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Programa Intel Educar Panam Oeste

Curso Esencial
Plantilla del plan de unidad
You are what you eat!
Nombre y apellido Keyla Ortega
Nombre de la institucin educativa Zaida Zela Nez
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa
Calle Principal, Corregimiento de uadalupe
Otros datos de la institucin educativa !"sica eneral
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
You are what you eat!
Resumen de la unidad
In this unit students learn the importance of making healthy decisions regarding the foods they eat. They
discover that while junk food can be awfully tempting, it often contains ingredients that can damage their
health and create unwanted weight problems. Junk ood !ars aims to arm students with facts about nutrition,
provide the skinny on what all those percentages and unusual words on food labels really mean, and empower
them with the ability to make healthy eating a habit for life. They will distinguish the difference between foods that
make up a healthy meal and those that don"t. #lso they will describe methods manufacturers use to sell us
foods that are not healthy.
Junk food is everywhere. !hether students are eating at school, at home, or with friends, they are often faced
with unhealthy options.
$oor nutrition can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. %adly, these issues have become rather
$revalent in all societies. In order to stay healthy, we need to learn how to read food labels and make wise
choices, determine how sugar is &disguised' in food products, and reali(e how )uickly fat and calories
accumulate when we snack on foods like chips and cupcakes. *nce we understand the effects of the foods we
eat, we can begin forming healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
#t the end they will make healthy choices in situations where junk food predominates, but is not the only
option and adjust their eating habits to become healthier.
%tudents will use a variety of technological and information resources +e.g., libraries, databases, computer
networks, video, worksheets, to gather and synthesi(e information and to create and communicate knowledge
and locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
%tudents will use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes +e.g., for learning,
enjoyment, persuasion, and the e-change of information,.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s
/utritional 0abits, Third #rea
Ao ni!el"inicial# primaria# Premedia# media$
12# 3 , Junior 0igh
Tiempo necesario apro%imado
4 period of 54 minutes each class per 6 weeks
&undamentos de la unidad
# $%%& Corporacin 'ntel( )odos los derec*os reservados( P"gina + de ,
Programa Intel Educar Panam Oeste
Curso Esencial
,-.EA)T.# '(TRITIO'# A'D
,/0-'utritional .a1its
&ood groups
Causes and
conse2uences o3 a 1ad
Classi3ing 6ealt6
3ood and 7un5 3ood
using connectors in a
8ritten c6art/
Researc6ing a1out
6ealt6 and un6ealt6
&ood a3ter 8atc6ing a !ideo
Comparing 6ealt6
and un6ealt6 3ood
using connectors and
pramid 3ood/
-*6o8ing interest
3or practicing 6ealt6
nutritional 6a1its/
9aluing practicing
6ealt6 nutritional
:eing conscious
a1out causes and
conse2uences o3 a
1ad nutrition/
O17eti!os del aprendi;a7e
7alues and diffuses the importance of healthy habits to achieve personal wellbeing.
-iscuss t*e importance o. eating nutritious meals(
-istinguis* t*e di..erence bet/een .oods t*at ma0e up a *ealt*y meal and t*ose t*at don1t(
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial
!hat is your favorite food8
Preguntas de unidad
!hat are your nutritional 0abits8
!hat do you eat at home8
!hat do you eat at school8
Preguntas de contenido
!hat is junk food8
9ive me some e-amples of health
food and junk food8
!hat are the conse)uence of a bad
Plan de e!aluacin
# $%%& Corporacin 'ntel( )odos los derec*os reservados( P"gina $ de ,
Programa Intel Educar Panam Oeste
Curso Esencial
Cronograma de e!aluaciones
TIPO* DE E9A)(ACIO'E*< R=1ricas# )istas de Cote7o# Escala estimati!a#
Antes de empe;ar el tra1a7o del
Durante el desarrollo del
(na !e; completado el
2urvey3 Nutrition 4abits
5ast 6ist
7ubric to 8utocollage
C*ec0list to team /or0
7ubric to t*e product
8!C 8nalysis
Resumen de e!aluaciones
:rainstorming is the name given to a situation when a group of people meet to generate new ideas around a
specific area of interest.
%urveys are a method of gathering information from individuals. %urveys have a variety of purposes, and can
be conducted in many ways. %urveys may be conducted to gather information through a printed
)uestionnaire, in person, on the web, etc. This information is collected through use of standardi(ed procedures
so that every participant is asked the same )uestions in the same way. It involves asking people for
information in some structured format. ;epending on what is being analy(ed, the participants being surveyed
may be representing themselves.
