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What are the Akashic Records?

Akashic is Sanskrit for primary substance.

They have been referred to by different names such as: The
Book of Life, the Cosmic ind, the !niversa" ind, the
co""ective unconscious, the co""ective subconscious, and the
Sou" #ecords.
$t is the past, present, and future kno%"ed&e of a"" thin&s.
$t is the universa" fi"in& system %hich records a"" thou&hts,
%ords, and action. $t is the repository of a"" human e'perience,
a record of a"" events.
Some say the akashic records are simi"ar to a Cosmic or
co""ective conciousness.
They are records of ta"ents and kno%"ed&e.
They are not actua" books or scro""s, thou&h many peop"e see
them as such %hen they access them, but they are actua""y an
ener&etic vibration. $t is this ener&y vibration that trans"ates
into ima&es, forms, symbo"s, ima&ery, and "an&ua&e that the
mind can understand.
(very person can access their o%n records.
Access to others records is &ained throu&h access to the
)i&her Se"f of that person *or+by ones )i&her Se"f &oin& to
)i&her "eve"s of spirit for access ,%ith permission.
-hatever your e'pectations are..
The Akashic #ecords
-i"" c"ose"y resemb"e
-hat it is you first
(nvision it to be.
How can you Access the Records?
There are many %ays to access the Akashic #ecords.
Certain peop"e &o into subconscious states to read the records,
such as the "ate American ystic (d&ar Cayce.
(d&ar Cayce did his readin&s %hi"e in a s"eep state, or trance.
)e a"so en"isted the he"p of spirit, a notab"e (n&"ish /hysician,
%ho he"ped provide (d&ar Cayce %ith many of the Cayce
0ther %ays that an individua" can &ain access to their records
is by any of the fo""o%in&:
Creative 1isua"i2ation
/ast Life #e&ression
-ith your attunement and this manua" you %i"" "earn about
severa" techni4ues, and a meditation.
Where are the records found?
Some be"ieve the Akashic #ecords are found bet%een the
astra" p"ane and the menta" p"ane. 5rom these p"anes, the
records permeate throu&h a"" the dimensiona" rea"ities or
"eve"s %ithin the universe.
The Akashic records incorporate both the persona" and the
transpersona" of a"" manifestations inc"udin& the an&e"ic
They are e'istin& at a much hi&her vibration than the
Co""ective !nconcious 6%hich permeates throu&h the 7
, 8
and 9
p"anes of the : Astra" p"anes mode".,
They e'ist at a much hi&her vibration than the Cosmic ind
6%hich permeates throu&h the ;
, <
, =
and :
"eve"s of the
Astra" p"anes mode".,
The Akashic #ecords e'ist so that %e mi&ht share our
individua" >ourney here in this dimensiona" rea"ity %ith one
$n the Akashic #ecords ? -e are a"" 0@(.
What are the Benefits of an Akashic Reading?
Seekin& the Truth
Aou %ant to kno% %ho you are
Aou %ant to kno% %here you have "ived in the past
Aou %ant to kno% the impact of your past "ives upon you
Aou %ant to kno% about future e'periences
Aou %ant to receive va"uab"e &uidance on ho% to %ork throu&h
present patterns, cha""en&es, or issues
Aou %ant to make a career chan&e or "ife transition
Aou are searchin& for c"arity in a re"ationship
Aou are "ookin& for spiritua" &uidance
Lookin& for ans%ers for specific physica", menta", andBor
emotiona" prob"ems.
-hat is my sou" purposeC
What is the Goal of reading the Akashic Records?
The &oa" of readin& the Akashic records is to provide va"uab"e
information to assist one in havin& a better "ife.
This information can he"p assist you in "ivin& a better and
happier "ife ri&ht no%.
This information can he"p enhance your persona"
deve"opment, as %e"" as your spiritua".
An Akashic readin& can brin& the &uidance you need in your
"ife to %ork throu&h present prob"ems, it can a""o% peop"e the
opportunities they need for &ro%th, direction, creativity, and
>oy, and an Akashic readin& can brin& peace and
understandin& to current day i""nesses, &rief and sufferin&.
An Akashic readin& can he"p you sort out difficu"t or ma>or "ife
transitions. $t can brin& c"arity to your thou&ht processes or
he"p you to see the prob"em from an an&"e you have not
-hen you access the records, you %i"" norma""y see those
events %ith the &reatest amount of ener&y around them. These
are the thin&s that %i"" %ant to be addressed first.
