fith a
*itt*e practice5 >o./** soon 3e a3*e to set.p and B?i*mC <.st a3o.t an> scene >o. can imagine'
The cinematics >o. create are saved as part o? >o.r scenario K >o. can even ma1e the entire scenario <.st a
cinematic i? >o. ,ant to' &nce >o. have set .p a** the e*ements that >o. ,ant to appear in >o.r cinematic
@e'g'5 the *andscape5 3.i*dings5 .nits5 etc'A creating the cinematic is *arge*> accomp*ished 3> creating
triggers that .ti*i+e the Script Camera E??ect' These E??ects te** the camera ,hat to do and ,hen to do it'
Fhen the camera E??ects are a** together5 ,hen the scenario is p*a>ed5 the> ma1e .p the cinematic'
See the $*a>er section .nder the E??ects section5 *ater in this chapter5 ?or more in?ormation a3o.t the Script
Camera E??ect'
9o. can .se triggers to move the camera at an> time d.ring the scenario5 i? >o. ,ish5 3.t i? >o. ,ant the
p*a>er to ,atch the cinematic ,itho.t interacting ,ith the game5 >o. sho.*d trigger the scenario to go into
BCinematic #ode'C %.ring Cinematic #ode5 the screen shrin1s to a *etter3o= ?ormat and p*a>ers cannot
contro* ,hat is happening on the screen @3.t the> can press the Esc 1e> to ret.rn to the game ,henever
the> ,antA' 9o.5 as the scenario designer5 have contro* over ,hen Cinematic #ode starts and ends 3>
.sing the Start Cinematic #ode and the End Cinematic #ode !ame E??ects5 ,hich are e=p*ained in the
!ame section .nder E??ects5 *ater in this chapter'
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Rev 9 Empire Earth
There are a n.m3er o? ,a>s to contro* the camera d.ring a cinematic' #ost invo*ve .sing the Script
Camera E??ect5 3.t >o. a*so have some contro* over the camera ,hen >o. .se the Send %ia*og.e E??ect
@see the #edia section .nder E??ectsA' 9o. can a*so have the camera ;ade In or &.t5 3.t on*> ,hi*e in
Cinematic #ode @see the $*a>er section .nder E??ectsA' Additiona**>5 >o. can p*ace Camera #ar1ers to
de?ine points ?or the camera to move to' $*acing these mar1ers is descri3ed in the )nit $*acement Screen
Map Creation Screen
Fhen creating a scenario5 3e?ore >o. do an>thing e*se5 >o./** need a starting map so >o./** have something
to ,or1 ,ith' The de?a.*t map is a -*an1 map covered ,ith a grass' I? >o. ,ish5 >o. can generate
a di??erent 3ase map' There are three di??erent 3ase maps ?rom ,hich to chooseJ -*an15 Random5 and Seed'
Each is descri3ed 3e*o,'
To create a ne, 3ase mapJ
1' Se*ect a 3ase map t>peJ -*an15 Random5 or Seed'
2' Set the #ap Si+e ?or the map' ;or -*an1 maps >o. can set a #ap Fidth and "eight5 as in
ti*es K ?or e=amp*e5 40 = 40 or 40 = 20' The Fidth and "eight o? >o.r map do not have to 3e the same'
(' ;or -*an1 3ase maps5 se*ect a %e?a.*t Terrain' ;or Random and Seed #aps5 choose a #ap T>pe'
4' ;or Seed #aps on*>5 enter a seed n.m3er'
4' C*ic1 BCreate #apC to generate the ne, map'
The -*an1 3ase map se*ection creates a ?*at map .sing the %e?a.*t Terrain setting K ?or e=amp*e5 grass' The
*and e*evation is set to +ero @0A'
The Random 3ase map generates a random map @3ased on a seed n.m3erA ,ith a Capito* and Citi+ens ?or
each p*a>er' 9o. can choose the Si+e and T>pe o? random map to create The seed .sed to create the map is
disp*a>ed once the map is generated'
Creates a map 3ased on the entered seed n.m3er' #aps 3ased on the same seed are identica* ass.ming the
n.m3er o? p*a>ers remains the same'
Elevation *ile
The E*evation ;i*e a**o,s advanced .sers to speci?> a ?i*e containing e*evation data' This ?i*e is .sed in
con<.nction ,ith generating a -*an1 map' To .se this ?eat.re5 >o. ?irst do,n*oad the e*evation data
?rom a ,e3 site as the ationa* !eoph>sica* %ata Center @!%CA o? the ationa* &ceanic and
Atmospheric Administration @&AAA5 )'S' %epartment o? Commerce @httpJ//,,,'ngdc'noaa'gov/cgi0
3in/seg/??/nph0ne,?orm'p*/seg/topo/s.3set or httpJ//,,,'ngdc'noaa'gov/mgg/g*o3a*/se*topo'htm*A'
#a1e the data >o. do,n*oad is in a 3inar> 1703it integer ?ormat compati3*e ,ith an Inte* machine'
A*so ta1e note o? the height and ,idth @or ro,s and co*.mnsA o? >o.r data5 as >o. ,i** need them *ater'
Save the do,n*oaded ?i*e in >o.r ''I%ataIScenariosIE*evation #aps ?o*der as O?i*enameP'dat' ote that >o.
ma> need to change the e=tension to 'dat' 9o. a*so add a te=t ?i*e in that same director> ca**ed
O?i*enameP't=t' ote that 3oth O?i*enamePs 3e the same' In the t=t ?i*e5 p.t the ,idth @co*.mnsA and
then the height @ro,sA o? >o.r do,n*oaded data separated 3> on*> a space and no ret.rn at the end o? the
*ine5 ?or e=amp*eJ
240 240
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Fith the t,o ?i*es in p*ace5 >o. can choose the E*evation ;i*e ?rom the drop do,n *ist on the #ap Creation
screen' Fhen >o. do5 some o? the contro*s ,i** disappear and ne, ones ,i** appear' 9o. can no, choose
on*> a ,idth ?or >o.r map' The height ,i** 3e a.tomatica**> sca*ed to the same ratio as the ,idth and
height o? the e*evation data >o. do,n*oaded'
The ne, contro*s that appear are as ?o**o,sJ
$ate% De&t' K This is the ma=im.m depth that the ,ater ,i** reach in Empire Earth e*evation'
$ate% Cuto(( K This is the depth5 in meters5 that is set to 3e eE.a* to the Fater %epth va*.e' An>
depths greater that this in the data ,i** 3e c.t o?? at the ma=im.m ,ater depth'
La)d Hei*'t K This is the ma=im.m height that the *and ,i** reach in Empire Earth e*evation'
La)d Cuto(( K This is the height5 in meters5 that is set to 3e eE.a* to the 2and "eight va*.e' An>
heights greater than this va*.e in the data ,i** 3e c.t o?? at the ma=im.m *and height'
;or e=amp*e5 >o. might setJ
$ate% De&t' Q 10 @this is the ma=im.m depthA
$ate% Cuto(( Q 4000 @metersA
La)d Hei*'t Q 20 @this the ma=im.m a*tit.deA
La)d Cuto(( Q 2000
To create >o.r ne, map5 hit the create map 3.tton' 9o. ma> need to ?ine the map 3> ad<.sting the
2and and Fater va*.es'
Map Elevations Screen
To add variet> to >o.r map/s topograph>5 >o. can create hi**s and va**e>s' There are 74 discrete e*evations
@*eve*sA ?or the *and5 ?rom K24 to R40' The de?a.*t is +ero @0A5 ,hich is <.st a3ove sea *eve*' 2and set to an
e*evation o? *ess than +ero is .nder ,ater' An e*evation o? K1 is considered Bsha**o,sC and is passa3*e 3>
*and .nits'
'and Elevation
To raise or *o,er the *andJ
1' -e the E*evation 3.tton is se*ected'
2' Se*ect a Si+e'
(' Set the Terrain E*evation s*ider to the e*evation >o. ,ant' egative e*evations are .nder ,ater'
4' Se*ect ,hether >o. ,ant to $aint "i**s5 $aint C*i??s5 or $aint C*i?? $athsJ
$aint "i**s K $aints smooth s*opes that *and .nits can c*im3'
$aint C*i??s K $aints steep s*opes that *and .nits cannot c*im3'
$aint C*i?? $aths K $aints a smooth s*ope onto a c*i?? so that *and .nits can c*im3 .p the path'
4' 2e?t0c*ic1 @and drag5 i? desiredA to raise or *o,er the e*evation o? the *and .nder the' A** the ti*es
.nder the move .p @or do,nA to the a* speci?ied 3> the Terrain E*evation s*ider'
TI$J I? >o. press and ho*d the space 3ar ,hen >o. *e?t c*ic15 the e*evation s*ider is
ignored' Instead5 the e*evation .nder the center ti*e o? the is set as the c.rrent
e*evation and >o. can paint .sing that e*evation ,hi*e dragging the pointer'
9o. can a*so drag *and .p or do,n 3> c*ic1ing and ho*ding the right 3.tton and dragging the pointer
.p or do,n' Ti*es .nder the raise or *o,er as >o. drag @note that >o.r choice o? $aint "i**s5 C*i??s5 or
$aths is sti** activeA' This is .se?.* ?or d>namica**> adding e*evations to the *andscape' I? >o. ho*d in the
*e?t 3.tton at the same time5 >o. can drag the c.rrent e*evation to the ad<acent ti*es'
&TEJ Adding hi**s near c*i??s can Brep*aceC the c*i??s ,ith smoother s*opes' A *itt*e
practice ,i** sho, ho, this ,or1s'
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Rev 9 Empire Earth
Terrain Screen
There are man> t>pes o? terrain avai*a3*e in Empire Earth5 ,hich a**o, >o. to create practica**> an> t>pe o?
*oo1 ?or >o.r map that >o. can thin1 o?' To paint terrainJ
1' C*ic1 the Terrain 3.tton'
2' Se*ect the Si+e >o. ,ant'
(' Choose the Terrain T>pe >o. ,ant ?rom the *ist'
4' Choose the Terrain Co*or >o. ,ant' I? >o. don/t choose a co*or5 the de?a.*t co*or ?or that Terrain T>pe
is .sed' to the *e?t o? the #ini0#ap5 a previe, sho,s the se*ected Terrain T>pe and Co*or'
4' 2e?t0c*ic1 and drag to paint ,ith the se*ected Terrain T>pe and Co*or'
-ear in mind that terrain paints the vertices o? ti*es @i'e'5 ,here the ti*es meetA and not the ti*es themse*ves'
This is to the di??erent terrains 3*end together smooth*>' Some Terrain T>pes5 ho,ever5 act.a**>
BpaintC .nits @e'g'5 the vario.s Am3ient and ;orest t>pesA on to the map' These .nits get p*aced on the ti*es5
not the vertices'
TI$J To paint .sing <.st co*or @i'e'5 ,itho.t a partic.*ar t>pe o? terrainA5 se*ect Fhite as
the Terrain T>pe and then choose the Terrain Co*or >o. ,ant to .se'
The -.**do+er contro* on the Terrain Screen is .sed to de*ete o3<ects on the map @e'g'5 p*a>er .nits5 trees5
etc'A' Se*ect -.**do+er and the Si+e >o. ,ant5 then *e?t0c*ic1 on the map to de*ete a** o3<ects .nder
the' "o*d do,n the *e?t 3.tton and drag to BeraseC s,aths o? o3<ects' The terrain .nder the
o3<ects is not a??ected'
Unit Placement Screen
)sing the )nit $*acement Screen >o. can p*ace a** 1inds o? o3<ects on the map K inc*.ding .nits5 3.i*dings5
heroes5 and ,or*d .nits K so that the> are avai*a3*e to p*a>ers at the 3eginning o? the scenario' *i1e in
the game5 certain .nits cannot 3e p*aced in certain *ocations' ;or e=amp*e5 ships 3e p*aced in ,ater5
not on *and'
&TEJ I? >o. are p*anning to .se comp.ter p*a>ers in >o.r scenario5 >o. de?ine
,here each comp.ter p*a>er/s starting position is *ocated' ;or each comp.ter p*a>er5 the
?irst *and .nit >o. p*ace on the map that is not a 3.i*ding @i'e'5 a .nit that can moveA
de?ines that comp.ter p*a>er/s Bhome 3ase'C %o not .se a ship as that ,i** p.t the home
3ase in the ,ater' 9o. can5 i? >o. ,ant5 set .p a trigger to 1i** that ?irst .nit as soon as the
scenario starts' The comp.ter p*a>er ,i** de?end its home 3ase and per?orm most o? its
initia* activit> there @ass.ming it is an active p*a>erA'
To p*ace o3<ects on the mapJ
1' Se*ect For*d $*a>er to p*ace o3<ects that 3e*ong to the ,or*d @and not to a p*a>erA5 as trees or
other reso.rces' &r5 se*ect $*a>er and choose the p*a>er ?or ,hom >o. ,ant to p*ace o3<ects'
2' Se*ect the categor> o? o3<ects >o. ,ant to p*ace .sing the 3.ttons at the top *e?t o? the screen' 9o. can
chooseJ *and .nits5 air .nits @aircra?tA5 ,ater .nits @shipsA5 str.ct.res @3.i*dingsA5 heroes5 and am3ient
o3<ects @inc*.ding reso.rcesA' The items 3e*onging to the se*ected categor> ,i** appear in the *ist on
the *e?t side o? the screen' ote that a** reso.rces @e=cept anima*sA 3e*ong to the For*d $*a>er'
(' Se*ect the partic.*ar t>pe o? o3<ect >o. ,ant ?rom the pic1 *ist 3> c*ic1ing on it @e'g'5 c*ic1 on