#%T <I%T develops fluency and stimulates creative thinking. #llow three to five minutes for student to make
a list of words related to the given category then share and compare the list.
=>:=I?%@ are scoring tools that e-plicitly represents the performance e-pectations for an assignment or
piece of work. =ubrics divide the assigned work into component parts and provide clear descriptions of the
characteristics of the work associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery. They can be used
for a wide array of assignments@ papers, projects, oral presentations, etc.
?0.?A<I%T has been provided for the purposes of formative assessment and feedback, as well as to provide
evidence of learning for use with teachers, students, parents and other stakeholders if desired. It is given to
students when the assignment is given, and students are advised that this checklist can serve as a guide for
The #:? analysis can be used for idea evaluation in two different ways.
B The first possibility is to group several ideas according to their importance in group #, : or ?. The criteria for assigning the level of importance must be defined in
B The second possibility is to analy(e the selected idea in two stages. In first stage, by a method of
brainstorming as much items of this idea as possible are listed. In the second stage, we group them according
to their importance into #, : and ? category.
Detalles de la unidad
# $%%& Corporacin 'ntel( )odos los derec*os reservados( P"gina 9 de ,
Programa Intel Educar Panam Oeste
Curso Esencial
.a1ilidades pre!ias
>6at is 3ood?
>6at is t6e di33erence 1et8een 7un5 3ood and 6ealt6 3ood?
Do ou 5no8 t6e pramid 3ood?
:eginning #ctivities
C. $ray time, a student is going to say the pray
6. $oem &Dy favorite ?olor'
5. !atch and analy(e a videoEsong ':e 0appy' by Yael /aim
F. ast list &ood'
G. %urvey about /utritional 0abits
H. ?omments about the video &The importance of healthy food'
1. %plash
;evelop #ctivities
C. !atches a ;eep(oom about &/utritional 0abits'
6. %earches on internet about /utritional 0abits, food, junk and healthy food, good and bad eating habits
5. ?ategori(es nutritional habits of the students according the pyramid food in written or oral way.
F. ?reates an auto collage about healthy food and junk food using real or picture
G. ?ompletes practices about causes and effects of unhealthy nutritional habits
?losing #ctivities
.laborates healthy recipe applying grammar learned.
#daptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con necesidades
I have three %tudents with special needs and They are going to work with the guide of their special teacher. They are
not going to e-plain the recipe, because they are not able to memori(e all of that. Instead they are going to read the
recipe and present their autocollage
'o 6ispano-parlantes
I donIt have students like that
Estudiante talentoso
%tudents can develop different skills with this units, they can be creative,
practice speaking, learn the importance of team building and get more vocabulary words. The technology is going to
help them to do an easy job. 'ntegrates contents to develop listening, spea0ing, reading and /riting s0ills about
nutritional *abits(
+ateriales recursos necesarios para la unidad
# $%%& Corporacin 'ntel( )odos los derec*os reservados( P"gina : de ,
Programa Intel Educar Panam Oeste
Curso Esencial
Tecnologa @ .ard8are ;e<uipo necesario=
C"mara digital
7eproductor de ->-
Cone?in a 'nternet
-isco l"ser
2istema de proyeccin
C"mara de vAdeo
@<uipo de vAdeo con.erencia
Tecnologa @ *o3t8are ;necesario=
!ase de datosB4oCa de c"lculo
-iagramador de publicaciones
Programa de correo electrnico
@nciclopedia en C-D7OE
@ditor de im"genes
!uscador Feb
-esarrollo de p"ginas /eb
Procesador de te?to
+ateriales impresos
$hotocopies, worksheets, %tudent"s book and notebook.
#udiovisual ?lassroom
Recursos de
de internet$
Otros Recursos
anding(*tm l
6os programas de 'ntelK @ducacin son .inanciados por la 5undacin 'ntel y la Corporacin 'ntel(
-erec*os reservados #$%%&, Corporacin 'ntel( )odos los derec*os reservados( 'ntel, el logo de 'ntel, la iniciativa de 'ntel @ducacin y el
Programa 'ntel @ducar son marcas registradas de 'ntel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los @stados Unidos y otros paAses( LOtros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes(
# $%%& Corporacin 'ntel( )odos los derec*os reservados( P"gina , de ,

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