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Chapter 1 / Lesson 1

Day 1
Introduction to Landforms and Regions
Introduction Powerpoint with basic concepts of landforms and regions
(definitions and examples)
Students are guided through powerpoint with guided powerpoint notes
about regions.
Students fill out their own USA map (dry erase) during the guided
powerpoint notes label the different regions on white/ dry erase
Homework (over pages 17-23 in textbook - may start in class if time permits)

Day 2
Students fill out paper maps of regions from previous lesson
-country broken into different regions
- label concepts
-Coast Ranges
-Coastal Plains
-Intermountain Region
-Great Basin
-Death Valley
-Columbia and Colorado Plateau
-Interior Plains
-Central Plains
-Ozark Plateau
-Great Plains
-Canadian Shield
Sheppard Software Region Map (
Guided powerpoint with picture and or video of each
Homework Yellow S.S. book

Day 3
Landform Vocabulary Books (class book)
Entrance Slip over regions
20 Term vocabulary worksheet (assign students one vocabulary word)
work individually; each student has one term to define and create a page for
the book. Pages must include word, picture (they draw landform), definition, and
two examples of each term (examples are homework)

Day 4-6
Group Research in the Computer Lab and traveling the landforms
Day 1 Computer Lab
Students will be assigned groups. Each group (6 groups) will be
given on of the following landforms:
Mt. McKinley Highest Mountain
Death Valley Lowest Point
Grand Canyon Largest Gorge
Lake Superior Largest freshwater Lake
Crater Lake Deepest Lake
Mammoth Cave Largest Cave
Mississippi River Longest River

Each group will fill out a worksheet on their landform (work
individually at first and then together as a group, but every student will fill out
paper), find pictures, and watch a video about their landform

Day 2 Students will fill out posters (labels made by teacher) to display
on their tables for class to learn from

Day 3 Students will travel to each landform in the classroom
filling out worksheets about each landform. Each group will talk
about their landform when the class gets to their tables.
Homework - (Map Skill Sheet 18-Mrs. Artz)

Discovery Education Video on Landforms

Day 7-8
Presentations (Vocabulary Books)
Each student presents page and I put up definition on
SmartBoard/powerpoint (if students are not comfortable presenting, I will present
with them)
Student hands me page and I make class book as everyone presents
Students fill in pre-made books (Term, definition, picture, two
Homework (7 U.S. Landforms Region 3 Qestions)

Day 9
USA/Country Scavenger Hunt
This will be done in the computer lab. Each student will work individually
Landform Scavenger Hunt (worksheets already created)
Region information page (bring up on SmartBoard and discuss
regions as a class)

Day 10 Haunted Landform Maps
Warm-Up Review with class on main white board. Students list
landforms. Teacher asks students what an adjective is and then come
up with names for the landforms brainstormed earlier (Haunter Hill,
Monster Mountain, Boo Bay, Goblin Glacier, etc.)
Haunted Maps: Students create a Haunted City which must include:
-Compass Rose
-3 Landforms with adjective names (Bloody River, Ghost Mountain)
-A LOT of color
Landform Homework (Map Skillsheet 11 Mrs. Artz)


Day 11
Review Day Before Test
Use Smart Board to go over powerpoint with terms
Have students answer vocabulary word questions with dry erase
boards (write down answer and hold up)
Use ( to review
with students

Day 12
Landform Test Day!
5 minutes to study
Intro to water with library book

Chapter 1 / Lesson 2

Day 1
Introduction to Bodies of Water
Introduce water words on powerpoint and theme of Finding Nemo
Guided notes students works as a table group: There will be an
ocean section, a river section, and a lake section. Each table group
may work quietly together. This will be a competition/scavenger
Read pages 17-23


Day 2
4 Lakes Geography Book
Class divided into 4 groups. They must research type of lake and
make a poster board (they have guided questions to answer)

Day 3
Finish posters
4 groups present their findings to the class and rest of class takes notes
on their own papers
Teacher has a picture example of each lake on powerpoint

Day 4
Oceans! - Tides/waves
Students learn about tides and waves through guided notes on the
BrainPOP videos

Day 5
Oceans! - Ocean Life
Entrance Slip on tides and waves
Powerpoint guided notes on ocean life (fish and coral)

Day 6
Oceans! - What makes the water salty
Entrance Slip on Ocean Life
Powerpoint guided notes on salt water

Day 7
Mississippi River Class Model
As a class, we will travel and label the Mississippi River using key
vocabulary words. We will draw a model of the river, travel from
North to South and label key sections (tributaries, mouth, source, etc).
Powerpoint about Mississippi River and label

Day 8
Students take a Finding Nemo themed quiz over lakes, oceans, and
After quiz, class begins watching Finding Nemo

Day 9
Finding Nemo What Are You Thankful For?
Students continue watching Finding Nemo
As students are watching movie they will fill out a Nemo coloring
sheet and state things they are thankful for!

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