BGnightCA' The Sort 3.ttons determine ho, the *ist o? o3<ects is sortedJ A*pha3etica**> @BA*phaCA5 3>
Epoch5 or 3> ;ami*>'
4' $*ace the o3<ect >o. se*ected 3> *e?t0c*ic1ing on the map K >o. can p*ace as man> o? that t>pe o? o3<ect
as >o. *i1e' Red means >o. cannot p*ace the o3<ect there K tr> a di??erent *ocation' Right0c*ic1 to stop
p*acing that o3<ect' @Therea?ter5 right0c*ic1ing on a p*aced o3<ect ,i** de*ete it ?rom the map'A ote
that .nits that do not move @e'g'5 reso.rces5 3.i*dingsA BsnapC to the map ti*es ,hi*e .nits that can
move @e'g'5 Citi+ens5 ships5 anima*sA can 3e p*aced <.st a3o.t an>,here'
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Rev 9 Empire Earth
&TEJ 9o. can change to a di??erent p*a>er at an> time 3> se*ecting a di??erent p*a>er
?rom the drop0do,n *ist'
Other )nit Control$
Se+ect K 9o. can se*ect .nits a*read> p*aced on the map .sing an> o? the norma* se*ection methods
@e'g'5 c*ic1 on or *asso .nitsA'
De+ete K Right0c*ic1 on a p*aced .nit to de*ete it' The %e*ete 1e> on the 1e>3oard a*so de*etes the
se*ected .nit' To de*ete m.*tip*e .nits at once5 se*ect the .nits and press Shi?t0%e*ete or .se the
-.**do+er too* on the Terrain screen'
Mo!i)* ,)it" K %o.3*e0c*ic1 on a p*aced o3<ect to Bpic1 it .p'C 9o. can then move it to a ne,
*ocation on the map @c*ic1 to re0p*ace itA' 9o. can move on*> one .nit at a time'
Rotate K 2e?t0c*ic1 the Rotate 3.tton @the arro,A to t.rn a se*ected .nit c*oc1,ise or right0c*ic1 to t.rn
it co.nter0c*oc1,ise' The arro, sho,s the direction the .nit ?aces' 9o. can a*so .se the Rotate 3.tton
?or o3<ects >o. are a3o.t to p*ace on the map' ;or ?iner contro* o? the .nit/s ?acing5 >o. can se*ect a
.nit or .nits on the map and then right0c*ic1 and drag to change the direction the> are ?acing5 <.st *i1e
>o. can d.ring a game @e=cept that the .nits don/t move5 the> <.st rotate in p*aceA'
Placing Cargo
Transports that >o. p*ace on the map can 3e given cargo' This ,a>5 the transport ,i** 3e carr>ing cargo
,hen the scenario 3egins' This inc*.des not on*> movea3*e transports @e'g'5 transport ships and he*icoptersA
3.t an> o3<ect that can ho*d .nits @e'g'5 Airports and ;ortressesA'
To &ut a u)it i) a t%a)"&o%t- c*ic1 on the transport ,hen p*acing the .nit' @9o. can a*so p.t .nits into
an air transport as the Chinoo1 or in a ;ortress'A
To "ee t'e ca%*o i) a t%a)"&o%t- se*ect the transport' The .nits in the transport appear in the cargo *ist'
The .nits/ hea*th 3ars appear a3ove the transport/s hea*th 3ar'
To %e.o!e /de+ete0 a u)it (%o. t'e t%a)"&o%t- se*ect the transport5 se*ect the .nit in the transport/s
cargo *ist5 and then c*ic1 the Remove 3.tton'
&TEJ -e to .se a .nit @e'g'5 Citi+en5 GnightA in a** >o.r trigger de?initions
-E;&RE p*acing it on a transport >o. cannot add that .nit to or remove it ?rom
&3<ects a?ter it 3ecomes part o? a transport/s cargo' 9o. can5 ho,ever5 change the
E.a*i?iers o? the &3<ects o? ,hich that .nit is a part'
Placing Camera Mar&er$
The Scenario Editor a**o,s >o. to create >o.r o,n movies or cinematics .sing triggers @see the Triggers
section o? this chapterA' $*acing Camera #ar1ers is one ,a> to p*an o.t >o.r shots' A Camera #ar1er
de?ines a p*ace ?or the camera to move to d.ring the cinematic' Th.s5 Camera #ar1ers a**o, >o. to set .p
a camera shot ,itho.t .sing another &3<ect @e'g'5 a tree or 3.i*dingA or Area as a re?erence point' To p*ace
a Camera #ar1erJ
1' &n the )nit $*acement screen5 se*ect the For*d $*a>er and the -.i*dings *ist' Then se*ect Camera
#ar1er ?rom the *ist'
2' #ove the camera .nti* >o. are *oo1ing at the part o? the map at the camera ang*e >o. ,ant'
(' 2e?t c*ic1 to p*ace the Camera #ar1er an>,here on the map' Fhat >o. see on the map is e=act*> ,hat
the camera ,i** see ,hen it moves to that mar1er >o. can a*ter the +oom *eve* ,hen >o. create
the E??ectA' The mar1er is p*aced in (% space K i? >o. +oom o.t a *itt*e5 >o. can see the mar1er K 3.t it
is on*> visi3*e ,hen >o. are in the Scenario Editor'
4' 9o. can .se the Camera #ar1er in >o.r &3<ect de?initions *i1e an> other .nit >o. p*ace' Then5 those
&3<ects can 3e .sed ,hen >o. create a Script Camera E??ect K see the $*a>er section o? E??ects5 *ater in
this chapter5 ?or more in?ormation'
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Rev 9 Empire Earth
I? there is <.st one Camera #ar1er in an &3<ect that >o. .se in a Script Camera E??ect5 the scro** speed ?or
the camera dictates ho, E.ic1*> the camera ,i** move to that mar1er' Fhen >o. have m.*tip*e Camera
#ar1ers in an &3<ect5 the order in ,hich >o. se*ect the mar1ers ?or the &3<ect is important' The order
dictates ho, the camera ,i** move5 ?rom the ?irst mar1er to the second5 to the third5 and so on' 9o. can5 in
this ,a>5 create a seE.enced camera ?*>3> that smooth*> moves the camera 3et,een the m.*tip*e camera
mar1ers' To create a ?*>3> seE.ence5 create a Script Camera E??ect that .ses the &3<ect ?or the #ove
Camera and ;ace Camera se*ections' Set the +oom *eve* to one so the e=act camera mar1er position is
.sed' %.ring the cinematic5 the camera ,i** snap to the ?irst Camera #ar1er in the &3<ect and .se the
Bscro** speedC to determine the speed at ,hich the camera moves the seE.ence o? mar1ers'
TI$J Fhen >o. .se a Camera #ar1er in an &3<ect %e?inition @see the section on
TriggersA5 >o. can c*ic1 on the Camera #ar1er in the )nit Se*ected 2ist to disp*a> ,hat
the camera is *oo1ing at'
Player Setup Screen
&n the $*a>er Set.p Screen5 >o. can con? the starting conditions ?or each p*a>er in the scenario' This
inc*.des the n.m3er o? p*a>ers in the scenario5 starting reso.rces5 avai*a3*e techno*ogies5 a**iances5 and
other settings'
&TEJ $*a>er 1 is a*,a>s considered to 3e a p*a>er5 3.t does not have to 3e the
on*> p*a>er in the scenario'
The ?o**o,ing contro*s are avai*a3*e on $*a>er $age 15 $*a>er $age 25 and the AI Settings pagesJ
Ma# P+aye%" K Set the ma=im.m n.m3er o? p*a>ers in the scenario .sing the #a= $*a>ers drop0do,n
A++ P+aye%" K 9o. can E.ic1*> set a** p*a>ers to .se the same settings 3> se*ecting the va*.es >o. ,ant
in the A** $*a>ers ro, and then c*ic1ing the Set A** $*a>ers 3.tton' ote that c*ic1ing the Set A**
$*a>ers 3.tton copies e=act*> ,hat appears in the A** $*a>ers ro, to a** the individ.a* p*a>er/s ro,s'
P+aye% Co+o% K Set the p*a>er co*or ?or each p*a>er' C*ic1 @or right0c*ic1A on the co*or 3.tton to
change the p*a>er/s co*or'
Pla+er Page ,
Fith the contro*s on $*a>er $age 15 >o. can set reso.rce *eve*s and the Epochs ?or each p*a>er'
Re"ou%ce" 0 Set the starting reso.rces ?or each individ.a* p*a>er @or a** p*a>ersA' T>pe the amo.nt in
the appropriate te=t 3o= in the ro, ?or the p*a>er >o. ,ant'
E&oc'" K Set the Start Epoch and End Epoch ?or each p*a>er .sing the appropriate drop0do,n *ist'
@This can a*so 3e set ,ith the Set A** $*a>ers 3.tton'A
Pla+er Page -
9o. can set more p*a>er options ,ith the $*a>er $age 2 contro*s' ote that the A** $*a>ers ro, and Set A**
$*a>ers 3.tton can 3e .sed to set conditions ?or a** p*a>ers at once5 <.st as on $age 1' The $age 2 options
P+aye% K 2ets >o. enter a name ?or each p*a>er5 as ,ho the p*a>er is s.pposed to 3e in the
Ci!i+i1atio) K Se*ect each p*a>er/s civi*i+ation ?rom the drop0do,n *ist' The *ist sho,s a** the
avai*a3*e civi*i+ations5 $rede?ined as ,e** as )ser %e?ined'
CP, O)+y K This is .sed ?or #.*tip*a>er games' I? C$) &n*> is chec1ed5 the p*a>er 3e
contro**ed 3> the comp.ter and cannot 3e removed ?rom the game' I? .nchec1ed5 the p*a>er can 3e
contro**ed either 3> the comp.ter or a h.manM the choice is .p to the host'
S'a%ed LOS K I? chec1ed5 this p*a>er shares 2ine &? Sight @2&SA ,ith a** a**ied p*a>ers in the
scenario5 and comp.ter'
0 11 0
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Rev 9 Empire Earth
AI Setting$
The contro*s on the AI Settings page a**o, >o. to modi?> the 3ehavior o? each comp.ter p*a>er g*o3a**>5
that is5 ?or the entire scenario' The 3ehaviors are ver> genera*5 a**o,ing >o. to do a E.ic1 set.p ?or each
comp.ter p*a>er' 9o. can modi?> the 3ehavior o? comp.ter p*a>ers more e=p*icit*> .sing AI E??ects
Triggers @e=p*ained *ater5 in the Triggers sectionA' The contro*s avai*a3*e on this page areJ
Acti!e 2 Fhen o?? @.nchec1edA5 the associated comp.ter p*a>er is tota**> deactivated' )nits 3e*onging
to an inactive comp.ter p*a>er sti** respond ,hen attac1ed or ,hen enemies 3ecome visi3*e5 3.t no
decisions a3ove the .nit *eve* are made' !enera**>5 this contro* sho.*d 3e *e?t on .n*ess >o. have
speci?ic reasons ?or deactivating the speci?ied comp.ter p*a>er' ote that the rest o? the settings on this
page are ignored ?or a comp.ter p*a>er i? its Active 3o= is .nchec1ed'
C'eat 2 Fhen chec1ed5 the comp.ter p*a>er gets a disco.nted cost in reso.rces to prod.ce or research
an>thing' In other ,ords5 ever>thing is cheaper ?or this comp.ter p*a>er'
Attack 2 T.rning this on @chec1edA the comp.ter p*a>er to prod.ce .nits to attac1 enem>
p*a>ers5 as norma*' I? t.rned o??5 the comp.ter p*a>er does not prod.ce .nits to attac1 enemies @3.t it
ma> prod.ce .nits ?or de?ensive reasons i? %e?end is onA'
De(e)d 2 This contro*5 ,hen on5 te**s the comp.ter p*a>er to prod.ce .nits to de?end areas it deems
important5 as its 3.i*dings or reso.rces' I? the contro* is t.rned o??5 the comp.ter p*a>er does not
prod.ce de?ensive .nits @3.t it ma> prod.ce o??ensive .nits i? Attac1 is onA' ote that a de?ensive
gro.p ma> appear to 3e o??ensive i? it is created and sent to an area ,here there are hosti*e .nits'
3ui+d4Re&ai% 2 The comp.ter p*a>er is a**o,ed to prod.ce ne, 3.i*dings and repair e=isting ones i?
this contro* is t.rned on' I? it is o??5 the comp.ter p*a>er does not constr.ct or repair 3.i*dings'
E#&+o%e 2 The comp.ter p*a>er ,i** create .nits speci?ica**> ?or e=p*oration p.rposes i? this contro* is
t.rned on'
I*)o%e 2 Fhen t.rned on5 this te**s comp.ter p*a>ers to ignore the p*a>er@sA ,hen it ca*c.*ates
its pop.*ation needs and ,hen it decides to advance to the ne=t Epoch' I? t.rned o??5 the comp.ter
p*a>ers tries to Bsta> c*oseC to the p*a>er@sA in these t,o respects'
Gat'e% 2 Fhen this contro* is t.rned on5 the comp.ter p*a>er creates and sends Citi+ens to gather
reso.rces' ote that ,hen the comp.ter p*a>er is a**o,ed to gather5 it ma> do so ,hether it tr.*>
reE.ires an> reso.rces or not @?or e=amp*e5 i? Cheat is t.rned onA'
Citi1e) Pe%ce)ta*e 2 This contro* *ets >o. speci?> ,hat percentage o? the comp.ter p*a>er/s tota*
pop.*ation sho.*d 3e Citi+ens' ;or e=amp*e5 i? this contro* is set to 405 then ha*? o? the comp.ter
p*a>er/s pop.*ation @i'e'5 40SA at an> given time ,i** 3e Citi+ens' ote that since some .nits co.nt
more to,ards the tota* pop.*ation @e'g'5 each cava*r> .nit co.nts as 2 .nits ?or the p.rpose o?
