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Dear Margaret,

So much has changed since you left for America. I wish I would have just gone with you when
you suggested it, but I had no idea. No idea. Adolf Hitler has become Fuhrer of Germany
through brute force. Our congress was burnt down and the economy has turned to rubbish. We
had nobody else to turn to and that is when Adolf took the position. Things started to get better
after a while, the economy started to mend and unemployment rates dropped, but that is not
enough to cover up Adolf and the NAZIs cruel intentions. At first it just started with a rumor
around the streets, and then the rumor formed into action, and the action into violence, and the
violence into death. Adolf is trying to exterminate the Jews from society, saying that they are
inferior and they are to blame for all the troubles since the war. Just yesterday I saw my Jewish
neighbor Julia get dragged from her house onto her front lawn and beaten to a bloody pulp.
Thank God the children were at their Hitler Youth Group and didnt witness the brutality of the
assault from the soldiers that they are supposed to look up to. The group is now mandatory for
boys older than the age of ten. Little Tommy and Gregory couldnt wait until they could join, but
it would be that moment that I dreaded. Now every afternoon when they come home they tell me
about how much fun they had and how they cant wait to grow up and be just like the Fuhrer. I
put a smile on my face and tell them how proud of them I am, but really I couldnt find it more
appalling. There are less and less Jews in town day by day and I just dont agree with Adolfs
motives. Even the Germans are starting to come out of their homes less and stay off the streets
because Adolf rules them with absolute fear and nobody wants to oppose of the NAZIs actions
and face the consequences. Im going to take Thomas and Gregory out of their youth group in
May and send them to America where they will stay with their Aunt Elena and Uncle Gertrude
until I can somehow leave myself. Im hoping as the eldest that Gregory will explain to Tommy
why it has to be and take care of him in my absence but Im asking, pleading with you Margaret,
to check in with them from time to time and tell them that everyday Im another day closer to
reuniting with them.
953 Fuller Avenue, New Hampshire MA. There is the address and it should only be an hour
away from your house. I hope you and Benjamin are doing well and I look forward to seeing you
once again.
Sincerely yours, Lauren Steinway

Nobody must find out about this letter or my life will be threatened for my disagreement with the
NAZI party.

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