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June 2014

Hibiscus Centre
Greetings everyone, Welcome to the month of June! Give your-
selves a pat on the back, we are half way through this year, and
many of us are bearing witness to the magnificent transfor-
mations taking place within us, and each other!
There is still a lot of movement and revelation occurring daily,
but we have aligned ourselves with the right people to love and
support us during this metamorphic process.
Know you are loved and supported, and be open to the energy
that is wishing to be moved and transformed. If we are being
totally honest with ourselves, we are all experiencing great per-
sonal revelations at this time, assisting us to step into a space of
grace, and unconditional love; the truth of who we each are.
Many of us feel challenged in learning a whole new way of being.
We are rewriting our old programs, that no longer serve us, and
this month feels to be the month that we really must begin imple-
menting our new found strength in who we have discovered our-
selves to BE.
This aspect of self has always been there, hidden beneath the lay-
ers of untruths that we have been programed with, and run un-
consciously, until now.
June feels like a month of celebration; celebrating your insights,
revelations and personal triumphs.
We are doing this for ourselves, but eventually we will come to
realise the effect we are having on each other, our community
and creating Heaven on Earth,.
Have an outstanding month, and take a bow to the Universe.
Receive that pat on the back that the Universe is extending to
you. Sit with yourself, and see how far you have come.
You are all amazing, Vibrational beacons of light, which extend
further into the great abyss than ever before. The darkness is
receding, due to all the wonderful work you are doing on your-
Be courageous, and keep up the great work!
Wishing everyone a month full of Love, Peace and Expansion
into experiencing more Bliss.

Tracey's musings.....1
Your voice...2
Your voice...3
Guest introduction ...4
Events of interest...5
What's happening ....6

Earth Angels and Light Workers United
Of Expanded Awareness
The great thing in this world is not so much where we are,
but in what direction we are moving!"
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Thought for the Month
Part One: The Royal Angels
You Are an Individual reflection of The Prime Creator
Looking back AT humanities journey and following it all the way back to its
inception; we must go beyond the human Being and the physical realm of
time, space and form. Our reality is termed the third dimension and duality. It
is also termed The Game board of Life, The planet of free choice where angels
come to play. For angels to Ascend to higher realms they must first come
through the Human experience. Yes, that is us.
Everything in this realm is first created within the ethereal realms, then
brought/manifested into the physical and answers the question, Where does
thought come from.
It is a repetition we continue every day in that we dream of doing /making and
achieving something.
In the beginning we were a Dream of the Prime Creator/The Source. When
this benevolent being first expressed this dream it became The Word or Vibra-
tion and in all that exists since that moment is known as The out Breath of
Creation. And save to say that when this vibration was made physically mani-
fest it became the Light.
When we create something we are repeating or mirroring this Action. So the
metaphor that we are made in the Image of, (not looks like) the Creator.
Therefore when we achieve that, which we choose to create and then languish
in the results all that we put in comes back to us. The coming back to us of this
is the In Breath. What we give out comes back to us in kind.
2012 was the turning point and currently we are experiencing the In Breath of
the Prime Creator.
While we as humans (those that are conscious of this process) call this time
Ascension, Spirit (All That Is and us outside of our physical being) call this
Descension. While we view ourselves as climbing the ladder to some kind of
heaven/ Spirit sees itself as coming down the ladder.
The meeting point has many terms and includes Ground Zero, The New Ener-
gy, The New Earth, and is recognised as the completion of The Divine Plan.
The Divine Human Angel or Spirit manifested with all its abilities housed
within the human form
This section is here for you,
our reader and supporter
of the Hibiscus Centre Of
Expanded Awareness
I welcome any
articles, musings or ques-
tions you wish to share
with others.
Take advantage of having a
special place to share. We
each have opinions and
passions worth sharing,
this is your chance to do so
via the mighty pen/
Email your musings to