determining pop.*ationA5 the n.m3er o? Citi+ens prod.ced 3> the comp.ter p*a>er in this e=amp*e ma>
not 3e e=act*> ha*? o? the tota* n.m3er o? .nits prod.ced'
&TEJ I? >o. are p*anning to .se comp.ter p*a>ers in >o.r scenario5 >o. de?ine
,here each comp.ter p*a>er/s starting position is *ocated' ;or each comp.ter p*a>er5 the
?irst *and .nit >o. p*ace on the map that is not a 3.i*ding @i'e'5 a .nit that can moveA
de?ines that comp.ter p*a>er/s Bhome 3ase'C %o not .se a ship as that ,i** p.t the home
3ase in the ,ater' 9o. can5 i? >o. ,ant5 set .p a trigger to 1i** that ?irst .nit as soon as the
scenario starts' The comp.ter p*a>er ,i** de?end its home 3ase and per?orm most o? its
initia* activit> there @ass.ming it is an active comp.ter p*a>erA'
Tech Tree Page
This page a**o,s >o. to modi?> the techno*og> tree ?or an> p*a>er 3> ena3*ing or disa3*ing individ.a* .nits5
3.i*dings5 heroes5 or techno*ogies' %isa3*ed items ,i** not 3e avai*a3*e to that p*a>er d.ring the scenario'
To modi?> a p*a>er/s techno*og> treeJ
1' Choose the p*a>er >o. ,ant ?rom the $*a>er drop0do,n *ist'
2' Se*ect the t>pe o? items @B)nit T>pesCA >o. ,ant to ena3*e or disa3*eJ )nits5 -.i*dings5 "eroes5 or
Techno*ogies' 9o. can disp*a> the Epoch in ,hich the items in the *ist 3ecome avai*a3*e 3> chec1ing
the %isp*a> Epoch 3o= K note that this sorts the *isted items 3> Epoch'
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(' #ove the item@sA >o. ,ant ?rom the Ena3*e Techno*ogies *ist to the %isa3*e Techno*ogies *ist @or vice0
versaA' This is accomp*ished 3> .sing the 3.ttons provided' #ove the se*ected item in the *ist @and
an> dependent itemsA ,ith the O and P 3.ttons or a** items in the *ist ,ith the OO and PP 3.ttons'
ote that ,hen >o. se*ect Techno*ogies to ena3*e or disa3*e5 the individ.a* techno*og> >o. se*ect is
high*ighted green' A** the techno*ogies a??ected 3> the se*ected techno*og> K the BdependentC techno*ogies5 as a *ater .nit .pgrade K are high*ighted 3*.e' Fhen >o. disa3*e @or ena3*eA the green techno*og>5 a**
the 3*.e techno*ogies are a*so disa3*ed @ena3*edA' ;or e=amp*e5 i? >o. disa3*e the .pgrade to the Imperia*
Age -att*eship5 a** the .pgrades to s.3seE.ent 3att*eships are a*so disa3*ed' I? an item in the disa3*ed *ist is
disp*a>ed in red it means it cannot 3e ena3*ed .n*ess one @or moreA o? its prereE.isites is ena3*ed ?irst'
Option$ Page
The *ast o? the p*a>er pages *ets >o. set additiona* options ?or each o? the p*a>ers5 inc*.ding the dip*omatic
disposition @a**> or enem>A o? an> p*a>er to an> other p*a>er'
To change a dip*omatic stance o? t,o p*a>ers to each other5 c*ic1 on the icon ,here the t,o p*a>ers
intersect' I? there are on*> t,o p*a>ers in the scenario5 there ,i** 3e on*> one intersection and5 hence5 on*>
one icon' ote that the disposition is m.t.a*5 so i? p*a>er 1 is the enem> o? p*a>er 25 then p*a>er 2 3e
the enem> o? p*a>er 1' The icon co*ors mean the ?o**o,ingJ
!reen @comp*ete circ*eA Q A**>
Red @3ro1en circ*eA Q Enem>
Other Option$
The other contro*s on this page are as ?o**o,sJ
Ga.e ,)it K 2ets >o. set the ,or*d pop.*ation *imit that gets even*> divided among a** the
p*a>ers in the scenario' The n.m3er o? .nits per p*a>er is 3ased on the n.m3er o? p*a>ers >o. have
chosen ?or the scenario' The n.m3er o? .nits per p*a>er ,i** var> s*ight*> depending on ,hich Epoch a
p*a>er starts in some techno*ogies add to a p*a>er/s pop cap and these techs are researched
a.tomatica**>5 .n*ess the scenario designer disa3*es those techsA'
$o)de%" (o% 5icto%y K 2ets >o. set ho, man> Fonders are needed ?or a ,onder victor> @i? 6ictor>
A**o,ed is ena3*edA' I? >o. do not ,ant Fonders to co.nt to,ards victor> d.ring the scenario5 set this
va*.e to +ero @0A'
5icto%y A++o6ed K 6ictor> @or de?eatA can a*,a>s 3e granted via triggers @see the section on Triggers
*ater in this chapterA' "o,ever5 >o. can chec1 this chec13o= to a**o, a p*a>er or team to ,in 3>
e*iminating a** the opposing p*a>ers in the scenario in standard conE.est ?ashion' This 3o= is
.nchec1ed 3> de?a.*t since designers genera**> pre?er to set .p their o,n victor> conditions via
Tea." Locked K I? chec1ed5 p*a>ers are not a**o,ed to change their dip*omatic stances to,ards one
another d.ring the scenario on the %ip*omac> screen' The scenario designer5 o? co.rse5 can sti**
change stances via triggers'
C'eat Code" K Chec1 this chec13o= to a**o, p*a>ers to .se Empire Earth/s cheat codes ,hi*e p*a>ing
the scenario' This is .nchec1ed 3> de?a.*t'
,)it I.&%o!e.e)t" K Chec1 this chec13o= to a**o, p*a>ers to improve their .nits d.ring the scenario'
I? .nchec1ed5 p*a>ers are not a**o,ed to improve the attri3.tes o? their .nits ,hen p*a>ing the scenario'
Story/Instructions Screen
&n this screen >o. set vario.s stor> e*ements ?or the scenario K instr.ctions5 hints5 and others' This
in?ormation can 3e changed d.ring a game 3> creating appropriate triggers @e=p*ained in the Triggers
Screen sectionA' A** the in?ormation 3e*o, is disp*a>ed in its appropriate p*ace on the Scenario Intro
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Rev 9 Empire Earth
Sce)a%io I)"t. Ma& K Choose the D$E! ?i*e ?or the map >o. ,ant to disp*a> on the Scenario Intro
screen5 ,here the instr.ctions are sho,n' These ?i*es 3e saved in the ''IdataIscenario ?o*der'
Mo!ie K Choose the movie ?i*e >o. ,ant to p*a> 3e?ore the start o? the scenario' These ?i*es 3e
saved in the ''IdataImovies ?o*der' &n*> -in1 6ideo @'3i1A is s.pported'
I)"t. Sou)d O!e% K Choose the #$( ?i*e to .se ?or so.nd e??ects5 voice over5 or m.sic ?or the Scenario
Intro screen' #p( ?i*es 3e saved in the ''IdataIso.nds ?o*der'
Sce)a%io I)"t%uctio)" K Enter the instr.ctions ?or the scenario' These can inc*.de directions and
o3<ectives' Instr.ctions appear at the 3eginning o? the scenario on the Scenario Intro screen @a*ong
,ith the maps and so.nds5 i? an>A'
Hi)t" K In this ?ie*d >o. can enter hints ?or the scenario' The hints are sho,n on a separate screen
?rom the instr.ctions so p*a>ers ,on/t see them .n*ess the> ,ant to read them'
Hi"to%y K Add an> histor> or 3ac1gro.nd in?ormation ?or the scenario in this ?ie*d' This is optiona* 3.t
can 3e .se?.* ?or providing an historica* conte=t or stor> e*ements'
Civilization uilder
9o. can enter the Civi*i+ation -.i*der to create c.stomi+ed civi*i+ations ?or >o.r scenario' See Chapter
TI6 in the EE #an.a* ?or in?ormation on ho, to .se the Civi*i+ation -.i*der'
Triggers Screen
&n the Triggers Screen >o. can create BtriggersC ,hich contro* actions and events that transpire d.ring
>o.r scenario' There are ?ive trigger components ?rom ,hich >o. 3.i*d the conditiona* trigger statements'
The components areJ Triggers5 Conditions5 E??ects5 &3<ects5 and Areas' The> are de?ined 3e*o, and
descri3ed in detai* in the ?o**o,ing sections'
T%i**e% K A Trigger is a set o? conditions and re*ated e??ects' Ever> trigger is periodica**> eva*.ated 3>
the game engine' I? a trigger/s conditions are eva*.ated to 3e TR)E5 then the trigger/s e??ects are
E.e.ed to happen in the game'
Co)ditio) K A Condition is an e=pression eva*.ating some state o? the game ,hich can 3e tested to 3e
TR)E or ;A2SE' ;or e=amp*e5 a condition might 3eJ B$*a>er2 has a pop.*ation that is greater than or
eE.a* to 100'C I? $*a>er2/s pop.*ation co.nt eE.a*s or e=ceeds 1005 then this condition ,o.*d 3e
eva*.ated as TR)E' I? $*a>er2/s pop.*ation co.nt is *ess than 100 the condition is ;A2SE'
E((ect K An E??ect is an action5 event5 or change in the game that can 3e ca.sed to occ.r' ;or e=amp*e5
an e??ect might create ne, .nits ?or p*a>er 1 or ta1e 200 stone a,a> ?rom a** comp.ter p*a>ers'
O78ect K An &3<ect is a .nit or *ist o? .nits @or 3.i*dingsA5 ,hich can 3e com3ined ,ith a state as
Bhas 40 hit pointsC or Bis near $*a>er2/s To,n Center'C These ma> 3e speci?ic .nits se*ected on the
map or genera*0p.rpose descriptions o? o3<ects5 as Ban> cava*r> archer that 3e*ongs to p*a>er 1'C
A%ea K An Area is a rectang.*ar region se*ected on the map5 a speci?ic continent or ocean5 or Bo??C the
map' 9o. can a*so se*ect a Bto,n'C
Each component is accessi3*e 3> c*ic1ing the 3.tton o? the same name' ;or e=amp*e5 c*ic1 on the &3<ect
3.tton i? >o. ,ant to de?ine an o3<ect' ;or each o? the component t>pes5 >o. can create ne, ones5
d.p*icate e=isting ones5 or de*ete them' 9o. can a*so reorder the *ists o? the components and give each
component a .niE.e name'
Ne6 K C*ic1 the e, 3.tton to create a ne, component @e'g'5 a ne, trigger or ne, o3<ectA' 9o. ,i**
need to c*ic1 this 3.tton ,henever >o. ,ant to create a ne, trigger or trigger component'
Du&+icate K Se*ect a component in the *ist and then c*ic1 the %.p*icate 3.tton to create an e=act cop>
o? it' The name o? the component ,i** 3e appended ,ith BUCop>C'
De+ete K Se*ecting a component and c*ic1ing the %e*ete 3.tton ,i** permanent*> remove it ?rom the *ist
o? components'
Reo%de%i)* K The .p and do,n arro,s <.st to the *e?t o? the component *ist is .sed ?or moving a
component .p or do,n ,ithin its *ist' Se*ect a component in the *ist and .se the arro,s to move it .p
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or do,n' 9o. can a*pha3eti+e the *ist 3> pressing the A: 3.tton @e=cept the Trigger *ist the
order o? the triggers is important K see the ?o**o,ing section on TriggersA'
Na.e K 9o. can name the se*ected component 3> t>ping a name in the ame te=t 3o=' %e?a.*t names
ca**ed Ba.tonamesC are sho,n in triang.*ar 3rac1ets @BO PCA'
Hide ,I K The chec13o= <.st to the right o? the E=it 3.tton @at *o,er0rightA sho,s or hides the .pper
portion o? the )I on the Trigger Screen' This is .se?.* i? >o. need to see more o? the map on the
The %escription ?ie*d a**o,s >o. to *eave notes to >o.rse*? @or othersA a3o.t ,hat each de?ined component
is meant to do'
TI$J 9o. can B<.mpC to a speci?ic component >o. have de?ined 3> right0c*ic1ing on it'
;or e=amp*e5 in a trigger de?inition5 >o. can right0c*ic1 on a speci?ied condition to
immediate*> <.mp to the de?inition o? that condition' Then5 >o. can c*ic1 on a speci?ic
o3<ect in that condition to <.mp to that o3<ect'
Component Name$
It is ver> he*p?.* to give components meaning?.* names so that the> are easi*> identi?ia3*e' A** components
are given Ba.tonamesC ?or convenience5 3.t >o. sho.*d come .p ,ith >o.r o,n names to 1eep a** the
components and their .ses straight' The a.tonames ?or conditions and e??ects are se*? e=p*anator>5 3.t
a.tonames ?or o3<ects are a *itt*e more invo*ved' A ?.** e=p*anation o? the o3<ect a.tonames is given in the
&3<ects section *ater in this chapter' A** a.tonames are enc*osed in triang.*ar 3rac1ets K ?or e=amp*e5
BOp*a> so.ndPC or BOciti+en21(PC K so that the> can 3e easi*> disting.ished ?rom the names >o. enter
C*ic1ing the Trigger 3.tton disp*a>s the contro*s .sed ?or setting .p triggers' Triggers are made .p o?
Conditions and E??ects5 ,hich in t.rn are made .p o? &3<ects and Areas' Th.s5 to create a trigger5 >o.
?irst create &3<ects and @optiona**>A Areas5 and then Conditions and E??ects' @&3<ects5 areas5 conditions5
and e??ects are a** e=p*ained in their o,n sections *ater in this chapter'A
Ever> scenario sho.*d have at *east one trigger5 this 3eing the trigger that sets the victor> conditions5 .n*ess
>o. decide to t.rn on the 6ictor> A**o,ed option @set on the $*a>er Set.p &ptions pageA' I? 6ictor>
A**o,ed is ena3*ed5 then >o. do not need to create an> triggers ?or >o.r scenario i? >o. do not ,ant to'
Ever> trigger >o. do create ,i** 3e comprised o? at *east one Condition and one E??ect'
9o. can name >o.r triggers to ma1e them easier to identi?> @de?a.*t a.tonames are Trigger05 Trigger15
etc'A' &nce a trigger is de?ined5 it is periodica**> eva*.ated d.ring the scenario' I? and ,hen a trigger/s
conditions are eva*.ated as TR)E then the trigger B?iresC and its e??ects are p.t in a E.e.e to 3e carried o.t'
Triggers are eva*.ated once ever> game second' The options ?or triggers are descri3ed in the ?o**o,ing
&TEJ A game second ma> not 3e the same as a rea* second K it depends on ,hat the
game speed is set to'
Trigger Order
The order o? the triggers is important' 9o. can set the order in ,hich >o.r triggers are eva*.ated 3>
se*ecting a trigger in the *ist and .sing the .p and do,n arro, 3.ttons ne=t to the trigger *ist' The reason
trigger order is important is certain triggers ma> reE.ire that other triggers ?ire ?irst in order to
,or1 as intended' ;or e=amp*e5 i? Trigger1 creates 4 Citi+ens and Trigger2 te**s the 4 Citi+ens to gather
,ood5 then Trigger1 sho.*d appear 3e?ore @a3oveA Trigger2 in the trigger *ist or e*se Trigger2 ,on/t have
an> Citi+ens to act .pon' I? >o. ,ish5 >o. can .se the chec13o= 3eneath the arro, 3.ttons to disp*a> the
.niE.e n.m3er that ,as assigned to each trigger ,hen it ,as created'
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Trigger i$ On
e, triggers are set to & @3o= is chec1edA 3> de?a.*t' 9o. can set this &;; @3o= is .nchec1edA to 1eep
the trigger ?rom 3eing eva*.ated5 ?or e=amp*e5 i? >o. ,ant to have another trigger t.rn it on at a *ater point
in the scenario' &nce a trigger ?ires5 it is t.rned &;; a.tomatica**> @.n*ess 2ooping is set & K see 3e*o,A'
Condition Tr"e *or
This contro* sets ho, man> game seconds the condition@sA o? a trigger 3e TR)E 3e?ore the trigger
?ires' The de?a.*t is +ero @0A K in other ,ords5 the instant the conditions are met5 the trigger ?ires
the e??ect@sA can 3e de*a>ed5 see the Trigger Statement section5 3e*o,A'
9o. can set a trigger to B*oopC so that it is a*,a>s active K that is5 it does not t.rn &;; a?ter it ?ires'
& K The trigger is constant*> reeva*.ated even i? it has a*read> ?ired' Th.s5 the e??ects are carried o.t
,henever the trigger is eva*.ated to 3e TR)E'
&;; K The trigger is eva*.ated .nti* its conditions are met @TR)EA5 then it ?ires once and is never
reeva*.ated @.n*ess t.rned 3ac1 on 3> another triggerA'
TI$J Strange things can happen i? *ooping is t.rned on' Since the trigger sta>s active5 the
e??ect@sA ,i** 3e carried o.t ever> game second that the conditions remain TR)E' Th.s5
i? the e??ect is to create a #.s1eteer5 >o.r map might soon 3e ?i**ed ,ith #.s1eteersH
&nce ?ired5 a *ooping trigger is mar1ed as B"as ;ired'C 9o. can then have another trigger
chec1 to see ,hether a *ooping trigger "as ;ired and then .se that trigger to t.rn the
*ooping trigger o??'
