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[F] = Full Control [P] = Partial Control [C] = Conceptual Control

Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANI SH I I HONORS3850H Teacher Guide
UNI T 6: Growing Up

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
Interpersonal Communi cation Interpretive Communi cati on Presentational Communi cation Culture, Connections,
Comparisons, and Communities Conversation Reading Listening Speaking Writing
1.6.1 Talk with others about their childhood
1.6.2 Ask another person questions about their
1.6.3 Answer questions about personal
1.6.4 Ask other people about personal
2.6.1 Understand an
article, story, or letter
about a persons
2.6.2 Understand an
article, story, or letter
about what someone
used to do
2.6.3 Understand an
article, story, or letter
that describes a
personal milestone
3.6.1 Understand when other
people talk about their
3.6.2 Understand when other
people talk about what
they used to do
3.6.3 Understand when other
people talk about their
personal milestones
4.6.1 Compare their
childhood to the
present day
4.6.2 Tell about what they
used to do
4.6.3 Tell about important
milestones/rites of
passage in their lives
5.6.1 Write about howtheir
lives have changed from
when they were children
to the present day
5.6.2 Write about what they
used to do
5.6.3 Write about important
milestones in their lives
6.6.1 Compare childhood experiences in the target
culture to the United States
What will students know by the end of this unit?
Vocabul ary Language Structures and Conventions
Rites of passage/Personal milestones
Linking phrases
Imperfect tense [P]
Time expressions that indicate the use of the imperfect [P]
Hace ___ que [P]
What universal concepts should I teach throughout this course?
7.0.1 Identify and use cognates that exist between Spanish and English
7.0.2 Compare language structures between Spanish and English
7.0.3 Compare and contrast the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world with their own culture
7.0.4 Recognize opportunities to use Spanish outside of the classroomsetting
7.0.5 Recognize and use gestures, manners, behaviors, greetings, and idiomatic expressions of the Spanish-speaking world
7.0.6 Recognize similarities and differences in the Spanish-speaking writing systemand use it with increasing accuracy
7.0.7 Recognize and use the Spanish sound systemwith increasing accuracy

Quarter 3
Linking Phrases
usualmente usually
nunca never
generalmente generally
a menudo often
con frecuencia frequently
cada da each day
cada ao each year
todo el tiempo all the time
siempre always
Cuando yo era
When I was
Cuando yo estaba
Haba una vez
rase una vez
Once upon a time
el lunes
los lunes
on Monday
on Mondays
en el pasado in the past
Hace que pas It happened ago
de vez en cuando once in a while
a veces sometimes

Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANI SH I I HONORS3850H Vocabulary Guide
UNI T 6: Growing Up

Quarter 3
los juguetes toys
la mueca doll
el peluche stuffed animal
montar en bicicleta
andar en bicicleta
to ride a bike
trepar al rbol to climb a tree
mirar los dibujos animados to watch cartoons
tomar una siesta to take a nap
el mejor memoria best memory
el mejor da best day
la mejor experiencia best experience
el peor memoria worst memory
el peor da worst day
la peor experiencia worst experience

Rites of Passage and Personal Milestones
recibir el permiso de manejar to get your drivers license
cumplir un ao turning another year older
graduarse to graduate
los frenos braces
el baile dance
el primer beso first kiss
la primera cita first date
empezar la escuela (primaria, secundaria) to start school (elementary school, high school)
la adolescencia
la juventud
el primer trabajo first job
los premios deportivos
los premios de los clubes
los premios acadmicos
sports awards
club awards
academic awards
aprobar un examen to pass a test
reprobar un examen to fail a test

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