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Who Else Wants to Discover the Small

Switch Mode Power Supplies Modification

Secrets That Will Skyrocket Your Income?

Every epair Technicians Should !now "ow To Modify # Small Switch
Mode Power Supplies $SMPS% To Increase The epair ate Thus Makin&
Them 'ots (f Money)
Jul 21 2014
Dear Fellow Electronic Repairers,
Let me share with you, the small SMPS moi!ication is "ery simple# $hat you nee to
o is to rea the in!ormation that % ha"e lai out in the e&oo' an !ollow it step &y step#
(ou will &e surprise how easy it is to per!orm such moi!ication# D)Ds players,
L*D+LED Monitors, Satellite Recei"ers, Set ,op -o., small si/e power aapters an
etc as lon0 as they are uner 10 watt an usin0 the &elow power supplies topolo0ies,
they can &e moi!ie#
Power supply consist o! one Power %*, Power FE,, Power ,rans!ormer an an
2ptoisolator %* can &e moi!ie
Power supply consist o! one Power %* 3&uilt in Power FE,4, Power ,rans!ormer an an
2ptoisolator %* can &e moi!ie

%n this 0uie %5m showin0 6 true repair cases how % ha"e success!ully moi!ie an
repaire power supplies usin0 the moi!ication metho# %n two o! the repair cases
other repair technicians consiere it as &eyon repair &ut % coul repaire &oth#
,he 0oo news is whether your small switch moe power supplies has 2 , 6, 4 or e"en 7
outputs this metho o! moi!ication still can &e applie#
,his E&oo' consist o! *+ pa&es o! soli in!ormation# ,his e&oo' is 0reat !or anyone
tryin0 to !in a 8uic' repair tip !or repairin0 small switch moe power supplies#
,his 0uie is not for ,e&inners an i! you are a &e0inner an wish to start in this
electronics repair !iel % su00est that you chec' out my &est seller ,estin0 Electronic
*omponents E&oo' an Power Supply Repair 9uie#

,he &elow photos are :ust some o! the e.ample o! small switch moe power supplies
that you can moi!y;

LCD Monitor Power Supply

DVD Player Power Supply
Small Power Supply Adapter
<"anta0es 2! Small Switch Moe Power Supplies Moi!ication
14 $hen there is li0htnin0 stri'e on the power supplies, usually there will &e some
&a components# %n some cases the power sie components coul &urn &eyon
reco0nition# %! there is no schematic ia0ram or same moel o! power supply to
compare to locate the ori0inal parts "alue, it woul &e tou0h to repair the power
24 ,he power %* an power FE, in power supplies come with many i!!erent types
o! part num&ers# %! you can5t locate the parts this mean you will not &e a&le to
repair it#
64 Sa"e cost= %n some power supplies, the price o! power %* an the power FE, can
&e 8uite e.pensi"e# (ou no lon0er ha"e to 'eep stoc' !or "ariety part num&ers !or
power %* an power FE,# ,his metho can truly sa"e the cost#
44 Sa"e time= Sometime we spent too much time in trou&leshootin0 the power
supplies# Pro&lems li'e no power, low power, too hi0h power, power shut own,
intermittent power pro&lem an etc can &e sol"e &y usin0 the metho in this E=
74 Easy to !ollow= %t can &e one in less than 20 to 27 minutes i! you !ollow my
>4 ,he most important thin0 is the parts are 8uite cheap an % will share with you
where to &uy those moi!ication parts online#

?a"in0 this repair 0uie will help you to success!ully repair more power supplies
thus &rin0in0 in more pro!it !or you#

(ou will ha"e a &i0 a"anta0e o"er other repair
technicians that o not 'now a&out this
moi!ication secret#


%ma0ine &ein0 a&le to repair many i!!erent types o! small switch moe power supplies,
an ma'e lots o! money# ,his is all possi&le when you ha"e the 'nowle0e in
moi!ication o! the power supplies# ,hat5s e.actly what %5m 0oin0 to teach you# $hat is
the &est part@ ,he moi!ication :o& is 8uite easy to !ollow an unerstan &ecause %
ha"e inclue more than *. photos to assist you an to remo"e your 0uesswor'#
?ere5s a pre"iew o! some pa0es !rom the Small Switch Moe Power Supplies
Moi!ication Secrets E&oo'A

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