Thought for the Month
As these two meet something new is created, which was/is the Dream of the Prime Crea-
Naturally this description of our collective journey as Spirit then human leaves much out
and can be researched through the internet-the Universal mind. Our journeys as individu-
al sparks of Prime Creator are so diverse and sovereign that no one individual has the abil-
ity/knowledge to control the truthful outcome or answer for another.
What Ascension is not about is us leaving the planet en masse and going to some Nirvana.
That is closer to some religious or political concept designed to control by division and
If you educate/indoctrinate people into believing they have two or more options and then
tell them they have freedom of choice of which to belong to, most will choose sides to gain
safety in numbers. There will even be those who see all these choices and say, I do not
choose that religion or political ideal so will exist outside of that. In reality this was New
Age Spiritualism or some new political system.
When a system is chosen for the inclusion of all then religion and politics will be left be-
hind. This is the New Earth.
Often our feelings of deep loneliness keep us striving for that perfect Soul mate or even
material possessions to achieve a feeling of completeness. In reality we are searching for
our self, Our Soul Self, our Divine reflection. This is the ethereal part of our self before we
became a physical being.
Do you see? We have been taught/ conditioned to search outside of self. There is only the
This is the difference between Evolution and Revolution. While both these words hold the
word love showing that the soul is free to choose only one gives a Soulution.
Within these two words is the answer to manifesting all that we desire for the highest out-
come individually and collectively.
If youre daily choices are from a place of love of self, then you will arrive at the zero point
and that choice will give you clarity.
If your choice is not for the highest outcome you will revolve back to make another choice
till you arrive.
From this perspective in creation there is always a perfect outcome regardless because
that is evolution.
Grenville M. Malcon

Sovereign Human Concept

Do you have a particular
subject you would like to
learn more about?

Perhaps you have a healing
modality or insights on lifes
journey you would like to
share with us at the Centre Of
Expanded Awareness?
If so, please feel free to
contact Tracey.
See the last page for contact
Antion & Elandra

Antion is known and loved as a speaker as well as inspi-
rational musician, with his masterful oratory, medita-
tions and singing of love and peace in the New Thought
Churches and Sacred Music Festivals in the Hawaiian Is-
lands, USA and internationally.
Singer and teacher of Sacred Voice, Naad Yoga, Sound
Healing, Mantra chanting: Antion was the first teacher of
Kundalini Yoga and Naad Yoga, - the yoga of sacred
sound, sound healing and mantra - in UK and in Europe
Throughout the four decade process of mastering one
musical discipline after another, he has developed an un-
paralleled musical expression that holds you spellbound.
He is a charismatic man, leader, speaker, healer and
spiritual teacher dedicated to supporting others through
his global appearances, concerts and teachings. He cher-
ishes his love of Spirit through many meditative daily
Together with Elandra, his healer celebrant wife of forty
years they live an internationally mobile lifestyle pre-
senting concerts, workshops and retreats around the
world. These include Living Love Kundalini Yoga & Sa-
cred Voice Naad Yoga, Sacred Sites and Sounds Journeys
and much more.

To learn more about Antion or Elandra, please check out
their websites:



Life Empowerment and Support Group
Friday 27th June
Whangaparaoa Library in the Pohutukawa Room
10am until 12 Midday.
Come along and join with others for conversation and insight
to assist you in personal growth towards living the life you
dream of.

For more information go to

If you have an up coming
workshop of event of
interest, please let Tracey
know as she is happy to
spread the word on your
Numerology basics with Gale
15th of JUNE 2014 9.30 till 4.30
This Foundation course includes an understanding of day
numbers- the other side of you....
* How to calculate your day born number.
* Introduction to life path number.
* notes to take with you to support your journey.
*The simple Science of self mastery.
Cost $55.00
Please bring Lunch, morning and Afternoon tea provided.
note pad and pens, a must.

Tuesday 3rd of June
Interactive evening

Tuesday 17th June
(See page 4 to become better acquainted with Antion and Elandra )

Friday 27th June
Life Support & Empowerment
(See page 5 for details.)

Stanmore Bay
Community Hall
41 Waiora Road
Stanmore Bay

Meetings start
promptly at 7.00 pm
Everyone welcome


Tracey Ormerod

021 0238 5206


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Hibiscus Centre of Expanded

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