Incl"de in Cinematic
Chec1 this 3o= i? >o. ,ant the trigger to 3e eva*.ated d.ring Cinematic #ode' This is set &;; 3> de?a.*t5
meaning the trigger is eva*.ated on*> ,hi*e the scenario is in progress and no cinematic is p*a>ing' See
Start and End Cinematic #ode in the E??ects section ?or more in?ormation'
Trigger Statement
The Trigger Statement de?ines the trigger in the ?orm o? an BI;V T"EC statement @e'g'5 I; Condition0
T"E E??ect0A' 9o. choose the conditions and e??ects ?or a trigger via drop0do,n *ists5 one ?or each
condition and e??ect in the trigger' These drop0do,n *ists contain a** the conditions and e??ects that >o.
have created ?or the scenario @so >o. create conditions and e??ects ?irstM see the Conditions and E??ects
sections *ater in this chapterA' -e?ore >o. choose an> conditions or e??ects via the drop0do,n *ists5 de?a.*t
va*.es are .sed as p*ace ho*ders' BA*,a>s Tr.eC is the de?a.*t Condition and B%o othingC is the de?a.*t
Conditions can 3e com3ined .sing the operators &T5 A%5 or &R' E??ects can 3e com3ined .sing A%
or &R' The E% operator indicates the *ast condition or e??ect in the trigger' The A% and &R operators
are chosen via drop do,n *ists 3et,een the conditions and e??ects' The &T operator is activated via a
chec13o= direct*> 3e?ore the condition it is meant to modi?>' ;or e??ects5 a %e*a> @in game secondsA can 3e
The operators o3e> the ?o**o,ing r.*esJ
Not K An> condition ma> 3e preceded 3> a &T operator' The &T operator app*ies on*> to the
condition immediate*> ?o**o,ing it and does not e??ect an> other condition in the trigger' As >o. might
e=pect5 &T te**s the trigger to eva*.ate the condition as TR)E ,hen the condition is &T met'
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De+ay K Entering a de*a> te**s the game to ,ait the speci?ied n.m3er o? game seconds 3e?ore carr>ing
o.t the e??ect that immediate*> ?o**o,s it' The de*a> co.nt starts ,hen the conditions are eva*.ated as
TR)E and the trigger ?ires K this is considered time +ero @0A' There?ore5 i? di??erent e??ects in a sing*e
trigger have de*a> times set5 the de*a>s are a** re*ative to that +ero time5 and not re*ative to one another'
A*so note that5 regard*ess o? the de*a> time5 there is no ,a> to cance* an e??ect once it is E.e.ed .p'
A)d K An> condition ma> 3e immediate*> ?o**o,ed 3> an A% operator' I? the condition preceding
the A% operator is ;A2SE5 then the condition@sA ?o**o,ing the A% operator ,i** not 3e eva*.ated'
E??ects can a*so 3e chained together .sing A%'
O% K An> condition ma> 3e immediate*> ?o**o,ed 3> an &R operator' The &R operator *ogica**> <oins
a** the conditions preceding it ,ith a** the conditions ?o**o,ing it @.nti* another &R operator is
enco.nteredA' I? the conditions preceding the &R operator are TR)E then the conditions ?o**o,ing the
&R operator ,i** not 3e eva*.ated' ;or e??ects5 the &R operator can 3e .sed to essentia**> randomi+e
the e??ects o? a trigger @e'g'5 p*a> e??ect1 &R e??ect2 &R e??ect(A'
E)d K End is .sed to signa* the end o? the *ist o? conditions and the end o? the *ist o? e??ects in the
trigger statement' It appears on*> a?ter the *ast condition and the *ast e??ect in the trigger'
TI$J There are no parentheses avai*a3*e ?or conditions or e??ects in trigger
statements' gro.pings can 3e created on*> 3> .sing the &R operator5 so an
e=pression as BCondition1 A% @Condition2 &R Condition(AC can 3e e=pressed as
BCondition1 A% Condition2 &R Condition1 A% Condition(C' The conditions in a
trigger are a*,a>s eva*.ated ?rom *e?t to right'
Fhen either A% or &R is chosen5 a ne, condition or e??ect is a.tomatica**> added to the trigger statement
@e'g'5 the ?irst condition in the trigger is ca**ed Condition05 the ne=t is ca**ed Condition 15 and so onA' The
*e?t and right arro, 3.ttons that appear on either side o? the trigger statement a**o, >o. to scro**
the conditions and e??ects' 9o. can have as man> conditions and e??ects in a trigger as >o. ,ant5 3.t 3ear
in mind that the *onger a trigger is5 the *onger it ,i** ta1e ?or the game engine to eva*.ate it'
Deleting Condition$ and E..ect$
9o. can remove conditions and e??ects ?rom the trigger statement 3> c*ic1ing the %e* 3.tton that
corresponds to the condition or e??ect >o. ,ish to remove' ;or e=amp*e5 c*ic1ing the %e* Condition1
3.tton ,i** de*ete Condition1 ?rom the trigger statement and Condition2 @i? there is oneA ,i** Bs*ide do,nC
to 3ecome Condition15 Condition( ,i** 3ecome Condition25 and so on' The %e* 3.ttons appear on*> i?
there is more than one condition or e??ect in the trigger statement each trigger have at *east
one condition and one e??ect'
C*ic1ing the Condition 3.tton disp*a>s the contro*s .sed ?or setting .p conditions5 ,hich ma> then 3e .sed
in triggers' Conditions are the parts o? triggers that are eva*.ated to determine ,hether or not the trigger/s
e??ects sho.*d ta1e p*ace' There are severa* t>pes o? conditions5 chosen ?rom a drop0do,n *ist5 ,hich are
descri3ed 3e*o,' The de?a.*t condition is BA*,a>s Tr.eC ,hich is .se?.* i? >o. ,ant a trigger to ?ire
immediate*> ,hen the scenario starts' The speci?ics o? the condition de?initions are entered .sing the
contro*s .nder the BCondition %etai*s'C
O(/ect E0i$t$
An B&3<ect E=istsC condition is created a.tomatica**> ?or each o3<ect >o. create ?or the scenario' Fhen
o3<ects are added5 de*eted5 or renamed on the &3<ects screen5 their corresponding Bo3<ect e=istsC condition
is modi?ied according*>' Since there ma> 3e man> o? these conditions5 the> are not disp*a>ed on the
Conditions screen5 3.t are avai*a3*e on the Trigger screen in the Conditions drop0do,n *ists'
The &3<ect E=ists condition is a genera* condition that tests ,hether the o3<ect >o. de?ined is in the state
>o. de?ined' It is .sed i? >o. ,ant to eva*.ate the state o? an> .nits5 3.i*dings5 trees5 anima*s5 etc' that >o.
have de?ined as an o3<ect on the &3<ect screen' ;or e=amp*e5 >o. co.*d test to see ,hether a speci?ied .nit
0 17 0
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has entered a speci?ied area or i? a partic.*ar 3.i*ding has *ess than 40S o? its hit points *e?t' See the
section on &3<ects ?or more in?ormation on o3<ects and their possi3*e states'
Pla+er Condition$
9o. can set conditions that app*> to partic.*ar p*a>ers' In each condition5 >o. can choose the
p*a>er@sA to ,hom the condition app*ies via a drop0do,n *ist' 9o.r choices areJ
An> ".man K An> o? the h.man0contro**ed p*a>ers in the game'
An> Comp.ter K An> o? the comp.ter0contro**ed p*a>ers in the game'
A** ".man K Ever> h.man0contro**ed p*a>er in the game'
A** Comp.ter K Ever> comp.ter0contro**ed p*a>er in the game'
An> E=c*.de For*d K An> or comp.ter p*a>er5 3.t not the B,or*d p*a>erC ,hich contro*s
anima*s5 trees5 and other o3<ects'
$*a>er W K The p*a>er n.m3er indicated 3> the W @e'g'5 $*a>er2A'
Pla+er 1a$ Attri("te
This condition is .sed either to test ,hether the se*ected p*a>er@sA has a certain amo.nt o? a given attri3.te
or to compare attri3.tes 3et,een p*a>ers' ;or e=amp*e5 >o. might set a condition to test ,hether $*a>er 1
has the same or more go*d than an> comp.ter p*a>er' The di??erent options ?or this p*a>er condition are
e=p*ained 3e*o,'
This is the attri3.te to 3e eva*.ated' There are man> p*a>er attri3.tes @or statisticsA to choose ?rom5 most o?
,hich are trac1ed 3> the game ?or the post0game statistics'
The choices are ?air*> se*?0e=p*anator> K here are <.st a ?e, e=amp*esJ
Reso.rce K There are severa* choicesJ An> Reso.rce5 A** Reso.rces5 or a partic.*ar reso.rce'
$op.*ation K The tota* pop.*ation co.nt'
)nits Gi**ed K The tota* n.m3er o? 1i**ed .nits'
Ra+ings K The tota* n.m3er o? 3.i*dings destro>ed'
Conversions K "o, man> .nits have 3een converted'
Choose an ineE.a*it> or eE.a*it> s>m3o* to .se in the condition'
O K 2ess than'
OQ K 2ess than or eE.a* to'
P K !reater than'
PQ K !reater than or eE.a* to'
Q K EE.a* to'
,"e A.ou)t o% ,"e P+aye% Att%i7ute
I? )se Amo.nt is se*ected5 >o. enter a n.m3er' This is the amo.nt that ,i** 3e .sed to eva*.ate the
condition5 ?or e=amp*e5 i? $*a>er 2/s go*d is greater than 1000'
I? >o. choose )se $*a>er Attri3.te5 >o. se*ect another $*a>er and another attri3.te' The speci?ied
attri3.te o? the ?irst p*a>er@sA >o. chose ,i** 3e compared to the attri3.te o? the p*a>er@sA >o. choose here'
ote that >o. can compare di??erent attri3.tes to each other5 as go*d to pop.*ation' The e=act va*.es
o? each are .sed ?or the comparison' I? >o. ,ant to compare the same attri3.te @e'g'5 go*d to go*dA5 >o. se*ect the same attri3.te in 3oth attri3.te *ists'
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Pla+er 1a$ Technolog+
This $*a>er Condition is .sed to test ,hether the se*ected p*a>er@sA has researched a certain techno*og>5
Epoch5 or can train a certain .nit' The techno*og>5 .pgrade5 or Epoch 3e researched ?or the condition
to 3e TR)E' The .nit5 ho,ever5 does not have to 3e trained5 <.st avai*a3*e to the speci?ied p*a>er@sA'
Ha" Re"ea%c'ed
Choose a partic.*ar techno*og>5 Epoch5 or .nit ?rom the drop0do,n *ist' Ever> thing avai*a3*e in
Empire Earth inc*.ding 3.i*dings and .nit .pgrades is *isted here'
Pla+er 1a$ Diplomac+
)sing this condition >o. can test one or more p*a>ers/ dip*omatic stance against an> other p*a>er@sA' ;or
e=amp*e5 >o. might ,ant to chec1 to see i? $*a>er1 is an enem> o? $*a>er2'
Di&+o.acy To6a%d
This sets .p the comparison' The ?irst p*a>er se*ection >o. made is compared against the p*a>er@sA >o.
se*ect here' 9o. can a*so choose the dip*omatic stanceJ A**> or Enem>'
Trigger 1a$ Attri("te
This condition a**o,s >o. to speci?> the state another trigger 3e in ?or the condition to 3e TR)E' An
e=amp*e o? its .se is i? >o. ,ant a certain trigger to ?ire on*> a?ter another trigger has ?ired'
A drop0do,n *ist o? a** the e=isting triggers in the scenario'
I$ On
The speci?ied trigger is active 3.t has not >et ?ired' @9o. can create a trigger to t.rn other triggers & or
&;;' See the E??ects section'A
1a$ *ired
&nce a trigger is ?ired5 it is a*,a>s in the state o? Bhas ?ired'C @9o. can create a trigger to reset a partic.*ar
trigger to Bnot ?ired'C See the E??ects section'A
Game 1a$ Attri("te
)sing these t>pes o? conditions5 >o. can create triggers that test vario.s game attri3.tes' The choices areJ
%i??ic.*t> 2eve* At5 E*apsed Time Is5 and "o.r Is'
Elap$ed Time I$
Set this to the n.m3er o? game seconds >o. ,ant to e*apse ?rom the start o? the game 3e?ore the condition
is considered TR)E' 9o. can enter 3oth a #inim.m and a #a=im.m va*.e'
1o"r I$
The condition ,i** 3e TR)E an>time a?ter the speci?ied ho.r @in game timeA' The game .ses a 24 ho.r
c*oc1 @002(A5 ,ith 0 3eing midnight' "o.r Is can 3e .sed to have e??ects ta1e p*ace d.ring a partic.*ar part
o? the da>/night c>c*e K ?or e=amp*e5 to have enem> .nits attac1 at night' Set the ho.r .sing the s*ider'
Chat Me$$age Contain$
A**o,s >o. to enter a string ,hich5 i? it appears in an> p*a>er/s chat message5 ,i** the condition to 3e
TR)E' The string is not case sensitive5 3.t note that ,hat >o. enter in this edit 3o= appear character0
0 19 0
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?or0character some,here in the chat message' ;or e=amp*e5 the string Bgo*dC ,o.*d 3e ?o.nd in the chat
message B!ive me 10 !o*d'C -.t the string Bgive go*dC ,o.*d not 3e ?o.nd in that same chat message'
C*ic1ing the E??ect 3.tton disp*a>s the contro*s .sed ?or setting .p e??ects5 ,hich ma> then 3e .sed in
triggers' E??ects are the res.*ts o? triggers5 in other ,ords5 ,hat happens in the game ,hen a given trigger
is ?ired' %e*a>s can 3e imp*emented to 1eep the e??ect ?rom happening ?or a speci?ied n.m3er o? game
seconds @the de?a.*t de*a> is +ero @0A seconds K see the Trigger Statements sectionA' There are severa*
c*asses or Bt>pesC o? e??ects5 ,hich are e=p*ained in the ?o**o,ing s.3sections' The de?a.*t e??ect ?or an>
ne, trigger is B%o othing5C ,hich5 appropriate*> eno.gh5 does nothing' It is mere*> a p*ace ho*der'
This c*ass o? e??ects has to do ,ith o3<ects5 that is5 .nits or 3.i*dings and their re*ated states @see the &3<ects
sectionA' The e??ects 3e*o, can app*> to an> o3<ect >o. de?ine'
Creates a speci?ic .nit or 3.i*ding in the *ocation speci?ied in the &3<ect de?inition' The *ocation can 3e
re*ative to a de?ined o3<ect or in a de?ined area' Fhen creating an &3<ect5 on*> the In Area5
2&S/Range/ear5 and "as Attri3.te modi?iers are chec1ed to decide ,here to p*ace the o3<ect on the map'
The 6isi3*e ->5 "as State5 and Se*ected -> modi?iers are ignored ,hen an o3<ect is created @See the
&3<ects section5 *ater in this chapter5 ?or in?ormation a3o.t these &3<ect StatesA'
Ta1es a,a> contro* o? the speci?ied o3<ect @.nit or 3.i*dingA' The ?ro+en .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA ma> 3e
se*ected5 3.t cannot 3e given commands or ta1e damage5 nor can the> 3e de*eted' $*anes in ?*ight that are
?ro+en ,i** circ*e5 3.t ,i** not *ose ?*ight time' ;ro+en .nits ,i** sti** B?idgetC K the> are not ?ro+en in the
*itera* sense' A*so5 ?ro+en .nits can sti** 3e a??ected 3> other trigger e??ects'
Restores a ?ro+en o3<ect to ?.** contro*' The .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA ret.rn to ,homever/s contro* the> ,ere
origina**> .nder'
Gi**s the speci?ied .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA' The appropriate death animations and so.nds p*a>'
$ermanent*> removes the speci?ied .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA ?rom the game' o animations or so.nds are
p*a>ed' This might 3e .sed5 ?or e=amp*e5 to sim.*ate a .nit entering a 3.i*ding'
TI$J )se Tas1 &3<ect to Area to temporari*> remove .nits ?rom the map 3> se*ecting Bo??
mapC as the area'
Ta$& O(/ect
This e??ect commands the speci?ied .nit@sA to move to another de?ined o3<ect as another .nit or a
3.i*dingA' 9o. can a*so speci?> a partic.*ar tas1 or BactionC that the .nit@sA sho.*d carr> o.t at the
destination ?rom the drop0do,n *ist' These actions ,or1 the same ,a> the> do d.ring a standard game' I?
