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One of biggest factor of happiness is the brain.

People usually dont know this because

they believe that happiness is affected solely of the actions they take and their surroundings.
Happiest cannot be measured but it can be increased and we also know the chemical cause of
it. The chemical that causes this is dopamine. Dopamine is released when you have a sense of
pleasure and there are many causes of the release such as food, activities, etcThere are ways
that this chemical can be prevented and increased ferly easily (Austin Perlmutter).
An increase in dopamine is one thing that could make you happier than ever. One
simple way to increase dopamine is to change the way you think and your though process. This
will help you stay positive and you should also reflect on your life and if you dont like it try your
hardest to change it. Another option is to use is medication and this usually is used when it to
the extreme where you are seriously depressed and that is why people use antidepressants.
Antidepressants work but causing dopamine to get released (Perlmutter).
Depressed people are usually that way because they have a decreased amount of
dopamine being released than average person. This could because cause by several factors such
as addictions, obesity, genes and age. The dopamine deficiency of a person who is obese is also
exactly the same as to a drug addict (D.C.). The addicts deficiency is that one of the only times
that they have dopamine release is when they are doing that drug. An obese person has
problem because they have to eat three times the amount of food than the average person to
get the same amount of dopamine to get released. These are deficiencies dangerous in many
ways but can be reversed.
Some of these decreases are not the individuals fault. The brains dopamine level has
been known to deplete with age and this is enviable. It is known that dopamine levels start to
diminish in middle age (Laura Sanders). Another negative thing that may have an effect on
happiness is genes. Certain people of the DRD2 and DRD4 genes have been known to have less
active dopamine circuits as a result of dulled dopamine response (D.C). These levels may
decrease but if you stay positive the will not affect you as severely.
Happiness is greatly impacted by the brain and can be positive or negative. Dopmaine
levels should be watched in case of a sever state of depression and it is important to reflect on
your choices and to have a positive attitude. You are responsible for your own happiness mainly
and it is important to think about that.

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