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Activity 2.

2 Audit Your Assessments for Balance 1

After completing steps 13 of the audit described in Activity 2.2, reflect on the
following questions.
1. What is the ratio of formative to summative use of assessment results for this
instructional unit or module of study?
I chose unit two for my second period class from the last school year. During that unit
of study my ratio of formative to summative was !1.
2. After having read "hapter 2# what do you thin$ the ideal ratio of formative to
summative use for this instructional unit or module of study might %e?
During my lessons each day I gave at least one type of formative assessment in which
supported students ongoing development. &he ideal ratio for my unit 'not using the daily#
ungraded formative assessments( would %e very similar to what I did. &here should %e
more formative assessments# as it informs instruction# than summative assessments# as
they are to see progress made. !1 was a good ratio for this unit.
). What# if any# changes to the ratio would you ma$e?
If I were to ma$e any changes at all# I would add a few more formative assessments
into the unit. It is always good to have more assessments telling what should %e coming
ne*t in the students learning as well as help with the pace of learning for the whole class.
. What would you do to ma$e those changes?
I would possi%ly add it a portfolio for long+term formative assessing# %ut for short term
add in what I call ,stic$y -uestions. when each student gets a stic$y note and posts
-uestions for the wee$s lessons in which they do not understand along with their names
on the white%oard %efore leaving class. &his could %e graded or not as participation# %ut
really does allow for students to feel as if they can as$ any type of -uestion a%out the
lesson without others /udgments as well as allow the teacher to $now where all students
are for pacing lessons purposes.
If you are wor$ing with a partner or a team# discuss your results# your conclusions# and
your -uestions.
"lassroom Assessment for 0tudent 1earning! Doing It 2ight34sing It Well# 2e
1earning &eams 5acilitation 6uide and Activities 7 2esources
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