>o. speci?> Borma*5C the .nit ,i** per?orm ,hatever its norma* right0c*ic1 action isM ?or e=amp*e5 i? a
mi*itar> .nit is tas1ed to an enem> 3.i*ding5 it ,i** attac1 the 3.i*ding ,hi*e a Citi+en tas1ed to a reso.rce
,i** gather that reso.rce'
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I? the norma* right0c*ic1 action is inappropriate ?or .nits in the &3<ect @e'g'5 a mi*itar> .nit ,as tas1ed to a
?orage siteA then those .nits ,i** go id*e once the> reach the site' Se*ecting Bpatro*C or Battac1 moveC ,i**
ma1e this e??ect operate *i1e Tas1 Area @see 3e*o,A' The game ,i** appro=imate the center ti*e o? the
*ocation ,here the target &3<ect is on the map and the .nits in the ?irst &3<ect ,i** attempt to move to that
&TEJ )se o? this e??ect ,i** .n?ree+e the speci?ied .nit i? it ,as previo.s*> ?ro+en'
Ta$& Area
Same as Tas1 &3<ect e=cept the .nit@sA move to a speci?ied area' @%e?ining areas is descri3ed in the Areas
section5 *ater in this chapter'A 9o. can a*so move o3<ects to the Bo?? mapC area5 ,hich removes them ?rom
the map 3.t does not de*ete them ?rom the scenario' This is *i1e a storage area ?or .nits' To p.t them 3ac1
on the map ,here the> ,ere5 .se the $revio.s 2ocation area or >o. can tas1 them to an> other area on the
map' "o,ever5 i? there are no .nocc.pied ti*es in the speci?ied area5 then the .nit ,i** not come 3ac1 ?rom
o?? map'
&TEJ )se o? this e??ect ,i** .n?ree+e the speci?ied .nit i? it ,as previo.s*> ?ro+en'
A**o,s >o. to set the speci?ied o3<ect/s stance or 3ehavior' The choices inc*.de a** the standard .nit
3ehaviors as ,e** as specia* stances as E=p*ore and Id*eJ
)nit Attri("te
2ets >o. modi?> the attri3.tes o? the speci?ic .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA de?ined in the o3<ect' ;or e=amp*e5 >o.
can change a .nit/s hit points5 .sed ?*ight time5 even ho, stone a Citi+en is carr>ing' The attri3.te
>o. ,ant to modi?> is chosen via the drop0do,n *ist' 9o. can ad<.st the attri3.te .p or do,n 3> a set va*.e
@n.m3erA or a percentage' I? a .nit/s hit points are set to +ero or *ess5 the .nit dies'
&TEJ Attri3.tes that app*> to ever> .nit o? that t>pe5 as Shoc1 Armor or Attac1
Strength5 are set .sing the Set )nit C*ass Attri3.te e??ect5 descri3ed 3e*o,'
This e??ect the .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA in the de?ined o3<ect to change o,nership' The .nit@sA or
3.i*ding@sA can 3e given to a speci?ic p*a>er or a random*> chosen p*a>er K the choices are simi*ar to those
avai*a3*e ?or the $*a>er Conditions'
)nits that have 3een damaged ,i** sti** 3e damaged a?ter the o,nership change5 ho,ever other
modi?ications as .sing Set &3<ect Attri3.te to increase the shoc1 armor o? a .nit c*assA ,i** 3e *ost
.n*ess the ne, o,ner has had the same modi?ications made to that .nit c*ass'
&TEJ I? a transport @inc*.ding Airports and ;ortressesA changes hands5 an> .nits inside
the transport ,i** a*so change o,ner ,hether the> ,ere mem3ers o? the target &3<ect or
Cla$$ Name
9o. can change the name o? a .nit t>pe @i'e'5 c*assA ,ith this e??ect' ote that a** .nits o? the t>pe se*ected
,i** 3e renamed5 3.t on*> ?or the p*a>er to ,hom the .nits 3e*ong' ;or e=amp*e5 i? >o. changed the name
o? one o? $*a>er 1/s Composite -o,men to Ro3in "ood5 a** Composite -o,men 3e*onging to $*a>er 1
,o.*d 3e renamed Ro3in "ood' )nits that change o,nership ,i** receive the name appropriate to the
p*a>er ,ho receives them'
TI$J ame >o.r .nits or 3.i*dings ,ith a space preceding the name @press space 3ar
onceA to get the ne, name to sho, .p ,hen a p*a>er moves the pointer over the
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.nit or 3.i*ding' A*so5 it/s a good idea to set .nit names right at the start o? a scenario so
that p*a>ers do not 3rie?*> see the o*d .nit name 3e?ore the ne, name ta1es e??ect'
*ace O(/ect
2ets >o. set a direction ?or a .nit to ?ace' Se*ect the .nits ?rom the &3<ect men.' Then set the direction ?or
the .nits to ?ace in degrees @XA' :ero degrees @0XA is to,ards the top0right o? the map' The degrees then r.n
co.nterc*oc1,ise5 so 44X points to the top o? the map @BnorthCA and 224X is to,ards the 3ottom o? the map'
I? >o. se*ect the Snap option5 the .nits ,i** instant*> a*ign themse*ves to ?ace the direction >o. set' I? >o.
*eave Snap .nchec1ed5 the .nit ,i** E.ic1*> rotate to the desired direction'
Cla$$ Attri("te
Fith this e??ect >o. can change an attri3.te ?or an entire .nit c*ass5 e'g'5 a** Simp*e -o,men or a**
"ospita*s' This is simi*ar to ho, )nit Improvements ,or1 in a standard game' 9o. can either Increase or
%ecrease the chosen attri3.te via drop0do,n *ist' Each attri3.te can 3e changed 3> an e=act amo.nt or5 3>
c*ic1ing )se $ercent5 >o. can speci?> a percentage ?or the change' Changes are re*ative to the 3ase va*.e
o? the se*ected attri3.te ?or that t>pe o? .nit or 3.i*ding' The changes are a*so p*a>er0speci?ic5 so modi?>ing
the #arines o? $*a>er 1 ,i** not a??ect the #arines o? $*a>er 2'
I? an &3<ect consists o? .nits o? di??erent t>pes5 as #1 tan1s and #arines5 3oth o? these .nit c*asses
,o.*d 3e a??ected 3> the change in Attri3.te5 so 3e care?.* not to ad<.st an attri3.te too high or *o, ?or one
o? the .nit t>pes >o. have se*ected' ;or e=amp*e5 >o. might %ecrease the "it $oints o? the #1/s 3.t this
same decrease app*ied to the #arines ,i** 1i** themH
&TEJ The p*.s @RA at the end o? the attri3.te simp*> means that the attri3.te app*ies to a
,ho*e .nit c*ass rather than a speci?ic .nit'
TI$J )se this E??ect to t.rn on or o?? the AI ?or the anima*s @e'g'5 hippos5 chic1ens5 etc'A
in the scenario' The AI is on 3> de?a.*t' To disa3*e the anima* AI5 3e the t>pe o?
anima* is represented in the o3<ect to ,hich >o. are app*>ing the e??ect' Then5 choose the
Anima* AI ActiveR attri3.te ?rom the Attri3.te *ist' %ecrease this attri3.te to a negative
va*.e to disa3*e the AI ?or that t>pe o? anima*' To ena3*e the AI again5 increase the va*.e
to a positive n.m3er'
This c*ass o? e??ects is .sed to a??ect speci?ic p*a>ers' The e??ects5 e=p*ained 3e*o,5 inc*.de a,arding
victories and a**ocating reso.rces'
Aard 3ictor+
This E??ect a**o,s >o. to immediate*> a,ard 6ictor> to the speci?ied p*a>er or p*a>ers' $*a>ers that are not
speci?ied and are not on the same team as a speci?ied p*a>er *ose the game'
Script Camera
)sing the Script Camera e??ect5 >o. can create >o.r o,n in0game movies' Speci?> the p*a>er@sA ?or ,hom
the movie ,i** p*a>' Then set the ?o**o,ing contro*s as >o. ,ishJ
Mo!e Ca.e%a K Se*ect )se Area or )se &3<ect and se*ect an> area or o3<ect that >o. have a*read>
de?ined' The camera moves to the speci?ied o3<ect or area @?or *arge areas5 it moves to the center o? the
areaA' To Bt.rn o??C #ove Camera ?or a given e??ect5 choose &?? #ap ?or the area or Empt> &3<ect ?or
the o3<ect' %o this to ma1e the camera rotate in p*ace instead o? move'
9ace Ca.e%a K Se*ect )se Area or )se &3<ect and se*ect an> area or o3<ect that >o. have a*read>
de?ined' The camera rotates to ?ace the area or o3<ect speci?ied' @Again5 ?or *arge areas5 the center o?
the area is the ?oca* point'A To Bt.rn o??C ;ace Camera ?or a given e??ect5 choose &?? #ap ?or the area
or Empt> &3<ect ?or the o3<ect'
0 22 0
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9o++o6 K Chec1 this 3o= to have the camera ?o**o, the o3<ect speci?ied .nder #ove Camera' I? the
camera is 3oth moving ,ith an o3<ect and ?acing an area5 >o. might ,ant to chec1 this 3o= to
the camera can sta> pointed to,ards the area ,hi*e it is moving aro.nd ,ith the o3<ect'
T%ack K I? Trac1 is chec1ed5 the camera to ?ace the o3<ect speci?ied .nder ;ace Camera even
i? the o3<ect moves'
Sc%o++ S&eed K Set the speed o? the camera/s movementJ Snap @i'e'5 the camera c.ts immediate*>A or
choose a n.m3er ?rom 1 to 99' 99 is the s*o,est'
:oo. Le!e+ K Set the *eve* o? the +oom ?rom 040 to 405 or choose BC.rrentC to .se ,hatever the
c.rrent +oom *eve* is ?or the p*a>er' 40 is a ,ide shot o? the gro.nd ?rom high in the air5 0 is a gro.nd0
*eve* c*ose0.p5 and 040 *oo1s .p to,ards the s1> ?rom gro.nd *eve*' This is the same ,a> the +oom ,hee*A ?.nctions ,hen >o. are in the Scenario Editor'
&TEJ )se the !ame E??ect BStart Cinematic #odeC to ta1e a,a> the p*a>er@sA a3i*it> to
contro* the game so that he or she ,atch the movie @.n*ess the> choose to e=it the
movie 3> pressing EscA' End Cinematic #ode restores contro* to the p*a>er' @See the
!ame section5 3e*o,'A
TI$J $*ace Camera #ar1ers in >o.r scenario to set an e=act vie, ,ith the camera' A
Camera #ar1er mar1s the vie, sho,n on >o.r screen at the moment >o. p*ace the
mar1er' This a**o,s >o. to set .p a camera shot ,itho.t .sing a de?ined o3<ect @e'g'5 a
tree or 3.i*dingA or area as a re?erence point' See $*acing Camera #ar1ers in the )nit
$*acement Screen section5 ear*ier in this chapter5 ?or more in?ormation'
The speci?ied p*a>er@sA immediate*> *ose the game' The teammates o? the p*a>er@sA are not a??ected'
Set Diplomac+
Changes the speci?ied p*a>er@sA dip*omatic stance to,ard another speci?ied p*a>er or p*a>ers to a**>5
ne.tra*5 or enem>'
Set Attri("te 'evel
A**o,s >o. to increase5 decrease5 or set the e=act amo.nt o? a partic.*ar attri3.te ?or the speci?ied p*a>er@sA'
There are man> attri3.tes >o. can a*ter5 inc*.ding the pop.*ation co.nt5 a speci?ic reso.rce amo.nt5 a
random*> chosen reso.rce5 or a** reso.rces' 9o. might5 ?or e=amp*e5 increase $*a>er 1/s ?ood 3> 400 as a
re,ard ?or per?orming some tas1' ote that >o. can a*ter the p*a>er/s statistics sho,n on the $ost !ame
S.mmar> screen 3> .sing this E??ect'
Modi.+ Tech Tree
This e??ect *ets >o. a*ter the speci?ied p*a>er/s techno*og> tree so that certain techno*ogies and .nits are
either avai*a3*e or not avai*a3*e d.ring the scenario' ;or e=amp*e5 >o. co.*d remove Stone Thro,ers ?or
$*a>er 1 so that $*a>er 1 co.*d never prod.ce them d.ring the scenario' A*ternate*>5 >o. co.*d grant $*a>er
1 the a3i*it> to ma1e Stone Thro,ers' ote that ma1ing .nits avai*a3*e does not a.tomatica**> ma1e the
3.i*ding that prod.ces them avai*a3*e' So5 i? a p*a>er is in the Copper Age and a trigger gives them aircra?t
techno*og>5 the> ,i** not 3e a3*e to prod.ce aircra?t .n*ess the Airport is a*so ena3*ed @and constr.ctedA' I?
