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The Saint

Omnipotent having total power

congregation a group of people who are gathered in a church to
worship God
converted to change or make sb change religion or belief
exhilarating very exciting and enjoyable
vulgar not having or showing good taste
scourge a person or thing that causes trouble

impudence rude
vanity too much pride in your own appearance
relentless to finally agree to sth after refusing
slovenly not neat
dogma a belief or a set of belief held by a group
jargon words that are used by a particular profession
eminent famous and respected
indignation a feeling of anger caused by something unfair
illusory not real although seeming to be
incredulous not willing or able to believe
tenets one of the principles or belief
incomprehension the state of not being able to understand sth
casuistry try to solve a problem with clever idea that may not
be true
abrupt sudden
stern adj. serious n. the back end of a ship or boat
deferentially politely
lunge to make a powerful forward movement
thrust push sth suddenly with force
unperturbed not worried or anxious
genteel high social class
erroneous not correct based on wrong information
deprecation to feel and express strong disapproval of sth
pathos deep sorrows
sneer to show that you have no respect for sb by the
expression on your face or the way you
calamity disaster
wring squeeze
blasphemed to speak about God in an offensive way
sodden extremely wet
gleam to shine with pale clear light
sedentary spending a lot of time sitting down and not moving
stoutish rather fat
flaccid soft and week
lax slack, careless
coarse rough
metaphysical the branch of philosophy that deals with nature of
existence, truth and knowledge
degenerate to become worse, lower in quality
blandness without anything to attract attention
discourse a long and serious treatment or discussion of a
subject in speech
motal that cannot live for ever and must die
impersonal lacking friendly human feeling
pettish behaving in a bad-tempered
conundrum a confusing problem or a question that is hard to
prowl move around quietly when hunting

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