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Mr. Thomas A.

Fanning is Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer of

The Southern Compan. Mr. Fanning had he!d numerous !eadership positions across
the Southern Compan sstem during his more than "# ears $ith the Compan. %e
served as Executive &ice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Compan from
'##( to '#)#, !eading the Compan*s generation and transmission, engineering and
construction services, research and environmenta! affairs, sstem p!anning, and
competitive generation +usiness units. %e served as the Compan*s Executive &ice
President and Chief Financia! Officer from '##, to '##( and Executive &ice President,
Chief Financia! Officer, and Treasurer from '##" to '##,, $here he $as responsi+!e for
the Compan*s accounting, finance, tax, investor re!ations, treasur, and ris-
management functions. .n those ro!es, he a!so served as the chief ris- officer and had
responsi+i!it for corporate strateg. Mr. Fanning is on the Boards of a num+er of
Southern Compan*s su+sidiaries. %e is a!so a /irector of the Federa! 0eserve Ban- of
At!anta, serving on the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee. Mr. Fanning
served on the Board of The St. 1oe Compan from '##2 through Septem+er '#)).
Mr. Mar- S. 3antrip is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Southern Compan Services .nc., a su+sidiar of The Southern Compan. %e 4oined
the Compan in )5() as an ana!st in 6u!f Po$er7s Corporate P!anning department. %e assumed his current position in March '#)8. Previous!,
3antrip $as Executive &ice President of Finance and Treasurer of Southern Compan Services, .nc. and Treasurer of the Compan, $ith responsi+i!it
for financia! p!anning and ana!sis, enterprise ris- management, trust finance, capita! mar-ets, and treasur.

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