>o. ena3*e the Airport 3.t not the individ.a* aircra?t .nits then the 3.i*ding ,i** 3e .se*ess'
Aard Civ Point$
This e??ect *ets >o. re,ard a p*a>er ,ith civ points that can 3e .sed in the Civ -.i*der to p.rchase ne,
attri3.tes ?or the p*a>er/s civi*i+ation' 9o. can speci?> ,hich p*a>er@sA and the n.m3er o? civ points to
0 2( 0
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*ade In and *ade O"t
These t,o $*a>er E??ects a**o, >o. to ?ade in the screen ?rom 3*ac1 or ?ade o.t to 3*ac1 ?or the speci?ied
p*a>er@sA' These e??ects each *ast ?or a3o.t ( seconds and ?.nction on*> in Cinematic #ode @see !ame
3i$i(ilit+ On/O..
These t,o e??ects a**o, >o. t.rn on or o?? ?.** map visi3i*it> ?or the speci?ied p*a>er' This does not e??ect
an> Bvisi3*e 3>C o3<ect states'
Minimap *lare
Fith this e??ect5 >o. can set o?? a #ini0map ;*are ?or the speci?ied p*a>er@sA' Se*ect ,hether to )se Area or
)se &3<ect5 then speci?> the area or o3<ect over ,hich the ?*are sho.*d ?ire' @;or areas5 the center o? the
area is .sed'A The ;*are ,i** 3e visi3*e to the p*a>er@sA >o. set on his/her #ini0map'
This c*ass o? e??ects modi?ies e=isting triggers' Fith it5 >o. can t.rn speci?ied triggers &n or &??5 or set
their state to B;iredC or Bot ;iredC regard*ess o? ,hether the> have 3een ?ired a*read>' Triggers can 3e
essentia**> BresetC .sing this e??ect'
This is a drop0do,n *ist o? e=isting triggers that a**o,s >o. to pic1 the trigger >o. ,ant to modi?>'
2ets >o. choose the state the speci?ied trigger ,i** enter once the e??ect ta1es p*ace' There are ?o.r states
?rom ,hich to chooseJ
O) K T.rns the speci?ied trigger on'
O(( K T.rns the speci?ied trigger o??'
9i%ed K the speci?ied trigger to 3e eva*.ated as having 3een ?ired K note that this does not
act.a**> ?ire the trigger5 3.t mere*> sets its stat.s' &nce a trigger is set to ?ired5 it is a*,a>s in the state
o? Bhas ?ired'C @9o. can reset a trigger .sing Bnot ?ired'CA
Not 9i%ed K the speci?ied trigger to 3e eva*.ated as never having 3een ?ired' This is the on*>
,a> to ?.**> reset a trigger once it has ?ired'
This c*ass o? e??ects p*a>s so.nds5 sends messages5 and changes stor>*ine te=t' e??ects are ver> .se?.*
?or progressing a stor> or ?or giving a p*a>er directions or hints d.ring the scenario'
Pla+ So"nd the speci?ied so.nd ?i*e to p*a>' The so.nd ?i*e 3e in #$( or ',av ?ormat and 3e saved in
the ''IdataIso.nds director> .nder the Empire Earth root director>' -e to enter the e=tension o? the ?i*e
in addition to the ?i*e name' This e??ect co.*d 3e .sed5 ?or e=amp*e5 to give voca* directions or specia*
TI$J I? t,o #$(/s are p*a>ed in c*ose s.ccession5 the second one ma> start 3e?ore the
?irst is ?inished' To that >o.r #$(s do not over*ap5 >o. sho.*d speci?> a de*a>
time in >o.r trigger de?inition ?or the e??ect that p*a>s the second #$('
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Change Te0t
Changes the te=t entered on the Stor>/Instr.ctions Screen @see the Stor>/Instr.ctions Screen section ear*ier
in this chapterA' 9o. can change the "ints5 Instr.ctions5 and set the 2oss and 6ictor> te=t' 9o. ma> either
.se Add 2ine to add >o.r ne, te=t to the end o? the o*d te=t5 or se*ect C*ear to de*ete an> speci?ied te=t'
Adding a *ine ,i** a.tomatica**> insert a carriage ret.rn ?or >o.5 so the ne=t *ine o? te=t ,i** appear on its
o,n *ine'
Send Dialog"e
2ets >o. send a dia*og.e message to the speci?ied p*a>er@sA' A dia*og.e message appears in the top0center
o? the screen5 as opposed to a chat message5 ,hich appears at the *e?t <.st *i1e in a reg.*ar game'
O78ect K Speci?> a de?ined o3<ect' The dia*og.e message ,i** seem to come ?rom the o3<ect' The
portrait o? the .nit appears ne=t to the message and the camera moves to *oo1 at it'
P+aye% K Speci?> the p*a>er@sA to ,hom this dia*og.e message is 3eing sent'
9i+e Na.e K 9o. can speci?> an #$( or a ',av ?i*e to p*a> a*ong ,ith the dia*og.e message' This
co.*d 3e a voice over o? the message5 ?or e=amp*e'
Me""a*e K T>pe the dia*og.e message in this ?ie*d'
Ca.e%a Sc%o++ S&eed K Set the speed that the camera moves to the speci?ied o3<ect' The camera
a.tomatica**> +ooms in on the speci?ied o3<ect5 and ?o**o,s the o3<ect i? it moves' 9o. can set the
scro** speed to &?? @the camera does not move to the o3<ectA5 Snap @the camera c.ts to direct*> ?ace the
o3<ectA5 or a speed ?rom 1 to 105 10 3eing the ?astest'
Du%atio) i) Seco)d" K This contro*s ho, *ong the message sta>s on the screen' I? an a.dio ?i*e is
speci?ied5 the dia*og.e ,i** sta> on the screen ?or the time it ta1es to p*a> the a.dio ?i*e p*.s the time
speci?ied here' I? no ?i*e is given5 the message remains on screen ?or the amo.nt o? time speci?ied here'
Fhen an> dia*og.e comp*etes5 an> so.nds c.rrent*> p*a>ing ma> 3e c.t o??'
Send Chat Me$$age
Sends a chat message >o. provide to the speci?ied p*a>er@sA' The message appears in the chat area o? the
screen as opposed to the dia*og.e area'
P+aye% K Speci?> the p*a>er@sA to ,hom this chat message is 3eing sent'
Du%atio) i) Seco)d" K This contro*s ho, *ong the message sta>s on the screen'
Me""a*e K T>pe the chat message in this ?ie*d'
TI$J To ma1e it appear as a chat message is coming ?rom a partic.*ar p*a>er or
.nit5 man.a**> enter a s.ita3*e name in the #essage te=t ?ie*d and t>pe the message a?ter
the name'
The ?o**o,ing t>pes o? E??ects prod.ce e??ects re*ated to the game ,or*d'
Set Da+light 1o"r
A**o,s >o. to set the ho.r in game time' The game c*oc1 is a 240ho.r c*oc1 ,ith 0 @+eroA 3eing midnight
and 12 3eing noon' )sing this e??ect >o. co.*d have a scenario ta1e p*ace at a certain time o? da> K at
d.s15 ?or e=amp*e' ote that this e??ect does not t.rn on the da>/night c>c*e i? it ,as t.rned o?? K it mere*>
sets the time o? da>'
Set Da+/Night C+cle Time
Set this to 0 @+eroA to t.rn the c>c*e o??' An> other va*.e t.rns the da>/night c>c*e on'
Start Calamit+
Starts the speci?ied ca*amit> in a speci?ied area or near a speci?ied o3<ect @3.i*ding or .nitA' This e??ect
might 3e .sed to sim.*ate a nat.ra* disaster5 ?or e=amp*e'
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&TEJ The protective area o? e??ect o? Temp*es app*ies in scenarios5 so ca*amities
targeted on a protected area ,i** not ta1e p*ace'
*ire Graphic E..ect
A**o,s >o. to p*a> a graphic e??ect5 as an e=p*osion or ,ater ripp*e or even a ca*amit> @,itho.t the
ca*amit>/s destr.ctive ?orcesA' Se*ect the e??ect >o. ,ant to p*a> ?rom the !raphic E??ect *ist' Then pic1
the de?ined o3<ect or area ,here >o. ,hat the graphic e??ect to appear'
&TEJ !raphic E??ects that reE.ire a .nit to act on are *a3e*ed B@)nitAC' !raphic E??ects
that reE.ire 2 or more .nits to act on are *a3e*ed B@)nitsAC'
Start and End Cinematic Mode
These t,o e??ects are .sed to p.t the scenario into and then o.t o? Cinematic #ode' Fhi*e in
Cinematic mode5 the screen is shr.n1 to a *etter3o= ?ormat5 .nits ta1e no damage5 and p*a>ers have no
contro* over the game' Essentia**>5 the game B,aitsC ?or Cinematic #ode to end 3e?ore the scenario' At an> time5 p*a>ers can press the Escape 1e> @EscA on the 1e>3oard to e=it Cinematic #ode
and ret.rn to the game' &ther,ise5 the> ,ait ?or the End Cinematic #ode e??ect to ?ire and ret.rn
them to the game' The on*> t,o other active hot1e>s are ;(5 ,hich the game @3.t not a so.nd in
progressA5 and ;95 ,hich ta1es a screen shot'
Fith Start Cinematic #ode5 >o. can speci?> the !ame Speed K ,hich contro*s ho, E.ic1*> the cinematic
p*a>s K 3> ad<.sting the s*ider' Setting the !ame Speed to 0'1 creates a B?ree+e ?rameC0*i1e e??ect' ote
that the game to eva*.ate triggers in the 3ac1gro.nd even i? the !ame Speed s*ider is set to its
*o,est va*.e'
Triggers 3e chec1ed BInc*.de in CinematicC in order to 3e eva*.ated d.ring Cinematic #ode' I? not5
the> are ignored .nti* Cinematic #ode ends' An> Trigger E??ects that are E.e.ed to happen in Cinematic
#ode ,i** 3e a3orted i? Cinematic #ode ends 3e?ore the E??ects ta1e p*ace'
&TEJ Ever> Start Cinematic #ode sho.*d have an accompan>ing End Cinematic #ode
or e*se the p*a>er is ?orced to press Escape to ret.rn to the game' Fhen Cinematic #ode
starts5 an> a.dio that is c.rrent*> p*a>ing ,i** 3e c.t o??' De+ay" "&eci(ied i) t'e t%i**e%
de(i)itio)" (o% E((ect" i) Ci)e.atic Mode a%e i) Rea+ Ti.e a)d )ot Ga.e Ti.e.
Am(ient 4eather
T.rn & or &;; the am3ient ,eather e??ects @rain and sno,A'
The AI E??ects a**o, >o. to ?ine the comp.ter p*a>ers in >o.r scenario' These e??ect give >o.
greater contro* over ho, the comp.ter p*a>ers 3ehave compared to the AI Settings page'
&TEJ I? >o. are p*anning to .se comp.ter p*a>ers in >o.r scenario5 >o. de?ine
,here each comp.ter p*a>er/s starting position is *ocated' ;or each comp.ter p*a>er5 the
?irst *and .nit >o. p*ace on the map that is not a 3.i*ding @i'e'5 a .nit that can moveA
de?ines that comp.ter p*a>er/s Bhome 3ase'C %o not .se a ship as that ,i** p.t the home
3ase in the ,ater' 9o. can5 i? >o. ,ant5 set .p a trigger to 1i** that ?irst .nit as soon as the
scenario starts' The comp.ter p*a>er ,i** de?end its home 3ase and per?orm most o? its
initia* activit> there @ass.ming it is an active p*a>erA'
Modi.+ AI Militar+ Target
This E??ect a**o,s >o. to de?ine additiona*5 speci?ic targets that the comp.ter p*a>er@sA can either attac1 or
de?end @i? it chooses to do soA' These targets K ,hich can 3e either an o3<ect or an area K are added to the
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comp.ter p*a>er/s o,n pre?erences o? ,hat to attac1 or de?end' Fhen the comp.ter p*a>er decides ,here
to send its mi*itar> .nits5 it chooses ?rom among a** its pre?erences more0or0*ess random*>' 9o. can tip the
3a*ance to,ards a partic.*ar target 3> creating more than one #odi?> AI #i*itar> Target e??ect that de?ines
the same target'
9o. have severa* options ,hen de?ining a possi3*e mi*itar> targetJ
Choose the comp.ter p*a>er >o. ,ant to a??ect'
Choose ,hether to .se an &3<ect or an Area as the target5 then choose the speci?ic one >o. ,ant ?rom
among the o3<ects and areas >o. have a*read> de?ined'
9o. can either Add a ne, target or Remove a target ?rom the pre?erence *ist'
;ina**>5 decide i? the target is to 3e considered ?or an attac1 or de?ense'
Create AI Militar+ Gro"p
Fith this E??ect5 >o. can have the comp.ter p*a>er@sA create a mi*itar> gro.p ,ith .nits >o. speci?> and
then have them either attac1 or de?end a speci?ied target' To create a mi*itar> gro.pJ
Choose ,hether to attac1 or de?end the indicated target @i? the Attac1 option is not chec1ed5 the
mi*itar> gro.p ,i** de?endA ,ith the mi*itar> gro.p'
Chec1 ,hether or not to have the comp.ter p*a>er ?i** o.t the mi*itar> gro.p 3> choosing .nits ?rom its
prede?ined *ist o? B;avoriteC .nits'
Choose ,hether to .se an &3<ect or an Area as the target5 then choose the speci?ic o3<ect or area >o.