Aou %i"" be ab"e to se"ect and then, tune into, the first thou&ht
that comes throu&h, and %ork %ith it and %atch it unfo"d.
Spend time after a session to inte&rate the information you
Dourna"in& is one of the most he"pfu" too"s to use %hi"e
accessin& the Akashic #ecords.
After each session, 4uick"y >ot do%n a"" the thin&s you
remember, take note of the %ords, the symbo"s, the co"ours,
the sme""s, and even the tastes that you can remember of your
This may prove inva"uab"e in the future as thin&s be&in to
unfo"d. Aou %i"" than have a 4uick reference &uide of your
Dourna"in& can a"so he"p to c"arify the ans%ers that you
receive to specific 4uestions.
Before your Akashic readin& session, >ot do%n a 4uestion at
the top of your >ourna".
Sit in your meditation.
Access the #ecords.
Ask the Euestion.
-rite do%n the ans%er.
Five Fratitude.
#evie% your notes after the session.
Some Journaling Questions
-hat is my Sou"s purposeC
-hy am $ a"%ays i""C
-ho am $C
Am $ on the ri&ht pathC
Am $ in the ri&ht vocationC
Am $ in the ri&ht re"ationshipC
-hat is my purpose on (arth at this timeC
-hy cant $ hea"C
-hat is physica""y %ron& %ith meC
-hat emotiona" scars am $ carryin& aroundC
-hat karmic debts do $ need to payC
-here %i"" $ find happinessC
-i"" $ ever find true "oveC
What N! to e"#ect of an Akashic Records Reading
!he $uture
6-e can a"" chan&e, and %hen %e do the future chan&es,
6Cures can be partia" or do more harm than &ood. Seek out the
cause of i""nesses. Sometimes, the i""ness is %hat "eads us out
into the %or"d as a seeker,
&edical 'iagnosis
6@o one is a""o%ed to &ive medica" dia&nosis un"ess they are a
trained and "icensed edica" 3octor,
Relationshi# (ssues
6@o one shou"d encoura&e same se' re"ationships, divorces,
havin& affairs, etc. Leave these decisions to the c"ient,
63o not encoura&e c"ients to depend upon you that they can
no "on&er make any decisions for their "ives on their o%n. This
is very &reedy and %i"" "ead to Garmic 3ebts,
Akashic Records &editation *$or your own use or grou#
Father the ener&ies %ithin yourse"f and visua"i2e the cosmos %ithin your
See it s%ir"in& around your heart..&ro%in& "ar&er and "ar&""in& up
your entire body.
1isua"i2e the cosmos s%ir"in& around the outside of your physica"
See it reachin& out across the room...
see the ener&y risin& up and out%ard..
see it around your house.
Then say..
$ am the !niverse * $ am
$ am the Sphere * $ am
$ am the Li&ht * $ am
$ am the 5"ame * $ am
$ am the S%ord * $ am
$ am the !niverse * $ am
1isua"i2e a f"ame of "i&ht comin& do%n into the room. See this f"ame of
"i&ht encirc"e everythin& in this room.
This f"ame is sent here %ith the hea"in& po%er of Spirit. This f"ame is to
be used to cross out any ne&ativity that e'ists here and no%.
!se the hea"in& po%er of Spirit no% to transmute any ne&ative thou&hts
or fee"in&s into Love.
See yourse"f as a f"ame burnin& bri&ht...
burnin& off a"" ne&ativity..
So that on"y Love remains.
Aou are a pure f"ame of "i&ht.see yourse"f as a sphere of "i&ht.
Ask the Creator to "ift this sphere of "i&ht to the p"ane of Conciousness
that is one )eart and ind %ith )erB)im. -here on"y "ove, >oy, and
truth can come to you and from you.
Ask the Creator to p"ace over this sphere of "i&ht three concentric
pyramids of "i&ht. These pyramids of "i&ht. These pyramids a"i&n to the
four corners of the !niverse.
To the (ast * you ask An&e" #aphae" to stand as Fuardian * The An&e" of
)ea"in& and Li&ht
To the South * you ask An&e" ichae" to stand %ith his s%ord of
3ispassion and 3iscrimination.
To the -est * you ask An&e" Fabrie" to stand %ith his Cup of Truth and
To the @orth * you ask !rie" * the An&e" of the Akashic #ecords 6A GA
T)A, e'istin& in the trian&"e of Li&ht "ocated in the third eye, to activate
the entrance to the porta" to the )a"" of #ecords.
