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Simon and the Spy
by Elizabeth Laird
Simon Simple is at the station. He is oin on a t!ain. The!e a!e
poli"emen at the station. The!e a!e poli"emen on the t!ains. The# a!e all
$o!%in &e!# ha!'. (Wh# a!e the poli"e he!e)( Simon as%s a man. (*oo%+(
the man sa#s. Simon loo%s at the man,s ne$spape!. ,Do #o- %no$ this man),
he !ea's. ,He,s a sp#. /in' him. Stop him. 0at"h him.,
Simon loo%s at the people in the station. He "an see st-'ents in 1eans+
an' men in s-its. He "an see 2amilies an' "hil'!en. He "annot see an# spies.
Simon,s t!ain oes at 33.00+ an' it is 30.45 no$.
Simon !-ns to the t!ain. The!e is an ol' $oman $ith an -m6!ella nea!
Simon. She is $al%in &e!# 2ast. Simon 'oes not see he!. He 'oes not see
he! 6a.
The ol' $oman,s 6a hits Simon,s 2oot. Simon 2alls. His 6a opens. His
thins 2all to the !o-n'. The ol' $oman,s 6a is open+ too. A lette! 2alls
Simon p-ts his thins into his 6a. The ol' $oman,s lette! is $ith
Simon,s thins. Simon 'oes not see it. He p-ts the ol' $oman,s lette! in his
6a. He "loses his 6a+ an' !-ns to the t!ain.
Simon sits 'o$n in the t!ain. The!e is a 6ea-ti2-l i!l 6esi'e him.
(Hello+( Simon sa#s. (Hello+( the i!l sa#s. The ol' $oman is on the t!ain+
too. She is loo%in at Simon,s 6a. She $ants he! lette!. The!e a!e
poli"emen on the t!ain. The# "annot 2in' the sp#. The ol' $oman sees the
poli"emen. She t-!ns an' $al%s 7-i"%l# 'o$n the t!ain.
Simon li%es the i!l. She li%es him. (The!e,s a !esta-!ant on the
t!ain+( Simon sa#s. (Do #o- $ant a "-p o2 "o22ee)( (Yes+ please+( the i!l
sa#s. (O8+ $ait he!e+( Simon sa#s.
Simon ta%es his 6a an' oes to the !esta-!ant. The ol' $oman is
$aitin 2o! him. Simon 'oes not see he!. He 'oes not see he! 2oot.
The t!ain is oin 2ast. Simon 2alls. The ol' $oman 2alls+ too. She sits
'o$n on the 2loo!. (Oh+ I,m so!!#+( Simon sa#s. He helps the ol' $oman.
Simon sees the ol' $oman,s shoes. He loo%s at he! shoes+ an' he loo%s
at he! 2a"e. (The#,!e not $omen,s shoes+( Simon thin%s.
Simon 6-#s the "o22ee+ an' oes 6a"% to the i!l.
The t!ain stops. Simon an' the i!l a!e oin on a 6oat no$. The# $al%
2!om the t!ain to the 6oat.
The!e a!e poli"emen he!e+ too. (What 'o the# $ant)( the i!l as%s.
(The!e,s a sp#+( Simon sa#s. (A sp#)( the i!l sa#s. (I "an,t see an# spies.(
Simon loo%s too. He sees 2amilies an' st-'ents. He sees the ol' $oman.
(No+( Simon sa#s. (I "an,t see an# spies.(
It is a 6ea-ti2-l 'a#. The s-n is shinin an' the $ate! is 6l-e. Simon
an' the i!l sit nea! the $ate! an' $ait. The 6oat is "omin. (What,s #o-!
name)( Simon as%s. (Samantha+( the i!l sa#s. (Oh+( Simon sa#s. (9#
name,s Simon. Simon an' Samantha. That,s ni"e.( Simon an' Samantha a!e
tal%in. The# 'o not see the ol' $oman. The# 'o not see he! -m6!ella.
(*oo% o-t.( a man sho-ts. (The!e,s a lo!!#.( Simon an' Samantha loo%.
A lo!!# is "omin 'o$n the !oa' &e!# 2ast. The# 1-mp 6a"%. The ol' $oman
1-mps 6a"% too. Simon sees he! t!o-se!s. (The#,!e not $omen,s t!o-se!s+(
Simon thin%s. (0ome on+ Simon+ the 6oat,s he!e+( Samantha sa#s. Simon an'
Samantha et on the 6oat.
Simon opens his 6a an' ta%es his l-n"h o-t. He ta%es the ol' $oman,s
lette! o-t+ too+ 6-t he 'oes not see it. (Do #o- $ant a san'$i"h)( Simon
as%s Samantha. (Yes+ please+( Samantha sa#s. She ta%es he! l-n"h o-t o2
he! 6a. (Do #o- $ant an apple)( she sa#s. The ol' $oman is 6ehin' them.
Simon an' Samantha 'o not see he!. The# 'o not see he! han'.
The 6oat is oin 2ast no$. The $in' is st!on. Samantha:s hai! oes
in he! e#es. The $in' ta%es the ol' $oman,s lette!. The lette! 2lies alon
the 6oat. (What,s that pape!)( Samantha sa#s. (Is it #o-! 6oat ti"%et)( (I
'on,t %no$+( Simon sa#s.
Simon !-ns. He $ants his ti"%et. The ol' $oman !-ns+ too. She $ants
he! lette!.
Simon an' the ol' $oman !-n 2ast. The# a!e nea! the pape! no$.
(Woo2.( What is that) It is a 'o. He is !-nnin &e!# 2ast. He !-ns to
the pape! an' "at"hes it in his mo-th. (9# ti"%et.( Simon sa#s. (9# lette!.(
the ol' $oman sa#s. The 'o !-ns alon the 6oat. (0at"h the 'o.( Simon
sa#s. (Stop him.( sa#s the ol' $oman.
The 'o is happ#. He "an !-n 2ast. He is pla#in a ame $ith Simon
an' the ol' $oman. He 'oes not see Samantha. Samantha 1-mps -p an'
"at"hes him.
(I,&e ot him+ Simon+( Samantha sa#s. Simon an' the ol' $oman !-n to
Samantha. The pape! is in the 'o,s mo-th. Simon loo%s at it. (That,s not
m# ti"%et+( he sa#s. (No+( the ol' $oman sa#s. (It,s m# lette!.(
The 'o li%es Simon an' Samantha+ 6-t he 'oes not li%e the ol'
$oman. He ta%es he! "oat in his mo-th an' p-lls it. The "oat 2alls to the
!o-n'. The $in' ta%es the ol' $oman,s hat. It 2alls into the $ate!. He!
hai! 2alls $ith the hat. Simon an' Samantha loo% at the ol' $oman. It is not
an ol' $oman. It is a man. (The sp#.( Simon sa#s. (Poli"e. 0ome he!e.(
The poli"e a!e &e!# happ#. (Than% #o-+ Simon+( the# sa#. (No$ $e
ha&e the sp#. ;-t the sp# has a lette!. The lette! has names an' a''!esses
on it. We $ant the lette! 6-t $e "an,t 2in' it. Whe!e is it) Do #o- %no$)(
Simon loo%s at the 'o. The 'o loo%s at Simon.
(The!e,s the lette!+( Simon sa#s. (Whe!e)( sa#s the poli"eman. (It,s
in the 'o+( Simon sa#s.

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