,ant ?rom among the o3<ects and areas >o. have a*read> de?ined'
;rom the *ist o? &3<ects to Add5 se*ect ,hich o? the o3<ects to inc*.de in the mi*itar> gro.p 3> c*ic1ing
on the o3<ect in order to move it to the &3<ects Added *ist' Choices that do not ma1e sense @e'g'5 a
3.i*ding or another p*a>ers .nitsA are ignored'
&TEJ The e??ect o? attac1ing or de?ending ,ith the mi*itar> gro.p is a goa* that the
comp.ter ,i** ,or1 to,ard and carr> o.t as soon as it has the .nits to commitM it ,i** not
necessari*> happen immediate*> ,hen the trigger ?ires'
!"ild O(/ect
Fith -.i*d &3<ect5 >o. can give the speci?ied comp.ter p*a>er@sA a goa* to create a speci?ic o3<ect'
se*ect the p*a>er and the de?ined &3<ect that >o. ,ant it to constr.ct or train' This 3ecomes the p*a>er/s top
3.i*d priorit>'
Maintain O(/ect
2i1e -.i*d &3<ect5 e=cept this is an o3<ect that the comp.ter p*a>er gives top priorit> ?or repair'
Set AI Toggle
This AI E??ect a**o,s >o. to t.rn on or o?? @activate or deactivateA an> o? the options avai*a3*e on the AI
Settings page' The choices are identica* to that pageM this <.st gives >o. a ,a> o? changing those settings
d.ring the scenario'
Set AI 3aria(le
This e??ect a**o,s >o. to modi?> an> o? the AI varia3*es in the game' The *ist o? varia3*es is e=tensive and
the> sho.*d 3e a*tered ,ith ca.tion' "e*p te=t provides in?ormation on ,hat each varia3*e contro*s'
Set *avorite )nit$
Fith Set ;avorite )nits5 >o. can choose the comp.ter p*a>er/s ?avorite air5 *and5 and sea .nits via the drop0
do,n *ists' ;avorite .nits are given pre?erence ,hen the comp.ter p*a>er creates .nits ?or an> p.rpose5
ass.ming speci?ic .nits have not other,ise 3een speci?ied'
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C*ic1ing the &3<ect 3.tton disp*a>s the contro*s .sed ?or setting .p o3<ects5 ,hich ma> then 3e .sed in
conditions and e??ects' B&3<ectsC re?ers 3oth to o3<ects @e'g'5 .nits5 3.i*dings5 etc'A and the possi3*e states
the> ma> 3e in @e'g'5 o,ned 3> p*a>er 15 is in a speci?ic area5 etc'A' &3<ects are .sed as E.a*i?iers ?or
Conditions5 recipients o? E??ects5 and to de?ine ,here an E??ect ta1es p*ace'
&TEJ -e to .se a .nit @e'g'5 Citi+en5 GnightA in a** >o.r o3<ect de?initions
-E;&RE p*acing it on a transport >o. cannot add that .nit to or remove or
remove it ?rom &3<ects a?ter it 3ecomes part o? a transport/s cargo' 9o. can5 ho,ever5
change the E.a*i?iers o? the &3<ects o? ,hich that .nit is a part'
O(/ect A"toname$
The a.tonaming o? o3<ects .ses a ?e, r.*es and s>m3o*s to he*p disting.ish 3et,een simi*ar o3<ects' I? an
o3<ect contains a .nit se*ected on the map5 it is given an a.toname o? the .nit/s c*ass t>pe @to,n center5
citi+en5 c*.3man5 etc'A5 ?o**o,ed 3> the .nit/s .niE.e identi?ication n.m3er' Th.s5 one o3<ect ma> 3e
named BOciti+en21(PC and another BOc*.3man012PC' I? an o3<ect contains m.*tip*e .nits se*ected on the
map5 it is given an a.toname o? the ?irst .nit se*ected ?o**o,ed 3> a BRC s>m3o* to indicate that there are
more .nits in the o3<ect' ;or e=amp*e5 i? an o3<ect contained 3oth a Citi+en and a C*.3man5 its a.toname
might 3e BOciti+en21(RPC'
;or o3<ects that .se an &3<ect Speci?ication @see 3e*o,A5 the a.toname consists o? the name o? the c*ass o?
.nit .sed 3> the o3<ect' This ma> 3e additiona**> ?o**o,ed 3> an asteris1 BYCi? the o3<ect is d>namic' I?
the &3<ect Speci?ication .ses a nested o3<ect5 its a.toname starts ,ith a BWC and is ?o**o,ed 3> the name o?
the nested o3<ect'
Select On Map
This is a method o? se*ecting .nits and 3.i*dings ?or .se in an o3<ect de?inition' The names o? the se*ected
.nits appear in a *ist' 9o. can se*ect speci?ic .nits and 3.i*dings on the map 3> c*ic1ing on them or
B*assoingC them' 2e?t0c*ic1ing and *assoing contin.a**> adds .nits to the o3<ect de?inition' Right0c*ic1ing
or right0*assoing se*ected .nits removes them ?rom the o3<ect de?inition' I? >o. right0c*ic1 on an empt>
part o? the map5 a** .nits are removed ?rom the o3<ect' C*ic1ing on a .nit in the *ist centers the map on that
O(/ect Speci.ication
Fith &3<ect Speci?ication >o. can speci?> di??erent .nits or 3.i*dings that are not >et on the map to 3e part
o? an o3<ect de?inition' %.ring the scenario5 the game engine *oo1s ?or those .nits @or 3.i*dingsA that ?.*?i**
the reE.irements >o. have provided and5 once ?o.nd5 .ses them in the o3<ect de?inition' &3<ect
Speci?ications are de?ined .sing the ?o**o,ing criteriaJ
)se this drop0do,n *ist to se*ect the p*a>er@sA ,ho o,ns the .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA' Th.s5 ?or e=amp*e5 >o.
can con?ine the &3<ect Speci?ication to *oo1 on*> ?or .nits that 3e*ong to p*a>er1 or that 3e*ong to an>
comp.ter p*a>er5 etc'
This is a drop0do,n *ist o? *oose categories into ,hich the .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA ?a** in order to 3e
se*ected 3> the &3<ect Speci?ication' ;ami*ies inc*.de 3.i*dings5 s.3marines5 mo.nted archers5 heroes5
.nits/3.i*dings ?rom a speci?ic Epoch5 etc' I? a ;ami*> is se*ected5 C*ass and )se &3<ect are ignored'
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This is a drop0do,n *ist o? speci?ic .nit t>pes and 3.i*ding t>pes5 as a Simp*e -o,man or a "ospita*
or a )0-oat' )se BAn> C*assC i? >o. do not ,ish to speci?> a partic.*ar t>pe' I? a C*ass is se*ected5 )se
&3<ect is ignored' ;ami*> s.percedes 3oth the C*ass and )se &3<ect se*ections'
)$e O(/ect
9o. can create &3<ects that re?er to other &3<ects >o. have a*read> created' Fhen >o. BnestC an &3<ect
inside a Bhigher0*eve*C &3<ect5 the E.a*i?iers o? the higher0*eve* &3<ect overr.*e those o? the nested &3<ect5
3.t on*> i? the nested &3<ect is o? the t>pe BSe*ect &n #apC or i? it is an B&3<ect Speci?icationC that is not
%>namic' I? the nested &3<ect is %>namic5 then the nested &3<ect is eva*.ated ,ith its o,n E.a*i?iers in
order to ret.rn a *ist o? .nits to the higher0*eve* &3<ect' &nce the *ist o? .nits is given to the higher0*eve*
&3<ect5 then the higher0*eve* &3<ect is eva*.ated ,ith its o,n E.a*i?iers'
In the case ,here a nested &3<ect is de?ined as not %>namic 3.t it is not eva*.ated /e.ore the higher0*eve*
&3<ect o? ,hich it is a part5 then the nested &3<ect is eva*.ated as i? it ,ere %>namic K that is5 it ret.rns a
*ist o? .nits to the higher0*eve* &3<ect'
E=amp*eJ &3<ect A is de?ined as a citi+en5 se*ected on the map5 ,ith the E.a*i?iers In Area and Se*ected ->
activated' &3<ect - .ses &3<ect A in its de?inition and adds the E.a*i?ier "as Attri3.te ,ith the va*.e "it
$oints Q 40' &3<ect A is5 there?ore5 nested inside &3<ect -' As a res.*t5 ,hen &3<ect - is eva*.ated5 on*>
the "as Attri3.te E.a*i?ier is .sed5 so the trigger *oo1s ?or the Citi+en on the map and chec1s to see i? it has
40 hit points' The other t,o E.a*i?iers @i'e'5 In Area and Se*ected ->A are ignored'
)se &3<ect is a*,a>s s.perceded 3> 3oth ;ami*> and C*ass' I? either is se*ected5 the )se &3<ect se*ection is
&TEJ An>time >o. BnestC an &3<ect in another &3<ect ,ith )se &3<ect5 the game ,i**
chec1 to see i? >o. are ma1ing a c*osed *oop @e'g'5 A is nested in - ,hich is nested in C
,hich is nested in AA' I? this is the case5 >o. ,i** not 3e a**o,ed to se*ect that &3<ect ?or
I? %>namic is .nchec1ed5 the ?irst .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA ?o.nd to meet the indicated reE.irements ,i** 3e
chosen ?or the o3<ect de?inition and no ?.rther se*ecting ,i** 3e done5 even i? the o3<ect de?inition is .sed in
another condition or e??ect' Chec1ing the %>namic 3o= means ne, .nits or 3.i*dings ,i** 3e pic1ed ?or the
o3<ect each time the o3<ect is .sed @the same .nit@sA ma> or ma> not 3e se*ected each timeA' This is .se?.*
i? >o. ,ant to .se the same &3<ect Speci?ication in severa* condition and/or e??ect de?initions 3.t do not
,ant the same .nit@sA to 3e .sed each time'
Min and Ma0
9o. can set the minim.m and ma=im.m n.m3er o? .nits or 3.i*dings to .se in the o3<ect de?inition' Fhen
creating/se*ecting the o3<ect d.ring the game5 the game engine ,i** 3e Bsatis?iedC ,ith the minim.m
n.m3er5 3.t ,i** tr> to ?ind .p to the ma=im.m n.m3er o? .nits or 3.i*dings that ?.*?i** the reE.irements o?
the o3<ect' I? >o. ,ant the o3<ect to .se a speci?ic E.antit>5 ma1e #in and #a= the same n.m3er' ;or
e=amp*e5 i? >o. a*,a>s ,ant ?ive citi+ens to 3e chosen ?or the o3<ect5 set 3oth #in and #a= to 4'
O(/ect State$
A** o? the states descri3ed 3e*o, can app*> to 3oth Conditions and E??ects5 speci?ica**> the &3<ect E=ists
condition and the &3<ect c*ass o? e??ects' ;or the &3<ect E=ists condition these states act as E.a*i?iers in
determining ,hether the condition is TR)E or ;A2SE @?or this p.rpose5 a** the E.a*i?iers 3e tr.e in
order ?or the condition to 3e eva*.ated as TR)EA' ;or the &3<ect c*ass o? e??ects the> act as modi?iers to
descri3e ho, or ,here or to ,hat the e??ect sho.*d 3e app*ied @e'g'5 1i** a Citi+en ,ho is carr>ing 10 go*dA'
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&TEJ The chec13o=es ?or each o? these States have three settingsJ &;;5 &5 and &T'
&;; is represented 3> an .nchec1ed 3o=5 & is chec1ed5 and &T is represented 3> an
BTC in the 3o=' The &T setting is .se?.* ?or e=c*.ding states5 ?or e=amp*e5 &T ear a
speci?ied o3<ect or &T having a certain attri3.te'
In Area
I? In Area is chec1ed ,hi*e a .nit or 3.i*ding is se*ected5 >o. can choose an area ?rom among the areas >o.
have de?ined @see the Areas section in this chapterA' This is the Btarget areaC ?or the condition or e??ect'
Th.s5 >o. might ,ant an e??ect to happen on*> ,hen a speci?ied .nit enters a certain area' -ear in mind
that >o. can a*so set the chec13o= to &T to have conditions 3e TR)E or e??ects ?ire ,hen .nits are &T
in the speci?ied area'
There are t,o specia*5 prede?ined areas >o. can .seJ &?? #ap and $revio.s 2ocation' The &?? #ap area is
a *i1e a storage area ?or .nits that are not c.rrent*> on the map 3.t sti** e=ist in the game' It can a*so 3e
.sed to remove .nits ?rom the map that >o. ,ant to ret.rn to the map *ater' The $revio.s 2ocation area is
.sed to ret.rn &?? #ap .nits to the *ocation ,here the> ,ere ,hen the> ,ere removed ?rom the map'
&TEJ Fhen the game tries to create an &3<ect that is .sing the In Area E.a*i?ier5 i? the
target Area does not contain an> va*id p*acement ti*es ?or the o3<ect then the o3<ect ,i**
not 3e created'
Simi*ar to In Area e=cept >o. se*ect an o3<ect @i'e'5 .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sAA instead o? an area to 3e the
Btarget'C ;or e=amp*e5 a condition might 3e eva*.ated as TR)E once a .nit is ,ithin its 2ine &? Sight
@2&SA o? a speci?ied 3.i*ding or an e??ect can 3e made to ?ree+e .nits that are in Range o? a speci?ic
cannon' The meanings o? the states are as ?o**o,sJ
LOS K The se*ected o3<ect is ,ithin its *ine o? sight o? the target .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA'
Ra)*e K The se*ected o3<ect is ,ithin its attac1 range @?or .nitsA or area o? e??ect @?or certain 3.i*dingsA
o? the target .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA'
Nea% K The se*ected o3<ect is ad<acent to the target .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA'
&TEJ )nits that are &?? #ap or in a container @e'g'5 a transportA are never considered
ear5 in 2&S5 or in Range o? another o3<ect'
1a$ Attri("te
2ets >o. speci?> a partic.*ar attri3.te o? an o3<ect @i'e'5 .nit or 3.i*dingA that Bnarro,s do,nC ho, a
condition is eva*.ated or ho, an e??ect is app*ied' There are man> attri3.tes avai*a3*e in the drop0do,n
*ist5 as "it $oints5 An> Reso.rce @3eing carriedA5 or Attac1 strength' @A p*.s sign BRC means that
attri3.te app*ies to an entire .nit c*ass5 not <.st a speci?ic .nit or 3.i*ding'A 9o. can set an e=act amo.nt5 a
range5 or a percentage ?or the se*ected attri3.te' To set a range5 enter a #in and a #a= va*.e' To set an
e=act amo.nt5 set the #in and #a= to the same n.m3er' To .se a percentage instead o? an amo.nt5 chec1
the S 3o=' The percent is ca*c.*ated ,ith respect to the 3ase amo.nt o? the speci?ied attri3.te ?or that .nit
or 3.i*ding'
-ear in mind that i? an o3<ect contains .nits o? vario.s t>pes5 then chec1ing "as Attri3.te can *ead to the
&3<ect State never 3eing eva*.ated as TR)E i? at *east some o? the .nits chosen do not a** have that
Attri3.te' ;or e=amp*e5 s.ppose >o. se*ect a -att*eship and a Chinoo1 "e*icopter Transport on the map
and set an Attri3.te o? BCargo Co.nt 3et,een 2 and 4'C Since -att*eships cannot norma**> carr> Cargo5
this state can never 3e TR)E i? it is .sed as an B&3<ect E=istsC condition in a trigger statement' 2i1e,ise5
i? >o. .sed that o3<ect in a BGi** &3<ectC e??ect5 the e??ect ,o.*d not 3e carried o.t no o3<ects in
the game ?it the given description'
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&TEJ ested &3<ects can render the a3ove e=amp*e .ntr.e' I? &3<ect A is a -ismarc1
and a Chinoo15 and &3<ect - is Re?JA5 Cargo 2045 min1 ma=15 then &3<ect - co.*d 3e
tr.e i? the p*a>er *oads .p the "e*icopter'
3i$i(le !+
2ets >o. choose a p*a>er or p*a>ers to ,hom the se*ected .nit or 3.i*ding 3e visi3*e ?or the condition
to 3e TR)E' ;or an e??ect5 >o. might5 ?or instance5 give more hit points to a certain .nit that is visi3*e to
$*a>er 2' 6isi3i*it> is determined 3> .sing the 2ine o? Sight o? an> o? the indicated p*a>er/s .nits or
3.i*dings' 6isi3*e -> is ignored ?or a Create &3<ect e??ect'
1a$ State
This drop0do,n *ist is .sed to choose the tas1 or action a speci?ied .nit or 3.i*ding 3e per?orming in
order ?or the condition to 3e TR)E or ?or the e??ect to 3e carried o.t' ;or e=amp*e5 >o. might ,ant to have
a condition 3e TR)E ?or a Citi+en on*> ,hen she is 3.i*ding/repairing a 3.i*ding' &r5 >o. might ,ant to
have that Citi+en go into a %e?ensive stance on*> ,hi*e repairing a 3.i*ding' Fhen .sed in a Create &3<ect
e??ect5 Se*ected -> is ignored'
&TEJ #an> o? the avai*a3*e .nit/3.i*ding states are speci?ic to certain c*asses or
?ami*ies o? .nits' ;or e=amp*e5 Ta1e&??5 Ta=i5 ;*>5 etc' are speci?ic to airp*anes5 ,hi*e
!atherReso.rce app*ies on*> to Citi+ens'
Selected !+
%e?ines the .nit@sA or 3.i*ding@sA that the speci?ied p*a>er se*ect in order ?or the condition to 3e
TR)E' I? a gro.p is chosen ?or the o3<ect5 on*> one mem3er o? the gro.p 3e se*ected ?or the
condition to 3e TR)E' ;or an e??ect5 Se*ected -> co.*d 3e .sed5 ?or e=amp*e5 to remove a .nit ?rom the
game i? it is c.rrent*> se*ected 3> a speci?ic p*a>er' Se*ected -> is ignored ?or Create &3<ect e??ects'
C*ic1ing the Area 3.tton disp*a>s the contro*s .sed ?or setting .p areas5 ,hich ma> then 3e .sed in o3<ect
and e??ect de?initions' Areas can 3e de?ined in three ,a>sJ Se*ect Rectang.*ar Area5 Se*ect Continent Ti*e5
or Se*ect To,n Ti*e'
Select Rectang"lar Area
2ets >o. se*ect a rectang.*ar area an>,here on the map' Se*ect an area 3> c*ic1ing and dragging the
pointer over the desired area' The se*ected ti*es are high*ighted' Fhen se*ecting an area5 >o. can drag the c.rsor o?? the map to se*ect edge ti*es'
Select Continent Tile
Continents are either areas o? *and or areas o? ,ater' A BcontinentC o? *and is an> *and mass s.rro.nded 3>
,ater that has a depth o? t,o @2A or more' 2and masses connected 3> sha**o,s @,ater ,ith a depth o? oneA
are considered to 3e one continent' A BcontinentC o? ,ater @?rom here on ca**ed an BoceanCA is an> ,ater
mass o? depth t,o @2A or more' &ceans entire*> separated 3> *and or sha**o,s are considered to 3e separate
Select Ton Tile
This ,or1s the same as Se*ect Continent Ti*e5 e=cept the de?ined area is the To,n @or to,nsA in ,hich the
se*ected ti*e is *ocated' It ?inds a** To,ns @i? an>A that contain the se*ected ti*e and inc*.des a** the ti*es in
those to,ns in the de?inition o? the area'
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Center Camera On Area
9o. can center the camera on the se*ected area @in the *ist o? areasA 3> c*ic1ing this 3.tton' This is a .se?.*
too* ?or reminding >o.rse*? ,here a partic.*ar area is' ;or rectang.*ar areas5 the camera centers on the
center ti*e o? the area'
Trigger E0ample$
The section is meant to introd.ce >o. to .sing the Scenario Editor5 speci?ica**> ho, to create triggers' the Scenario Editor provides an essentia**> *imit*ess n.m3er o? possi3i*ities5 this set o? e=amp*es
can serve on*> as a 3asic introd.ction to the concepts and o? creating triggers and scenarios'
The 3est ,a> to ?ami*iari+e >o.rse*? ,ith the Scenario Editor is to e=periment ,ith it5 and these e=amp*es
provide a good ?o.ndation ?or that' @Than1s to A*3ert #eranda ?or these e=amp*esA
The ?o**o,ing e=amp*es e=p*ain ho, to p.t together severa* 3asic trigger statements' The> a*so
demonstrate some o? the 3asic ?.nctions o? triggers' The main o3<ective o? this e=ercise is to create a
trigger in ,hich a .nit entering a to,n near3> .nits to B?ree+e5C that is5 the p*a>er *oses contro* o?
