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UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program

MS/SS Observation Form

Novice/Apprentice/Resident Teacher Date
Lauren Daus & Jose Ortiz ___________ __May 12, 2014
Observer School/Class
Elexia Reyes McGovern UCLA CS MS, Ms. Merino
TPE 1: Pedagogical Skills Observer Commentary
Elementary Core Practices
Opening move
Questioning and responding
Secondary Core Practices
_ Engaging students in rigorous content
High Level Tasks, Concept Maps
X_Engaging students in discourse
Learning Cycle ?s, Think-Pair-Share
X Providing Equitable Access to Content
Form. Assessment, Word Bank/Wall
X_ Developing a positive classroom ecology
Opening/Closing Rout, Comm Circle
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning
Checking for understanding
Asking & answering relevant questions
TPE 3: Use of Assessments
Use of criteria/rubric
Taking formal assessment
X Completing projects
Student presentations
TPE 4: Making Content Accessible
Accessing prior knowledge
X Referencing lived experiences
__ Scaffolding
TPE 5: Student Engagement
X Student participation
Culturally relevant materials
TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate
X Use of media & technology
TPE 7: Teaching English Learners
___ SDAIE methodology
X Academic vocabulary
TPE 8: Learning About Students
Community building activities
TPE 9: Instructional Planning
X Lesson plans
X Agenda communicated to students
TPE 10: Instructional Time
Starting and ending class
TPE 11: Social Environment
___ Inviting and clean; safe
X Student work displayed
___ Caring environment
TPE 12: Professional, Legal, & Ethical
__ Classroom management
__ Teacher speech: clear, pace, warm, tone

TPE 13: Professional Growth
TEP portfolio
Daily reflections

Time Whats going on?



Character Image:
o You will create a miniature image of what your
character might look like
o For example:
Jose models Stephen Austin on docucam; takes Ss through the
different piece of Stephen Austin (brain, heart, see, rifle,
handcuffs, ticket)
So I went to the Norton Simon Museum yesterday, and it was
interesting to see all these religious art and to have these little
numbers above the different parts of the art and a little
explanation to the side describing what each symbol stood for
(very similar to character images), but it may also be a cool
model one day?

Ss get paper to draw their own character
Ss have character descriptions Were these handed out ahead of
time? Or did students choose their own characters?

T reminds Ss that they may have allies and enemies among the
different characters in class
T says time check 5 more minutes
Ss work quietly & chat with each other

Now we are going to be moving on to the walk and interview
section. Im actually passing out post-its. You are going to use it
as a name tag.

T has Ss read walk and interview guidelines.
Ss reads #1
T revoices
T calls on Marcos, I know you want to read this.
Marcos reads
T explains you cant interview yourself
Ss talk, T interrupts with, what about the last bullet point
T passes out the war with Mexico questions

T is introduced to swear in as character, I will remain in
character of the activity and at the end of the activity, Ill return
back to my wonderful, beautiful, intelligent self. You are now
characters in the Mexican-American war.

T so on your post-it, you should be writing your name on your
post-it. And before the character walk, we will be completing the
war on Mexico: questions.

Time Whats going on?






T reads questions and explains.
T can somebody repeat what the instructions are? (Dinner Party part)
Jose, I notice that you are cold calling on students, which I like! I would make it even more random
by using popsicle sticks or note cards (with students names on them) and randomly choose
students to read, call on, repeat instructions. That randomizes the process a little more and ensures
you call on all students.

Ss are expected to fill out questions as they talk to one another.
Ss get up and talk to each other. Most Ss are up moving around. Some Ss have their name tags on,
other Ss name tags are falling off and some dont have any.

It seems like Ss are lumping in groups of 4 5 people and trying to talk with those people, later Ss
are moving to talk to other Ss.

S ask questions like, do you support the war or are you against it;
T: You should have half of our questions already done.
Ss start moving around more

T you got 5 minutes left
5 more minutes

T: Just admit it! Youre for the war!
T: ok you have less than a minute left, you should start making your way back to your seat.
Ss begin to sit down.
Some Ss still standing
T: Alright, time is up. You should start making your way back to your sit right now.

T: Alright, back to your seat everybody. Interviews are over.
Note card already projected, Ss still talking & Ss are seated.
T: Can I have your attention, (pause) please?
Work on sounding assertive. It is not optional for Ss. Classrooms need order and asserting yourself
as facilitator is totally appropriate.
T: How did you like this activity?
Thumbs up for like, thumbs down for down

T reads: Using the character interviews, how did the United States growth create conflict and how
did it affect the lives of the people you interviewed?

T: Can somebody summarize for 8
grade language what that means?
T rewords question and then address question #6 in the packet

T: Imperial means imperialistic. Can someone define what that means?
S: Its like a big, big empire, like the government.
T: Exactly, its like a big government that takes over everything.
Is this the type of definition that you want? What about creating a word wall? You have some pretty
important concepts this unit imperialism, manifest destiny (look over your academic language
T: You have 5 minutes.

Ss write.
Ss pass up notecard and the worksheet with questions.
Ss pass notecard and drawing forward

T: Are you all done here? Can you look forward?

T: We all know with growth
S: Comes more responsibility and more death (although I thought the Ss at first said debt!)
T: Yes, can you explain why

T: Who were the original settlers of these areas?
S: Mexicans and Native Americans
T: So what happens to these people? So who does it benefit and who does it not benefit?
Who does it harm?

T: At this moment, I hope that you enjoyed the activity and you are dismissed.
Ss collect belongings and walk out.


Ts stand at door and shake Ss hands.
Ss sitting down. Some Ss standing up as they come into class.
S talk with one another. Ss than enter late, come up to T and shake hands.

Ss say something Good Morning Ms. Daus?
T asks good things that happened this weekend
Give round of applause
This is actually where I think Darlenes 3 claps on 3 would work really well. Have you tried it?

Ss are talking to each other throughout the share
T asks young woman to move back to her original seat.
T: Lets give Douglas our attention please.
Yes, is there a way to set up this expectation from the beginning of the weekend share out?
Ss quiet down.

So Thursday, we meet the groups
CIA secret agent files.
So if you can all go back to your original place on Thursday (Ss move). Wait, wait. And 3, 2, 1.
So over here should be Abraham Lincoln, and in the fact David Henry Thoreau,
And plantation owners, and in this area, who was over here in this area?

So please go to your places and
Ss get up and move into their small groups.

T: Im going to give you three seconds to settle yourselves.
T: Ok, times up.

T: Ok the last time, you were able to go to other people and figure out who you agreed with.
T: So Abraham Lincoln, who did you go to?

T: Who was able to figure out who you dont want on your side?

Im going to give you 5 7 minutes to figure out who is on your side, and who you dont want on
your side. To make your argument strong.

T: Can someone tell me the first thing youre going to do.
S tells T.
Can somebody else in your own words tell what we are going to do?
T: Ok so thumbs up if you get what you are supposed to do, thumbs down if you need more
T: Ok Im going to give you 5 7 minutes. Ok go and spread your wings!

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