Ask that %hatever you access at this space and time is for your hi&hest
evo"ution and spiritua" &ro%th. Aou ask this in the @ame of the Creator,
5ather, other, Fod, A"" That $s.
3o not make any >ud&ements of %hat you are e'periencin&... you %i""
&et your information in different %ays..perhaps you see nothin& at
a""... maybe you on"y hear somethin&..%hatever you are e'periencin&
is re"evant to you.
Take a moment no% to >ot do%n in your >ourna" %hat you are
$t is time to "eave see yourse"f &ettin& up from the tab"e no%
and movin& to%ards the door.the Freat 3oor%ay to the #ecords..
Aou are enterin& a s%ir"in& porta" of Li&ht throu&h a trian&"e 6 A GA T)A ,
in the third eye and are no% returnin& to the room and conciousness.
Take a deep breath and s"o%"y re"ease it as you sink back into your
physica" body. Become a%are of the room.
Ask the !niversa" Li&ht ener&y to be here @o%H
Ask for )ea"in& and -ho"e inte&ration of your /ast Life Garmas.
Ask for Love+ Li&ht+ Doy * Truth to penetrate and permeate your bein&.
Spend a fe% moments in the )ea"in& Li&ht.
-rite do%n any further e'periences you received from the )ea"in& Li&ht
in your >ourna".
Be 0pen.
Be 5ocused.
Be #e"a'ed.
Be Ca"m.
Be Stron&.
Thank a"" your asters, Teachers, Loved 0nes and Fuides for the
e'periences of the #ecords today.
Ask for their continued &uidance and "i&ht surroundin& these situations.
Thank the An&e"s and the Lord of the Akashic #ecord, !rie", for their
interdimensiona" inte&ration and protection.
@o% is the time to read your e'periences of the #ecords.
0m @amah Shivaya
6$ honor Creator %ithin me,
,rayer and ,rocess to Access Records for -ourself
Paragraph 1 4 say aloud once.
Paragraph 1 4 Tell inwardly twice.
7. 3ear Fod, Creator, $ ask that you p"ace your shie"d of Li&ht,
Love and Truth around me.......
8. So that on"y Li&ht, Love and Truth can pass throu&h to
9. $ ask that my Fuides, Furadians, An&"es, Loved 0@(S A@3
Bein&s of Li&ht be %ith me no%.
;. $ ask the Lord of the Akashic #ecords to a""o% me access to
the )a"" off #ecords so that $ may vie% my #ecords.
6(nter no% and ask your 4uestion,
6-hen finished, ask your ne't 4uestion,
$ thank the Lord of the Akashic #ecords for a""o%in& me
entrance to the #ecords.
$ thank my Fuides, Fuardians, An&e"s, Loved 0nes and
Bein&s of Li&ht for bein& %ith me today.
And So $t $s.
,rayer to Access Records $or thers
/ara&raph 7 * ; say a"oud once.
/ara&raph 7 * ; te"" in%ard"y t%ice.
/ara&raph < say a"oud once.
7. 3ear Fod, Creator, $ ask that you p"ace your shie"d of Li&ht,
Love, and Truth around me and 6@ame of C"ient,.
8. So that on"y Li&ht, Love and Truth can pass throu&h to me
and 6@ame of C"ient,
9. $ ask that my Fuides, Fuardians, An&e"s, Loved 0nes and
Bein&s of Li&ht and those of 6@ame of C"ient, be %ith us no%.
;. $ ask the Lord of Akashic #ecords to a""o% me and 6@ame of
C"ient, to access the )a"" of #ecords so that $ may vie% 6@ame
of C"ient, s #ecords.
<. 6@ame of C"ient, $ ask you to open your heart no% and "et it
surround us so that $ may see %hat is in your heart.
6@o% ask your 4uestion,
6-hen you are finished, ask the ne't 4uestion,
$ thank the Lord of the Akashic #ecords for a""o%in& us
entrance into the #ecords.
$ thank a"" our Fuides, Fuardians, An&e"s, Loved 0nes and
Bein&s of Li&ht for bein& %ith us today.
And So $t $s.
!o Attune thers
$ ask my )i&her Se"f to attune 6@ame of attune, at 6 Time, on
63ate, in hisBher time2one for the ener&y of the Lord of the
Akashic #ecords, AGAS)A.J
The attunement %i"" "ast for around 8< * 9K minutes.

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