the near3> .nits' Then >o./** create a trigger that reverses this condition5 and another that prevents these
t,o e??ects ?rom happening at a**' ;ina**>5 >o./** ma1e a trigger that the to,n area to 3e destro>ed i?
a** the specia* e??ect .nits enter the to,n at the same time' Thro.gho.t the process5 the triggers and
components ,i** 3e given .se?.* names to descri3e ,hat the> do' These names ARE &T the act.a*
triggers themse*vesM the> are <.st reminders so that >o. can 1eep their ?.nctions straight'

1' Start Empire Earth and go into the Scenario Editor 3> c*ic1ing the !ame Too*s and then the Scenario
Editor 3.ttons' The ?irst thing >o./** need to do is ma1e the map5 so go to the #ap Creation screen 3>
c*ic1ing the #ap Creation 3.tton @*o,er0*e?t corner o? the screenA' Se*ect the Random #ap radio
3.tton' Se*ect a Sma** #ap Si+e and a Continenta* #ap T>pe' o, c*ic1 Create #ap to create the
2' o, >o./** start 3.i*ding the triggers' C*ic1 on the Triggers 3.tton at the 3ottom o? the screen'
(' To create triggers5 >o. ?irst create the components ?rom ,hich the triggers themse*ves ,i** 3e p.t
together' C*ic1 the &3<ect 3.tton and then c*ic1 the e, 3.tton to create a ne, o3<ect'
4' The de?a.*t setting is Se*ect &n #ap5 ,hich is the method >o. ,ant ?or this e=amp*e' 2asso >o.r
starting to,n center and citi+ens to se*ect a** o? them' ame this o3<ect Bm> to,nC 3> t>ping the name
in the ame te=t ?ie*d'
4' C*ic1 the E??ect 3.tton to go to the e??ect screen' C*ic1 e, to create a ne, e??ect' The de?a.*t e??ect
is an &3<ect E??ect5 and this is the t>pe >o. ,ant'
7' )nder Action5 choose ;ree+e &3<ect ?rom the drop0do,n *ist' e=t5 se*ect Bm> to,nC as the o3<ect'
ote that the e??ect is a.tomatica**> named BO?ree+e m> to,nPC'
7' C*ic1 the )nits 3.tton at the 3ottom o? the screen' &n the )nits page5 pic1 Gnight ?rom the *ist and
p*ace it on the map @severa* ti*es ?rom the to,nA 3> *e?t c*ic1ing' This ,i** 3e the ?irst specia* e??ect
8' C*ic1 the Triggers 3.tton again and then c*ic1 the &3<ect 3.tton' C*ic1 e, to create another ne,
o3<ect and se*ect the Gnight >o. <.st p*aced on the map'
9' o, c*ic1 the 2&S chec13o= and then se*ect ear ?rom that drop0do,n *ist' ;rom the ad<acent drop0
do,n *ist5 ,hich *ists the avai*a3*e o3<ects5 se*ect Bm> to,nC' ote that the o3<ect ,as given a de?a.*t
name enc*osed in triang.*ar 3rac1ets BOVPC' To he*p >o. remem3er ,hat the ?.nction o? this o3<ect
is5 name the o3<ect B?ree+er near m> to,nC 3> t>ping it into the ame ?ie*d'
10' Since creating an o3<ect a.tomatica**> creates a condition o? the t>pe &3<ect E=ists5 >o. do not need to
create this condition ?or the trigger' Instead5 c*ic1 the Trigger 3.tton and c*ic1 e, to create a ne,
trigger' )nder Condition 0 se*ect B?ree+er near m> to,n E=istsC'
11' o, >o. need to set the e??ect ?or this trigger' )nder E??ect 05 choose BO?ree+e m> to,nPC'
12' ;ina**>5 ma1e the trigger is on @i'e'5 chec13o= is chec1edA5 and a*so chec1 the 2ooping chec13o=
so that the trigger doesn/t sh.t o?? a?ter it has ?ired' This trigger is no, ?inished' ame it Bthe 3ig

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Test the trigger 3> pressing the Test 3.tton' "ave the B?ree+erC ,a*1 into the to,n and notice that the
citi+ens designated as part o? Bm> to,nC 3ecome ?ro+en and cannot 3e contro**ed' Geep in mind that since
>o./ve se*ected three citi+ens and a to,n center to 3e ca**ed Bm> to,n5C even i? one o? the citi+ens is ?ar
a,a> ?rom the to,n he @or sheA ,i** sti** 3e a??ected' 2i1e,ise5 i? >o.r B?ree+erC is ?ar a,a> ?rom the to,n
and one o? the citi+ens that is inc*.ded in Bm> to,nC ,a*1s .p to him5 the to,n center and the other citi+ens
,i** a*so 3e a??ected'
A trigger that reverses the ?ree+e e??ect can 3e made .sing prett> the same steps'
1' !o 3ac1 into the Scenario Editor via the !ame &ptions #en. @or pressing ;1A and p*ace a ne, *and
.nit on the map K a %ragoon5 ?or e=amp*e K to 3e the .n?ree+ing .nit'
2' o, go to the Triggers screen 3> c*ic1ing the Triggers 3.tton'
(' C*ic1 the &3<ect 3.tton' Create a e, o3<ect and se*ect the .nit that >o. <.st p*aced'
4' In the *o,er portion o? the o3<ect screen5 c*ic1 the 2&S chec13o= and then se*ect ear ?rom that drop0
do,n *ist' ;rom the ad<acent drop0do,n *ist5 ,hich *ists the avai*a3*e o3<ects5 se*ect Bm> to,nC'
ame this o3<ect B.n?ree+er near m> to,nC'
4' C*ic1 the E??ect 3.tton to go to the e??ect screen and then c*ic1 e, to create a ne, e??ect' )nder
Action5 choose )n?ree+e &3<ect ?rom the drop0do,n *ist' Se*ect Bm> to,nC as the o3<ect to .n?ree+e'
ote that the e??ect is a.tomatica**> named BO.n?ree+e m> to,nPC'
7' Again5 in this case >o. do not need to create a condition5 so c*ic1 the Trigger 3.tton to go to the
triggers screen' Then5 c*ic1 e, to create a ne, trigger' )nder Condition 0 se*ect B.n?ree+er near m>
to,n E=istsC'
7' o, set the e??ect K .nder E??ect 05 choose BO.n?ree+e m> to,nPC'
8' ;ina**>5 ma1e the trigger is on 3> chec1ing that chec13o= and a*so chec1 the 2ooping chec13o= so
that the trigger doesn/t sh.t o?? a?ter it has ?ired' This trigger is no, ?inished' ame it Bthe 3ig tha,C'
Test >o.r scenario again' o,5 ,hen the B?ree+erC enters the to,n5 contro* is *ost' -.t ,hen the
B.n?ree+erC enters the to,n5 contro* is restored' I? >o. have 3oth .nits near the to,n at the same time5 their
e??ects ,i** a*ternate*> cance* each other o.t ever> second5 so that >o./** have one second o? contro*5
?o**o,ed 3> one second o? *oss o? contro*5 and so on' Another trigger can 3e created that ,i** prevent >o.r
to,n center ?rom 3eing end*ess*> ?ro+en and tha,ed 3> these specia* .nits'

1' Re0enter the scenario editor and p*ace a ne, *and .nit that ,i** 3e designated the to,n/s protector'
2' e=t5 go to the Triggers screen and c*ic1 the &3<ect 3.tton' Se*ect the ne, *and .nit >o. p*aced and
give it the E.a*i?ier o? ear Bm> to,nC <.st as >o. did ?or ?ree+er and .n?ree+er' ame this o3<ect
Bprotector near m> to,nC'
(' C*ic1 the Trigger 3.tton and se*ect the trigger *a3e*ed Bthe 3ig ?ree+eC ?rom the *ist o? triggers'
4' Right a?ter Condition 0 in the trigger statement5 >o./** see a drop0do,n *ist *a3e*ed E%' Change the
E% to A%' Condition 1 appears in the trigger statement K this is ho, >o. add more conditions @or
e??ectsA to a trigger' ;or Condition15 choose Bprotector near m> to,n e=istsC and chec1 the &T 3o=
in ?ront o? this condition' This ma1es the trigger statementJ BI? ?ree+er is near m> to,n A% protector
is &T near m> to,n5 then ?ree+e m> to,n'C The ?ree+e e??ect ,i** no, ta1e p*ace on*> i? the ?ree+er
enters the to,n and the protector is not near3>'

This sit.ation can a*so 3e app*ied to the B.n?ree+erC ,ith essentia**> the same steps' Tr> modi?>ing the
trigger Bthe 3ig tha,C >o.rse*? so that the protector a*so prevents the .n?ree+er ?rom having an> e??ect'
9o./** need to add a second condition .sing the A% operator and .se &T to ma1e the trigger statement5
BI? .n?ree+er is near m> to,n A% protector is &T near m> to,n5 then .n?ree+e m> to,n'C
;ina**>5 *et/s create a trigger that ta1es e??ect on*> i? a** three specia**> designated .nits are near the to,n at
the same time'

1' In the scenario editor5 go to the e??ect screen' Create a e, e??ect and set the t>pe o? e??ect to &3<ect'
Se*ect Gi** as the Action and se*ect Bm> to,nC as the o3<ect to 3e 1i**ed' ote that this e??ect gets
named BO1i** m> to,nPC'
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2' o, c*ic1 Trigger and create a e, trigger' In the condition part o? the trigger statement5 se*ect
B?ree+er near m> to,n E=istsC ?or Condition 05 then se*ect A%' ;or Condition 1 choose B.n?ree+er
near m> to,n E=istsC5 then add another A%' ;or condition 25 se*ect Bprotector near m> to,n E=istsC'
(' ;or the e??ects5 set E??ect 0 to BO1i** m> to,nPC' ame this trigger Bthe 3ig e=p*osionC'
o,5 ,henever a** the a3ove conditions are TR)E5 that is5 ,hen the .nits designated B?ree+erC5
B.n?ree+erC5 and BprotectorC are a** near the to,n at the same time5 the to,n and citi+ens ,i** 3e destro>ed'
ote that it did not matter in ,hat order >o. p.t the three conditions since the> ,ere connected 3> A%s'
I? >o. had .sed &Rs instead5 then the to,n ,o.*d 3e destro>ed i? an> one o? the three specia* .nits ,ent
near the to,n'
Test >o.r ,or1' Then tr> adding some o? >o.r o,n triggers to this scenario' ;or e=amp*e5 >o. co.*d p*ace
do,n another To,n Center and ca** it Bto,n2C' Then de?ine a ne, o3<ect 3> se*ecting the Gnight @the
B?ree+erCA and adding 2&S to,n2 to the de?inition K ca** the o3<ect B?ree+er in 2&S o? to,n2C' Then create
a $*a>er c*ass o? e??ect @instead o? an &3<ect c*assA that a,ards victor> to an> p*a>er' 9o. can then
create a trigger that a,ards a victor> ,hen the ?ree+er gets ,ithin its 2ine &? Sight o? To,n 2'
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